
Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Stopping hillary was my main goal in November

And the american electorate is largely compromised of morons :idunno:

Change Hillary to Obama and "in November" to "for eight years" and he pretty much summed up the Republican party. With a success rate like that Trump makes sense outcome-wise. And his making sense in any sense is a step in the alt-right direction.


patrick jane

Change Hillary to Obama and "in November" to "for eight years" and he pretty much summed up the Republican party. With a success rate like that Trump makes sense outcome-wise. And his making sense in any sense is a step in the alt-right direction.

That's genius :readthis:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The democrats/liberals want to destroy america

Anything that slows them down is a good thing


Well-known member
The Republican party totally misread the people who used to vote for them and is about to die a horrible bloody death at the polls. Trump is the blunt instrument.


New member
I blame liberal republicans for the failure of trumpcares passage. Basically lied to their voters about repealing obamcare, what they really wanted was to keep obamacare without the mandate.

patrick jane

It's a good thing the shoddy GOP healthcare bills all failed. All they were going to do was prop up the failed Obamacare debacle, continuing to pour billions into a failed system. The GOP looked pitiful this week, but they have had years to come up with a replacement. The blame is still on the democrats for destroying healthcare in America.


New member
It's a good thing the shoddy GOP healthcare bills all failed. All they were going to do was prop up the failed Obamacare debacle, continuing to pour billions into a failed system. The GOP looked pitiful this week, but they have had years to come up with a replacement. The blame is still on the democrats for destroying healthcare in America.

I don't know about that. What we learned in this fiasco is that several republicans gamed the system to win elections and had no real intention of ever passing a clean repeal. Had Republicans agreed on a conservative replacement while Obama was president those same Republicans would game such a plan for votes.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
It's a good thing the shoddy GOP healthcare bills all failed. All they were going to do was prop up the failed Obamacare debacle, continuing to pour billions into a failed system. The GOP looked pitiful this week, but they have had years to come up with a replacement. The blame is still on the democrats for destroying healthcare in America.
And so begins the next election cycle narrative. :chuckle:

patrick jane

I heard of a wonderful proposal from Trump. If healthcare bill is not passed the healthcare plans of Congress is reduced and cut. :thumb:


Win win win! :banana:



New member


New member
Congress already uses Obamacare. That was part of...Obamacare, as originally enacted. The ironic thing about that suggestion is that Trumpcare actually exempted Congress from some of the changes for procedural reasons.

Inaccurate, congress has additional subsides that are prohibited under law but obama exempted congress illegally. These subsidies cover about 70% of the cost of an Obamacare plan. If trump ended these subsidies congress would have pay the same amount the rest of america pays.
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New member
Here is the full story on how Obama illegally gave congress huge subsidies for Obamacare.
In March of 2010, Congress enacted the Affordable Care Act, including Section 1312 (d)(3)(D). The relevant section reads:

“Notwithstanding any other provision of law, after the effective date of this subtitle, the only health plans that the Federal Government may make available to members of Congress and congressional staff with respect to their service as a member of Congress or congressional staff shall be health plans. (I) created under this act (or an amendment made by this act); or (II) offered through an exchange established under this act (or an amendment made by this act).”

In short, as of 2014, members of Congress and their staffs were not eligible for health coverage in the Federal Employee Health Benefits Program (FEHBP); they had to enroll in Obamacare.

Notice, though, that the language does not provide for any health insurance subsidies, other than those available to all other Americans in the health insurance exchanges. Notice, too, the language does not grant any regulatory authority to the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM),...

Toward the end of the Senate debate on Obamacare, on March 24, 2010, Sen. Charles Grassley offered Amendment 3564 to provide insurance subsidies to congress and staff, and to include the president and all executive-branch political appointees in Obamacare coverage. Sen. Grassley’s amendment was defeated on a procedural vote of fifty-six to forty-three; all Senate Democrats voted against it. In voting down the amendment, the Senate voted down the insurance subsidies.

Members of Congress probably didn’t know what they were doing. After the horror of it all sunk in, meeting behind closed doors, they quickly launched a three-year search for various ways to escape the mess they had created for themselves

The politics were positively ugly. With the sure prospect of millions of Americans losing their health plans, congressmen voting themselves back into FEHBP coverage would have been nothing short of scandalous. The prospect of having to take a recorded floor vote to give themselves special funds to help pay for their Obamacare coverage had zero political appeal as well....

Instead, congressional leaders begged President Obama to fix their mess for them. It worked. In August 2013, the president’s OPM said FEHBP subsidies would be available for congressmen [7] enrolling in health exchange plans.

This was a bold move, even for Team Obama. Not only did the original statutory language fail to provide insurance subsidies, but OPM also had no authority under Chapter 89 of Title 5 of the U.S. Code to provide FEHBP subsidies to non-FEHBP plans. In fact, as Politico reported [8], OPM had concluded—before the president intervened—that it had no such authority.

The scheme then went from the bold to the ridiculous. In the FEHBP, under Section 8901(6) of Title V, the health plans must be “group” plans. So, no problem: OPM certified the DC SHOP exchange, reserved for firms with fewer than fifty employees, as the health insurance exchange for Congress. All Congress had to do was to somehow turn itself into a small business, with fewer than fifty employees. And, incredibly, that is exactly what unnamed congressional bureaucrats did: They submitted paperwork identifying each chamber of Congress as a small business, [9] employing forty-five people apiece.