Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
If you're a member of "The Body of Christ" and are interested in the election process, however, you're presently involved with the Democratic Party, you best abandon it, immediately. The Democratic Party represents, liberal causes such as; Abortion, injustice, violence, and other anti-Christian causes. They are the party of Antifa and Black Lives Matter. Miraculously, Donald Trump won the election. He not only won over sixteen or so seasoned politicians, he fought a battle against "The Clinton Machine," and won the Presidency. It was "God's Will and Purpose that allowed for a "Trump Presidency." Satan and his fallen angels are, ultimately behind the obstructionist far-left Democrats and their ilk. Even though the forces of evil are at work to bring down the President, they'll be unable to do so, until God's Will and Purpose is fulfilled.

This is TRULY a Spiritual Battle going on today.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Ultimately, everything going on will lead to the "Anti-Christ" be revealed someday. (Perhaps, that will be sooner, than, later.) A portion of Believers look forward to the "Body of Christ" being taken out of the world (The Rapture) before, the "Unholy trinity" will rise to power over the world. Eventually, Christ will return and the people of earth will suffer GREAT Tribulation. (The blood will flow through the streets) Everything is headed for this climactic time. There's no need to be concerned about "Global Warming." God, according to the Bible will destroy this present world and create another one, at some point. Christ will, at some point, reign on the earth and will be seated on the "Throne of David" for a thousand years. This is known as "The Millennial Kingdom."

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Wheather you believe what the Bible has to say or not, your, lack of faith will not keep these things from occurring. Perhaps, you'll be here to see some of these events occur?


If you're a member of "The Body of Christ" and are interested in the election process, however, you're presently involved with the Democratic Party, you best abandon it, immediately. The Democratic Party represents, liberal causes such as; Abortion, injustice, violence, and other anti-Christian causes. They are the party of Antifa and Black Lives Matter. Miraculously, Donald Trump won the election. He not only won over sixteen or so seasoned politicians, he fought a battle against "The Clinton Machine," and won the Presidency. It was "God's Will and Purpose that allowed for a "Trump Presidency." Satan and his fallen angels are, ultimately behind the obstructionist far-left Democrats and their ilk. Even though the forces of evil are at work to bring down the President, they'll be unable to do so, until God's Will and Purpose is fulfilled.

This is TRULY a Spiritual Battle going on today.

Your deity put The Donald at 1600 PA Avenue? Did he do the same for Putin? Put him in the Kremlin. For his Will and Purpose?
We know that particular Will and Purpose is divine because the first letters are capitalized?


Hall of Fame
To be fair I'd like it to be verified completely as well, although I have no difficulty in believing it's more likely than not to have occurred...

Considering the Access Hollywood tape, his history of racism (including his support of white nationalists in Charlottesville), his STATEMENTS during the campaign, I don't need further verification. It's part of who he is ... he said it, and it's not the first time. The difference is that he actually had someone in the meeting who isn't willing to cower behind him.


Hall of Fame
Well, no, but if you wish to remain deluded and pretend like the current president is well respected throughout the world then you can prefer to live in that fantasy if you will, although it will make you look, uninformed, uneducated and naive.

But it's your choice.

He certainly isn't (respected). He is an embarrassment. As a patriotic American, the only thing I can do is continue to vote against HIS party and await their downfall and shaming. It's coming. History is not his friend.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
If you're a member of "The Body of Christ" and are interested in the election process, however, you're presently involved with the Democratic Party, you best abandon it, immediately. The Democratic Party represents, liberal causes such as; Abortion, injustice, violence, and other anti-Christian causes. They are the party of Antifa and Black Lives Matter. Miraculously, Donald Trump won the election. He not only won over sixteen or so seasoned politicians, he fought a battle against "The Clinton Machine," and won the Presidency. It was "God's Will and Purpose that allowed for a "Trump Presidency." Satan and his fallen angels are, ultimately behind the obstructionist far-left Democrats and their ilk. Even though the forces of evil are at work to bring down the President, they'll be unable to do so, until God's Will and Purpose is fulfilled.

This is TRULY a Spiritual Battle going on today.

So, was it "miraculous" when Hitler was swept into power? Pol Pot? Stalin? Idi Amin etc etc? According to your particular branch of belief, every single war atrocity, act of barbarism, sadism, terrorism etc happens at the will of God. So 9/11 is one such event that you must be okay with as it happened by the will of God, correct? Take a look at what you represent cos you're in no position to 'moralize' when you justify every single tragedy/inhumanity as being God's will and purpose - which would include abortions btw.

Christian's are in no way obligated to celebrate this current loon in office and you ain't in any position to judge those who don't just because you think he's wonderful...


Hall of Fame
So, was it "miraculous" when Hitler was swept into power? Pol Pot? Stalin? Idi Amin etc etc? According to your particular branch of belief, every single war atrocity, act of barbarism, sadism, terrorism etc happens at the will of God. So 9/11 is one such event that you must be okay with as it happened by the will of God, correct? Take a look at what you represent cos you're in no position to 'moralize' when you justify every single tragedy/inhumanity as being God's will and purpose - which would include abortions btw.

Christian's are in no way obligated to celebrate this current loon in office and you ain't in any position to judge those who don't just because you think he's wonderful...

Indeed. Insofar as *naughty words* ... when used in excess, they give the impression that the user has substandard intellect and isn't capable of using "the best words!" It's not that language, but the intent and disdain for the people in those countries. How are they different from those in Norway? The explanation is black and white for all to see.

I don't make my determination of a person's character based solely on their language, but rather their character. In Trump's case, it's his lack of ... character, patriotism, and humanity. He is unfit to serve as leader of ... any country.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Romans 13:1 of the Bible states; "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God." God created all of us with a "Free Will" to choose how we make our choices in life. That includes those He ordains, chooses, establishes and decrees to rule over us. Pharaoh of Egypt was one of those rulers chosen of God. Egypt enslaved the Hebrews for a few hundred years. They were under bondage and tyranny. God, not only raised up Pharaoh of Egypt, God used the hardened heart of Pharaoh in order to bring Glory to Himself by freeing the Hebrews from the slavery they suffered during hundreds of years of captivity in Egypt. In essence, God was able to use the leader He had ordained as the ruler of Egypt, in order to free the Hebrews. Are you starting to get the idea?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The "Far-left zealots" are under a tremendous delusion. Wheather they realize it or not, Satan and his fallen angels are working overtime to "THWART" the Will of God. It appears that the President (chosen by God according to His Will and Purpose) is doing what he said he would do. That is, "Drain the Swamp." As we have been seeing during the past year, a formidable portion of politicians, Hollywood elites, and Media people, have been exposed and forced to "Step-down" from their previous positions. As Donald Trump said, he is "Draining the Swamp." Trump is doing the Will and Purpose of Almighty God. No one or nothing will be able to take Trump out of his position until God's Will and purpose is finished. As you'll notice, everything the far-left Dems have used against Trump has been unsuccessful and, that MUST be extremely frustrating to the far-left zealots.

It's IMPOSSIBLE to declare War on God and come out of it, unscathed and triumphant.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The "Far-left Dems" are angry, vicious, violent (both verbally and physically) and vindictive against the President and those who voted for him. They call the President a Fascist (Nazi) and several other pejoratives. The "Far-left" also see those who voted for Trump and support him as Nazis and White Supremacists. Even though there's absolutely NO evidence to back up their accusations. It's all based on delusion, lies and using misinformation.


Romans 13:1 of the Bible states; "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God." God created all of us with a "Free Will" to choose how we make our choices in life. That includes those He ordains, chooses, establishes and decrees to rule over us. Pharaoh of Egypt was one of those rulers chosen of God. Egypt enslaved the Hebrews for a few hundred years. They were under bondage and tyranny. God, not only raised up Pharaoh of Egypt, God used the hardened heart of Pharaoh in order to bring Glory to Himself by freeing the Hebrews from the slavery they suffered during hundreds of years of captivity in Egypt. In essence, God was able to use the leader He had ordained as the ruler of Egypt, in order to free the Hebrews. Are you starting to get the idea?

If you continue with the verse you'll see what the Apostle Paul (he wrote 2/3's of the New Testament) stated what the role of civil government in the eyes of God is:

Romans 13: 2-4

"Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. 3For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended. 4For the one in authority is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God's servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer."

Now all that you have to do is to show that Donald Trump (as a political leader and as a man) is doing what's right in the eyes of God.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
As you've no doubt noticed, the best that "Far-left zealots" can do is, name call, make false accusations, use misinformation (Fake News) and try to implant negative ideas into the minds of, the naive, the ill-informed, and the uneducated. I have a close Relative who "believes" everything the "Far-left media" spews. This relative is, well educated, (a College degree) and a very pleasant and kind person. However, you must "Walk on Eggshells" around him, because, he absolutely despises Trump. He cannot actually, "articulate a reason," he just KNOWS that Trump is worthy of his (my relatives) anger. I've seen/heard people being interviewed and asked something like; What makes you angry about Trump? or "What does he say that angers you? They respond with; "EVERYTHING!!" There's NO real thinking/reasoning going on there.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
If you continue with the verse you'll see what the Apostle Paul (he wrote 2/3's of the New Testament) stated what the role of civil government in the eyes of God is:

Romans 13: 2-4

"Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. 3For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended. 4For the one in authority is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God's servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer."

Now all that you have to do is to show that Donald Trump (as a political leader and as a man) is doing what's right in the eyes of God.

Well, you're obviously looking at that Scripture in a very subjective and myopic way. Which is understandable, considering the source that opinion is coming from. That source being; who and what you are. No offense intended. I've seen your "opinions" expressed on TOL for a number of years now and must admit, I'm not in any way impressed. Again, no offense intended.


Well, you're obviously looking at that Scripture in a very subjective and myopic way. Which is understandable, considering the source that opinion is coming from. That source being; who and what you are. No offense intended. I've seen your "opinions" expressed on TOL for a number of years now and must admit, I'm not in any way impressed. Again, no offense intended.

"4For the one in authority is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God's servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer."

Seems pretty straightforward language to me and not open for various interpretations.

Care to explain what it means in your "opinion"?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
"4For the one in authority is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God's servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer."

Seems pretty straightforward language to me and not open for various interpretations.

Care to explain what it means in your "opinion"?

I have you on "Ignore" for a good reason. I really don't wish to have any "Real" communication with you. As always; "No offense intended." I have to be honest with you; personally, I just don't like you. How's that for honesty?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Indeed. Insofar as *naughty words* ... when used in excess, they give the impression that the user has substandard intellect and isn't capable of using "the best words!" It's not that language, but the intent and disdain for the people in those countries. How are they different from those in Norway? The explanation is black and white for all to see.

I don't make my determination of a person's character based solely on their language, but rather their character. In Trump's case, it's his lack of ... character, patriotism, and humanity. He is unfit to serve as leader of ... any country.

