"Truth hurts don't it?"-you
Wow! I just got blitzkrieged, by that original, stunning cliche!
More stock cliches, grunts,hisses..........
"you're church follows the words of man over the word of God."-devil follower
Another stunner....I am reeling!!!!
"There is only one gospel - by grace alone thru faith alone in Christ alone. Your 'kingdom gospel' is an abomination.."-devil child
Translated: He admits that he is a satanist, asserting that there is only one piece of good news in the bible, and thus, on record, again, "argues" that Judas preached the good news of 1 Cor. 15:1-4 KJV,...
You assert that your saint Judas preached:
"Hey, everyone. The master, my Saviour, is going to die for my/our sins, and be raised again for my/our justification. Believe this good news to be justified!!!!! I did, and this is what I was told to preach!!!!!!!"
That is satanic, saint Judas follower/worshiper.
Show us, punk, where the12, including Judas, ever preached the good news of 1 Cor. 15:1-4 KJV, prior to the dbr, at a time they were preaching the good news/gospel of the kingdom.
Chapter, verse. You won't-all you do is spam sound bytes, cliches, with NADA scripture, to back it up, punk, satanist.
"you're church follows the words of man over the word of God."-you
Wow! Another stunning cliche-"the words of man," which is employed by those, whose "argument" is getting picked apart. And your church teaches "the words of God", does it, punk? Quite impressive, punk.Just fluff, filler, that does NADA, to support your satanic "one piece of good news...saint Judas" "argument," nor does it disprove anyone elses'... Watch this...
Your church teaches the words of man.You follow your church "Statement of Faith," not the scripture.
So there. I just one upped you.Fun! Nothing to this debating-just assert, pound the podium, and return to "over worked cliches that say nothing" echo chamber.
Teach us more, saint Judas follower....Please?