How do like them apples?Every one that has ever tried (or expressed a desire to), which is ZERO.
How do like them apples?Every one that has ever tried (or expressed a desire to), which is ZERO.
The hard right is delusional on the point. And most of the countries who spend far less of their GDP manage to cover everyone who needs healthcare. We leave millions without propping up a failing system.:angrymob::angrymob::angrymob::angrymob::angrymob::angrymob::angrymob::angrymob:
The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.
- John Kenneth Galbraith
Like suggesting there's only one sort of democracy, or one sort of Republican.An example of Universal healthcare.
We aren't citizens of that empire and we can determine our own rules. Though to be fair, it doesn't look like the Brits are going to put up with it either.What other lifestyles and choices we make will get denied healthcare?