

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Trumpcare: Health care for the rich, young, and healthy, tax cuts for the wealthy.

What I don't understand is why they left in that people's healthcare d insure their children until they are 26 years old. I just don't get it, it seems age 18 would be normal and age 21 should be the oldest anyone can receive healthcare under their parent's insurance?

Such exceptionalism alone makes it seem like a liberal's dream come true for liberals and youngsters who do not want to work?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Getting rid of the individual mandate is good. With auto insurance there is a chance one might harm another person, but to make that argument for healthcare seems inept, dubious

The main problem here is the idea asking anyone do business with a private company. I bet in the long run, we will have to settle on state ran medical care, at least for the poor/

I wonder why the text in the type box is so small? I have to type it without being able to read it.



Trump and Ryan, in their infinite wisdom, have just handed over control of the House of Representatives over to the Democrats after the 2018 Midterms!

When the details of this bill are exposed over the next 18 months and the electorate finally realizes they've been betrayed, Republicans will regret celebrating with "The Donald" in the "White House rose garden.


Well-known member

Trump and Ryan, in their infinite wisdom, have just handed over control of the House of Representatives over to the Democrats after the 2018 Midterms!

When the details of this bill are exposed over the next 18 months and the electorate finally realizes they've been betrayed, Republicans will regret celebrating with "The Donald" in the "White House rose garden.

Like the Democrats did any better.


Fake News from you, which you got from demonrats. The vote happens today -
What could possibly be wrong with the Republicans voting, and celebrating in the White House rose garden, over a bill that

- was crafted behind closed doors,

- allowed for only 3 hours of debate,

- uncosted

- denounced by every healthcare organization in the country and

- none of the members has read!


"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. I you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor." - Obummer
If this is such a great bill, why did 20 House Republicans vote against it and the Senate Republicans have expressed no intention in committing political suicide by adopting this flawed version?


If this is such a great bill, why did 20 House Republicans vote against it and the Senate Republicans have expressed no intention in committing political suicide by adopting this flawed version?

Because they liked Obama's Afro Engineered version better.

Sent from my iPhone using TOL


Well-known member
Trumpcare Is Lipstick On The Obamacare Pig

The great Judge Andrew Napolitano points out that there are 4 premises to Obamacare:
1) The first is that somehow the federal government can regulate the delivery of health care.
2) The second is that somehow the federal government is obliged to provide for health care.
3) The third is the federal government can order you to purchase insurance for health care.
4) The fourth is that all physicians must keep all of their records digitally ... and allow direct access to them by bureaucrats in the Department of Health and Human Services.
Trumpcare keeps them all intact.