Truster is not a liar


We shouldn't gloat at the suffering of others, but pray that God has mercy on them and pray that Christ through his people can save as many as possible. We will all suffer trials and judgement, but we are not to say aha to others, yes we should be truthful with each other, but we are also to be there for one another and bring the love of God to all.

Yes. thank you:)

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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So if we have to make the decision that God is somehow involved in our sinful acts, we can't help but see that as imputing sin to Him. So we either tend to distance Him from it altogether (diminishing His sovereignty) or say He simply allowed it. If Sovereign, His allowance carries great weight.
I try stay away from prying into the secret things of God. I trust that God wills righteously what men (and fallen angels) do wickedly. ;)



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Straw man
may be lurking here. It appears the unstated assumption is that God is somehow the primary cause versus the actual secondary cause that brings about the calamity (disasters) or moral evil:
Does distinguishing between primary and secondary cause really determine which is responsible/accountable?

Using an analogy in a real life situation, such as:

Mom leaves child in car.
Child dies of heatstroke.

Which is the primary cause of the child's death - heatstroke or mom.
Which is accountable for the child's death - heatstroke or mom?


Get your armor ready!
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So if we have to make the decision that God is somehow involved in our sinful acts, we can't help but see that as imputing sin to Him. So we either tend to distance Him from it altogether (diminishing His sovereignty) or say He simply allowed it. If Sovereign, His allowance carries great weight.
I would think that 'allowing' would carry weight.

If I permit (allow) my rabid dog into the room my child is playing in, and the dog bites the child ...... does that alleviate me from blame?
I just allowed the dog in, I didn't MAKE the dog bite the child.
I mean, it was the dogs fault, not mine, right?
I should be blameless because it was not me, personally, that harmed the child. Right?

That appears to be the logic some try to use when it comes to GOD.
GOD just opened the floodgates to let the water overflow and drown people.
The water drowned them, not GOD.

I don't get why folks just cannot grasp that GOD does harm folks - both the righteous and wicked.
It won't be until the end that GOD only harms the wicked.
Until then, the righteous are not exempt from being harmed.

Right Divider

Body part
When someone lies in God's name, what should we call them?

Every debate could include that question.

Some think Calvinists lie.

Some think proponents of MAD and Open Theism lie.

Some think JW, RCC, SDA, etc., lie...
Your random generalizations do not get to the point.

Truster declared that Irma was God's judgment for SOME peoples sins.

That is FALSE witness in the name of God and that is blaspheme.

Truster went ON to try to justify his blasphemous lies by making more false illogical statements.

Truster used God's judgment of the flood as justification for his FALSE claim about Irma. Like a three year old when they are caught lying.

Eagles Wings

New member
Your random generalizations do not get to the point.

Truster declared that Irma was God's judgment for SOME peoples sins.

That is FALSE witness in the name of God and that is blaspheme.

Truster went ON to try to justify his blasphemous lies by making more false illogical statements.

Truster used God's judgment of the flood as justification for his FALSE claim about Irma. Like a three year old when they are caught lying.

My statement was general.

Subsequent opinions in this thread and spiritual irma, would have most anyone contemplating the will of God in acts of nature.

Right Divider

Body part
My statement was general.
Yes, so general as to not connect with the whole point in question.

Subsequent opinions in this thread and spiritual irma, would have most anyone contemplating the will of God in acts of nature.
Calvinists are not the only ones that contemplate the will of God in acts of nature.

Attributing that particular storm with the judgement of SIN by God on particular people is WELL outside what Truster can possibly know.

He is NOT in direct contact with God on this subject and is a FALSE prophet for making this claim.

Lazy afternoon

by AMR--

We are never to think of God as wishing or striving to do what He knows He will not do. God has no unfulfilled desires. For God to do otherwise would be for Him to act foolishly. Since Scripture tells us that some men are going to be lost, 2 Peter 3:9, the verse of 1 Tim. 2:4 cannot mean that God is earnestly wishing or striving to save each and every person. For if it were God's will that every individual of mankind should be saved, then not one soul could be lost, "For who hath resisted his will?" (Rom. 9:19).

Men are persuaded by Gods love,(usually from others with Gods help), not as if men are robots.

It so happens that it is Gods will to save all men.

That not all men are saved, doesn't mean it is not Gods will to save them.

1Ti 2:1 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;
1Ti 2:2 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
1Ti 2:3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;
1Ti 2:4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.
