Warning. Dangerous Content. How does a person get help from the United States of Am


New member
Not even going to bother getting into the paganism inherent in the celebration.

1. As it exists, it comes from Catholicism, as part of a week of self-righteous works.

2. It's not the correct date.

3. Even if it were the correct date, what's the point of celebrating something for which there's no biblical example or injunction to celebrate on one specific day of the year?

4. A majority, probably, of people who celebrate Easter are on some level seeking to follow and to know Christ after the flesh, something we cannot and should not seek to do (2 Cor 5:16), which again ties back into it being derived from part of a "holy" week where -- let's be blunt about it -- one's participation is composed of self-righteous works which rack up spiritual points with God. THAT'S WHY THE WEEK OF WHICH EASTER IS A PART WAS CREATED IN THE FIRST PLACE.

For the remaining minority, it's just a church tradition that gives warm fuzzies, like Christmas does.

For a relative few, they use it to remember the Resurrection (see point 3).

Like I said I think the culture and traditions are different in your country than they are in mine and so the points you are making above about Catholicism (which has many questionable practises but is still filled with good Christians who are seeking the living God Jesus demand I don't know a whole lot about it so I won't comment further on Catholicism because I am not informed enough to make comments. Yes I was once co soldered to be Catholic in the polish tradition when I was a young child but that's about the extent I know) And yes it is not the correct date, does anyone truly know the date anyway.. itz not about the date we celebrate Easter , it is that we choose to celebrate it on the day that my country grants us a 4 day national holiday and it is in spring - which is perfect to symbolize new life - like Jesus resurrection. It matters not the day we celebrate ..like at all.. it's what we celebrate and it has nothing to do with this works based system you talk about - not that I have ever seen - that may be the way they do it in your country and region but the USA is just a small piece of earth/land and it may seem to many people and in the news as the centre of the world and yes it is a big political power but there are hundreds of other countries and traditions that must do thi vs and celebrate Jesus very differently than what you have seen where you live. It's not a bad thing but it's important that you don't judge another person's traditions - especially when it is all about giving praise and worship and glory to the Lord - I don't know any Christian who would say that is wrong.

A good idea is to ask about the way myself and many others where I am from celebrate a centuries old tradition of celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ and giving glory to God and spreading the gospel. Instead of immediately assuming that the way we celebrate a tradition to honor our God - Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit- is similar to what you have seen where you live or have experienced, it would have been nice to find out rather than assume is all. Because what you said about what you have experienced Easter as being in those 4 points is very different from how I have been raised to celebrate the living Lord. And even if it is not perfect - because what human tradition or celebration is perfect in it's entirety ?- it is all about the heart of the celebration and the way that is meant to give thanksgiving and praise and honor and glory to the risen Jesus and what could be wrong with that!?

I truly wish that we could all celebrate and have this holiday everyday of the year but it is not possible and it should be done more than once a year but the fact that we get a 4 day national holiday and days off in order to bring loved ones together to all be together in remembrance and celebration, I am greatful for it. And so it doesn't matter the day is, it matters that we all take time to reflect on what God has done to free us from our bondage to sin and death and has liberated us to life with Jesus and gave us the hope that we too, like Jesus, will be resurrected into eternal life!!! Praise God!
So just please next time ask before assuming and putting myself or anyone else into a box before you understand and we can have a discussion. Thanks. And if you still choose to then I guess we can just agree to disagree :)


New member
The definition of pagan should be applied to the human sacrifice your belief is built on. Easter is a celebration of Christ awaking in us 1Cor 3:16, portrayed in myriads of symbolic stories Gal 4:24 , beautiful paradoxical stories that are blemished by turning the other cheek to Rome's paganism that flooded the Christian religion since the third century, if we are to judge by fruits then that institution is a thistle of thorns blowing its seeds of genocidal dogma around the globe, and every where those seeds germinated the native blood was shed to appease its coveting spirit fed by the god of the dead letter that kills 2Cor 3:6, Psalms 40:6.

Without the final sacrifice of the perfect, sinless Lamb of God there could be no forgiveness of sins. But the tomb was empty and the crucified Jesus was raised - He was resurrected! Without the final sacrifice there is no forgiveness and without this death there is no newness of life eternal. Lol it's not celebrating a human sacrifice because was not only human, Jesus was fully human yet fully God, a mystery we will never fully understand and it is not only about the death it is about the glorious resurrection!


New member
If a saved person wants to celebrate Jesus' resurrection on the same day as all celebrate Easter, then one can do that. If a saved person wants to celebrate Jesus' birthday on December 25th, they can do that.

Absolutely Amen! It's those who are preoccupied with days instead of the Gospel and the celebration of Jesus that's the strange thing. You and don't agree on a whole lot and that's ok, we can have a great dialogue about it one day, but I am happy to see that we can agree on this. If I wanted to celebrate the resurrection which I refer to as an Easter Celebration where I am from, and if I wanted to do that on October 31, or August 25 or whenever then I'm sure someone would complain at it then too lol. But anyone can celebrate Jesus on mayday they wish and truly I wish we could do it every single day but it's just not possible. My country has a 4 day national holiday in the spring - and because it is spring it represents new life - and we have 4 days with family and the church it's a perfect opportunity to spend the 3 days that Jesus went through - in remembrance of those days that ended in the glorious resurrection of Jesus Christ who conquered sin and death once and for all! Instead of people complaining about the calendar day I celebrate this they could take the time complaining about my praise to Jesus and give their own praise instead of condemnation! If we all took the time to encourage and lift each other up instead of tearing each other down that is the best way to honor the Lord.

Amen Sister thanks


New member
That Jesus died for you for, your sins that is, that you would receive forgiveness and be granted the free gift of eternal life in Him if you repent and place or put your faith in God and in Him.

I can explain more. Do you know that much?



That is exactly I celebrate and I call it Easter. except we also add the glorious resurrection of the Lord Jesus, the resurrection is very important you forgot that. So because I call it Easter where I am from and where you are from you call it something else they are celebrating the same beautiful glorious thing!


That is exactly I celebrate and I call it Easter. except we also add the glorious resurrection of the Lord Jesus, the resurrection is very important you forgot that. So because I call it Easter where I am from and where you are from you call it something else they are celebrating the same beautiful glorious thing!


God's Truth

New member
Absolutely Amen! It's those who are preoccupied with days instead of the Gospel and the celebration of Jesus that's the strange thing. You and don't agree on a whole lot and that's ok, we can have a great dialogue about it one day, but I am happy to see that we can agree on this. If I wanted to celebrate the resurrection which I refer to as an Easter Celebration where I am from, and if I wanted to do that on October 31, or August 25 or whenever then I'm sure someone would complain at it then too lol. But anyone can celebrate Jesus on mayday they wish and truly I wish we could do it every single day but it's just not possible. My country has a 4 day national holiday in the spring - and because it is spring it represents new life - and we have 4 days with family and the church it's a perfect opportunity to spend the 3 days that Jesus went through - in remembrance of those days that ended in the glorious resurrection of Jesus Christ who conquered sin and death once and for all! Instead of people complaining about the calendar day I celebrate this they could take the time complaining about my praise to Jesus and give their own praise instead of condemnation! If we all took the time to encourage and lift each other up instead of tearing each other down that is the best way to honor the Lord.

Amen Sister thanks

Amen to you too Sister.

I really enjoy reading what you say. You write really well and really hit on the truth. Your care is obvious, to me anyway. I would like one day to discuss more with you about things where we may differ, but the important thing is to remember that I think we both don't want to condemn anyone as so many here want to do.


Well-known member
You're a liar for saying you're not here to condemn others. No one on TOL obeys Jesus as well as you do. You're here only to constantly remind everyone of it.


Well-known member
Like I said I think the culture and traditions are different in your country than they are in mine

Doesn't matter. Easter is the same worldwide -- at least as far as where it came from, if not in exact practice. The guys in the Philippines who nail each other to crosses for Easter week are following a more extreme form of the same basic tradition as the old fat women who sit in pews wearing bright yellow hats. Same ultimate source.

Catholicism (which has many questionable practises but is still filled with good Christians who are seeking the living God

But they're not "good Christians." Theyr'e not saved if they're believing and following what Rome tells them to do to get to Heaven. That's the problem.

Jesus demand I don't know a whole lot about it


so I won't comment further on Catholicism because I am not informed enough to make comments.

Yet you already did, and they're not informed. No one can have an intelligent conversation about Easter as it exists without knowing about "Holy" Week, which in turn requires knowing at least something about the false gospel of works taught by the Roman Catholic church. Is. Not. Possible.

Do me one favor first, please: Tell us what must we must know, believe and do to be 100% sure we'll go to Heaven and not go to Hell?

God's Truth

New member
Doesn't matter. Easter is the same worldwide -- at least as far as where it came from, if not in exact practice. The guys in the Philippines who nail each other to crosses for Easter week are following a more extreme form of the same basic tradition as the old fat women who sit in pews wearing bright yellow hats. Same ultimate source.

But they're not "good Christians." Theyr'e not saved if they're believing and following what Rome tells them to do to get to Heaven. That's the problem.


Yet you already did, and they're not informed. No one can have an intelligent conversation about Easter as it exists without knowing about "Holy" Week, which in turn requires knowing at least something about the false gospel of works taught by the Roman Catholic church. Is. Not. Possible.

Do me one favor first, please: Tell us what must we must know, believe and do to be 100% sure we'll go to Heaven and not go to Hell?

Musterion, it sounds like you think the Catholics should obey.


Well-known member
Without the final sacrifice of the perfect, sinless Lamb of God there could be no forgiveness of sins. But the tomb was empty and the crucified Jesus was raised - He was resurrected! Without the final sacrifice there is no forgiveness and without this death there is no newness of life eternal. Lol it's not celebrating a human sacrifice because was not only human, Jesus was fully human yet fully God, a mystery we will never fully understand and it is not only about the death it is about the glorious resurrection!

That's tradition based on extroverted idolatry if you still literally believe that happened as an adult. The symbolism or patterns etc... are only teaching tools for base level spiritually, no one died on a wooden cross to save you, you are a child of Divinity Gal 4:1 that scripture is portraying in multiple versions, the lamb for one (symbolism) slain from the foundation of everyone's world to experience good and evil Romans 8:20, or a seed fallen from its source to die/sleep with the power from within it's SELF to rise again, that whole cycle is dramatized symbolism about our descent and rising again, our EASTER, why do you think its in the spring! More symbolism.

The keys to that maze of regeneration types and shadows are hidden along our path, just like Golgotha, just by happenstance not! means skull a clue portrayed outwardly to an inward event Rev 11:8 more symbolism about the mind/city/temple where thought is born good and bad for our learning Gal 4:25-26, and how those spoken words/seeds/children bless and curse because we are little Christ in this mortal dream, all the metaphor about waking from the dead is our journey from seed to reaching for the heavens to produce fruit just like the tree of life that produced us, by idolizing your pattern for life you give away you inheritance to a fictional story when its all of Creation you as a child/seed from God represents, does a seed fall of a tree on it own will because its evil? No, only perverted seeds planted in your mind grows that harvest.


Well-known member
Musterion, it sounds like you think the Catholics should obey.

Catholics like you? Absolutely they should obey...the saving Gospel of the grace of God. That's all that can save them and you.

But you hate it because it precludes all your great works and takes away all reason for your pride. So you stick with the basic Catholic formula of "work or burn."