

Well-known member
My poet fish could take artie

And it's been dead for seven years

"Poet fish"??? :sozo2:

I hat e this ipad! :sozo2:

Do you have one of those built in mouse pads? I'm finally getting used to mine. Then my granddaughter comes over and laughs that I don't have a touch screen. I can't even imagine such a thing.

So, what's a poet fish? (dead or not, I'd lay money on it)

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I think that I shall never see
A poet fish lovely as a terr
I hate this ipad, yes i do
And now you howdy oogaboo
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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame

The Barbarian

Now that we've both agreed that Donald Trump is a socialist...

I doubt very much that Trump has an ideology other than "what's in it for me?" He's an opportunist. But yes, his earlier idea of a one-time 15% tax on the worth of wealthy people to remove the debt is about as socialistic idea as there could be.

the free enterprise system of economics is one of the many things that made America great, when used in the medical system (again) it will be beneficial to all.

What's wrong with American health care has its roots in price and wage controls in WWII, so you're not far off. The question is how to do a reset now. There will always be a need for care for catastrophic health care and I don't see any country with a market solution for that, that works. If there is one, it would be the way to go.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Now that we've both agreed that Donald Trump is a socialist...

I doubt very much that Trump has an ideology other than "what's in it for me?"...

Without doubt Donald Trump is a wannabe tyrant/power hungry sociopath.

Besides his socialist stance on healthcare ("I'll make sure that everyone is covered"), he's into corporate socialism, i.e. corporate welfare too (the Carrier deal).

“When government steps in arbitrarily with individual subsidies, favoring one business over others, it sets inconsistent, unfair, illogical precedent,”

And let's not forget that Trump used bankruptcy laws numerous times to keep his businesses up and running (he loves big government).

patrick jane

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Now that we've both agreed that Donald Trump is a socialist...

Without doubt Donald Trump is a wannabe tyrant/power hungry sociopath.

Besides his socialist stance on healthcare ("I'll make sure that everyone is covered"), he's into corporate socialism, i.e. corporate welfare too (the Carrier deal).

“When government steps in arbitrarily with individual subsidies, favoring one business over others, it sets inconsistent, unfair, illogical precedent,”

And let's not forget that Trump used bankruptcy laws numerous times to keep his businesses up and running (he loves big government).
Don't worry dubya, Trumpcare is no more. Not even a Skinny Bill

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Smart move by the Republicans. Unless they know they can do better it's in their best interest to appear to have tried but not actually have put something into play they could be held accountable for come the next election cycle. [/cynicism]


Healthcare is dead in America


The fact that that the Senate had to vote on healthcare legislation in the middle of the night tells you everything you need to know about a bill that had a 17% approval rate!

Instead of lobbying for the most important legislation in his Administration, "The Donald" was busy having his White House press director "smear" his White House chief of staff - forcing him to resign!


Win win win! :banana:

Conservatives are so delusional, that having the Trump Administration fail to pass one of its signature piece of legislation and a White House in such turmoil that the new Communications Director is threatening to turn the Chief-of-Staff over to the FBI - is now considered a "winning" week!
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They couldn't help themselves, and manufactured a reason to quote yet again the infamous, " . . . when you're a star, they let you do anything . . . " the future President Trump uttered, and he has not said anything like that since becoming President, just as I'm sure that President Obama didn't consume any marijuana or cocaine once he became President, even though before President Obama became President, he was a cokehead and a pothead.


It's another week without a president hillary! :banana:

"Ok dosier" sets a pretty low standard for measuring Republican success - I doubt that the majority of the American electorate will be quite so generous with their support during the 2018 Interims if Trump and the GOP have no tangible accomplishments!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
"Ok dosier" sets a pretty low standard for measuring Republican success - I doubt that the majority of the American electorate will be quite so generous with their support during the 2018 Interims if Trump and the GOP have no tangible accomplishments!

Stopping hillary was my main goal in November

And the american electorate is largely compromised of morons :idunno: