Arthur Brain
Well-known member
The "Far-left zealots" are under a tremendous delusion. Wheather they realize it or not, Satan and his fallen angels are working overtime to "THWART" the Will of God. It appears that the President (chosen by God according to His Will and Purpose) is doing what he said he would do. That is, "Drain the Swamp." As we have been seeing during the past year, a formidable portion of politicians, Hollywood elites, and Media people, have been exposed and forced to "Step-down" from their previous positions. As Donald Trump said, he is "Draining the Swamp." Trump is doing the Will and Purpose of Almighty God. No one or nothing will be able to take Trump out of his position until God's Will and purpose is finished. As you'll notice, everything the far-left Dems have used against Trump has been unsuccessful and, that MUST be extremely frustrating to the far-left zealots.
It's IMPOSSIBLE to declare War on God and come out of it, unscathed and triumphant.
How can anyone thwart the will of God if everything that happens is by God's will? Including death camps, 9/11, abortions etc? By your own acknowledgement Hitler was in power by the will of God.