Turn At My Reproof.

Grosnick Marowbe

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That is cause you never read the Scriptures,

Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

I think perhaps Musty has spoiled your little scam.

Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
There is no heat here, nothing but "religious" people thinking they know my Father, I told you I come to shake the devil kingdom up and the devil is just sitting back laughing at everyone that don't profess the true gospel of Jesus who is Christ.

I didn't come here to make friends,
Jesus said love not the world, neither the things of it.


Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
Glory to God, I never said I knew it all, I know God. My God in Jesus name Hallelujah.! I never posted anything that say I know it all. If I did I would be a liar cause that mean I put myself equal to God.

I stay stick to the Scriptures,

Who were you the last time you were on TOL?


New member
The Spirit would have never been so blatantly wrong about David being 13 years old.

And no, David was not king of Israel before he was born.
That's just silly talk.

God knew who we all were in Him. Just because you didn't know don't mean He didn't know, God know all things. So me saying David was king before birth is not technically wrong, God knew what we should be.

Jeremiah 1:4 Then the word of the Lord came unto me, saying,

5 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.

God knew all of us before we where born.


New member
[MENTION=13925]Grosnick Marowbe[/MENTION] , you have something against the Spirit of God, for I don't speak of myself neither do I think of myself to be anything, I'm just a man. A man that God Almighty had mercy on and allowed to be filled with knowledge from on High, for God is all things and Iam nothing. You not fighting and poking against me, you are fighting and poking against God.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
[MENTION=13925]Grosnick Marowbe[/MENTION] , you have something against the Spirit of God, for I don't speak of myself neither do I think of myself to be anything, I'm just a man. A man that God Almighty had mercy on and allowed to be filled with knowledge from on High, for God is all things and Iam nothing. You not fighting and poking against me, you are fighting and poking against God.

We're living in what Paul called "The Dispensation of the Grace of God" The ONLY Gospel being preached today is The Grace Gospel. Since you're not preaching that Gospel it means you're preaching "Another gospel" which Paul wouldn't abide with and neither does God. You're a "False Teacher."


New member
COG, you're either a "Troll" or, you actually believe the false doctrine your presenting. Either way, you're causing problems.

If you are so sure, you know what you are talking about, ask God. Himself ask Him, ask God if what I'm preaching is false. If you really love God ask Him. Say LORD God, is this man of you. Ask Him.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
If you are so sure, you know what you are talking about, ask God. Himself ask Him, ask God if what I'm preaching is false. If you really love God ask Him. Say LORD God, is this man of you. Ask Him.

I already KNOW the answer! Your words give you away. You're not a Grace Gospel believer.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I once knew a Morman I worked with about thirty years ago. He told me to pray to God and see if what he (the Mormon) was preaching, was true? The Mormon told me if his doctrine was true, I'd get a "Burning in my Bosom." Needless to say, I didn't have to pray about it, I already knew it was a false religion.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
That is what I thought, you have nothing else to say to me and you already are judged by God wrath that you believe a lie.

This is the second time on TOL someone thinks they've placed a curse on me. The OTHER poster told me, "You'll be beheaded in public." It's been a few years and I still haven't lost my head. Now you come along and think that God will judge and punish me for disagreeing with you. Frankly, I don't believe you or the other poster. I KNOW that I preach the right Gospel for today. I don't have to be concerned with other posters "Judgements."


New member
I once knew a Morman I worked with about thirty years ago. He told me to pray to God and see if what he (the Mormon) was preaching, was true? The Mormon told me if his doctrine was true, I'd get a "Burning in my Bosom." Needless to say, I didn't have to pray about it, I already knew it was a false religion.

I have nothing else to say, you are not of God neither can you hear from Him. God say you are none of His.


New member
This is the second time on TOL someone thinks they've placed a curse on me. The OTHER poster told me, "You'll be beheaded in public." It's been a few years and I still haven't lost my head. Now you come along and think that God will judge and punish me for disagreeing with you. Frankly, I don't believe you or the other poster. I KNOW that I preach the right Gospel for today. I don't have to be concerned with other posters "Judgements."

I didn't pass nothing, I said you are already judged from God, I didn't speak nothing over you, I'm telling you point blank period you not of God, neither do you know God, and He told me you are none of His.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
COG, You won't get very far on TOL by condemning everybody that doesn't agree with water baptism and the speaking of tongues as part of their salvation. There're a few Pentecostal/Charismatics here that might enjoy your preachings?