Literal lunatic
Can't even give me a minute to edit my post.
Sorry friend
Can't even give me a minute to edit my post.
Then, you're assuming that God is "Strategizing," behind the scenes, devastating earthquakes, Tornadoes, etc. That is YOUR opinion of what Scripture is saying. Like I previously stated, sin and the fall of man have placed our world into a vulnerable position that, in turn, allows for such devastation, crime, evil, etc. You and I must, "agree to disagree."
Not sure how you think that is different from what I said.Change 'made' to 'allowed' genius. God could prevent those things but he often doesn't. He allows sinners to reap what they sow to lead them to repentance. You do stupid things and you get stupid consequences.
Change 'made' to 'allowed' genius. God could prevent those things but he often doesn't. He allows sinners to reap what they sow to lead them to repentance. You do stupid things and you get stupid consequences.
God makes peace and creates evil.
A nit to pick at here. God is not accountable to another, else He is not God. Responsibility presupposes accountability. We are responsible for our actions, for God hold us accountable. That said, it is also important to grasp that being held accountable in no way presupposes ability or freedom. We need only look to our government as a simple metaphor, wherein we hold our representatives accountable irrespective of their freedom or abilities.Technically, God did! So the responsibility for sin is Adam's but the accountability for how things "play out" in time is God's.
Not sure how you think that is different from what I said.
If it is impossible for you to be allowed to do anything other than what GOD wills to take place, then everything you do is what GOD wanted to happen.
That might sound confusing, so let me just ask this question ....
Could you choose to do anything other than what GOD allows you to choose?
God sure didn't "allow" you to be a genius....you prove that every time you post. :chuckle:
I understand what you are saying.Some things God allows or does not allow to happen. Examples being when he allowed Satan to torture Job or when he allowed Paul to persecute the church. Other times he will personally make things happen like the flood or the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. If the woman gets raped in the street or the baby dies from cancer or the little old lady gets run over by a bus these are things that God allowed to happen but did not make to happen.
Truster was banned?Hold on.
I thought you and Truster believe that anything that happens is GOD's will.
Hurricane killing people - GOD's will.
Truster banned at TOL - GOD's will.
Now you sound like Truster.Your demanding query reveals you are not capable of spiritual answers. No matter the amounts of scripture I could and would give in reply, would only produce your scorn.
Truster was banned?
I wonder who willed that. :noid:
The saints on TOL. :thumb:
Yeah you're not one of em
This world is full of sin, because satan is here, but God doesn't cause sin, he has nothing to do with sin or wickedness this world belongs to the Prince of this world and we all suffer at his hands in one way or another, but it's not God that causes evil. Everyone who commits evil, or has an evil thought doesn't know God and they are listening to the devil. And they fall because of their own lusts.Some things God allows or does not allow to happen. Examples being when he allowed Satan to torture Job or when he allowed Paul to persecute the church. Other times he will personally make things happen like the flood or the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. If the woman gets raped in the street or the baby dies from cancer or the little old lady gets run over by a bus these are things that God allowed to happen but did not make to happen. We live in a world of sin and bad things happen here.
Hold on.
I thought you and Truster believe that anything that happens is GOD's will.
Hurricane killing people - GOD's will.
Truster banned at TOL - GOD's will.
A nit to pick at here. God is not accountable to another, else He is not God. Responsibility presupposes accountability. We are responsible for our actions, for God hold us accountable. That said, it is also important to grasp that being held accountable in no way presupposes ability or freedom. We need only look to our government as a simple metaphor, wherein we hold our representatives accountable irrespective of their freedom or abilities.
The whole business of seeking ways to let God off the hook, as it were, leads to odious views like open theism.
No doubt it may then be asked, If there are two efficient causes of Adam’s eating the apple, why is the primary efficient cause (God) not responsible for the sin, while the secondary efficient cause (Adam) is responsible for the sin?
The proper answer follows:
The motive which God has in actively permitting (ordaining) sin and the motive which man has in committing sin are radically different. Many are deceived in these issues because they fail to consider that God wills righteously those things which men do wickedly.
But we must always remind ourselves that God contracts no defilement or criminality from such agency. God is just in all His ways, and holy in all His works. While everything that occurs in God’s universe finds its account in God's positive ordering and active concurrence, yet the moral quality of the deed, considered in itself, is rooted in the moral character of the subordinate agent (Adam), acting in the circumstances and under the motives operative in each instance. God is not the author (the doer) of sin. Sin is embraced in His ordaining; it is accomplished in His providence. Yet Adam's sin and all sin is embraced in His decree and effected in His providence in such a way as to ensure that blame and guilt attach to the perpetrators of wrong and to them alone.
Blame attaches to actions, and actions are characterized by intentions. The truth of propositions 1 and 2 above includes the fact that Adam and God perform quite different actions:
1. Adam intentionally eats a fruit; God does not eat a fruit.
2. Adam knowingly breaks a divine command; God does not break one of His own commands.
3. God commanded that Adam should not eat the fruit; God did not command that He should not ordain (decree) that Adam should eat the fruit.
A clear biblical locus classicus for this sort of dual agency is the story of Joseph in Genesis... where Joseph says, “you intended it for evil, but God intended it for good."
This world is full of sin, because satan is here, but God doesn't cause sin, he has nothing to do with sin or wickedness this world belongs to the Prince of this world and we all suffer at his hands in one way or another, but it's not God that causes evil. Everyone who commits evil, or has an evil thought doesn't know God and they are listening to the devil. And they fall because of their own lusts.
Now God does allow evil, because this flesh is where satan lives, it is the dust that satan feeds on, and the works of the flesh are the bad fruits we produce when we listen to him and do his will. All wickedness done at the hands of man comes from the devil and all goodness in this world comes from God.
3 John 1:11
Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that doeth good is of God: but he that doeth evil hath not seen God.
You mentioned Job. Why did God ask satan if he had considered Job? Because he knew Job was strong enough to endure it, and he knew Job had great faith in him, and that through that faith, Job could bare what was set before him. God will not give those who belong to him more temptation than they can endure, Job could bare so much because he was a strong man of God.
And look at what happened because of the suffering that Job went through, his friends saw the glory of God, and turned to Job to ask him to pray for them, and God listened to the prayers of Job, not of the friends because they were wrong before God, but he listened to Jobs prayer for his friends, and God blessed Job greatly once he had endured the suffering, kept his faith and kept his forgiving heart, even after all his friends did to him.
So those who belong to God should pray for others, even those who are against us, keeping our hearts soft and we're not to listen to satan, but turn from sin and not let satan into our hearts to corrupt us, but pray and keep our faith in God no matter what we go through in this life and live by the will of God, never forget God and pray always from the heart, and when we suffer, God will strengthen us to bare it. and we have Jesus Christ as our perfect example to follow, and those who truly follow him, God will bless with the Spirit who will help them to overcome as Job did.
My husband said a good thing, he said that many suffered through hurricane irma, they all faced the same storm, but those who survived and had their houses in tact, did so because their houses were built on strong foundations and they were built to withstand the storms.
And those of us who have Christ as our cornerstone and have our house built by the hand of God, will go through the suffering as others do, but we will remain standing,
because through faith God will strengthen us. But we must be prepared, the house must be built strong, and we do this by truly following Jesus
obeying his commandments and teachings and living by the will of God,
and we will have a house, cleaned, prepared and furnished by the Holy Spirit that nothing of this world can pull down as long as we remain in Gods goodness.
Also there's this
And it came to pass, when the time was come that he should be received up, he stedfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem, And sent messengers before his face: and they went, and entered into a village of the Samaritans, to make ready for him. And they did not receive him, because his face was as though he would go to Jerusalem. And when his disciples James and John saw this, they said, Lord, wilt thou that we command fire to come down from heaven, and consume them, even as Elias did? But he turned, and rebuked them, and said, Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of. For the Son of man is not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them. And they went to another village
We shouldn't gloat at the suffering of others, but pray that God has mercy on them and pray that Christ through his people can save as many as possible.
We will all suffer trials and judgement, but we are not to say aha to others, yes we should be truthful with each other, but we are also to be there for one another and bring the love of God to all.
Not exactly how it sounds, however.