
Well-known member
I wouldn't refer to entire nations of people as ********s, as Trump did. Would you? How degrading. What an embarrassment he's become to the United States.

And you're denying those "countries" are "hellholes", as Lindsey Graham called them a few years back? Would you like to go there and live for even a year? Go ahead....I dare ya. Since when has speaking the truth become a degrading thing and an embarrassment to the United States? It's an embarrassment to the leaders of those countries.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
And you're denying those "countries" are "hellholes", as Lindsey Graham called them a few years back? Would you like to go there and live for even a year? Go ahead....I dare ya. Since when has speaking the truth become a degrading thing and an embarrassment to the United States? It's an embarrassment to the leaders of those countries.

Amen, Glorydaz. Barb has a real problem with TRUTH. Most "far-left people" do.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
It's hard to believe that people can be so naive as to think all those politicians aren't swearing like truck drivers behind closed doors. :chuckle:

I have a problem with supposed "Grown Men" that cannot/will not, accept the truth that, on occasion men in general, have been known to say a "Nasty word or two" during their lifetime. The "Far left" is crowded with HYPOCRITES.


Well-known member
I have a problem with supposed "Grown Men" that cannot/will not, accept the truth that, on occasion men in general, have been known to say a "Nasty word or two" during their lifetime. The "Far left" is crowded with HYPOCRITES.

They do it all the time. I think they just have their politicians on a pedestal. It's almost a worship thing and they can't believe they would ever speak like normal folks.

Gary K

New member
You just did it again. I wrote:
"The unfortunate thing was not that Trump made a vicious slur on people of various countries. It was that he blurted it out in a public meeting embarrassing America once again with his crude and uncontrolled bigotry.

And yes, he's a little confused, these days. But this isn't a matter of declining mental processing, it's his nature to be that way. Ten years ago, he'd still have said it; he'd just have enough awareness to avoid saying it publicly."

Nothing about race. It's about nationality. But because for you, it's all about race, you keep on playing the race card. Why is it always about race for you guys?

LOL. You're getting really predictable. But, let's look at a quote from you taken from post #130 on this thread.
So you didn't have to be black or a democrat to realize that Trump's statement was despicable and racist. Trump himself seems to realize it as he is now denying what he said.

You're digging yourself another hole, barb.

No matter how often you call truth a "vicious slur" it's still truth. Truth is not, and never has been, a slur despite all your allegations.

What follows is a list of all synonyms for the word slur from Moby's Thesaurus. Notice that the word truth is nowhere to be found.
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 (moby-thesaurus)
182 Moby Thesaurus words for "slur":
accent, accent mark, affront, asperse, aspersion, attaint,
bad-mouth, badge of infamy, bar, bar sinister, baton, bedaub,
befoul, bend sinister, besmear, besmirch, besmoke, bespatter,
bestain, black eye, black mark, blacken, blink, blot, blow upon,
blur, brand, broad arrow, calumniate, calumny, cancel, cantando,
carefully ignore, cast aspersions on, cast reflections on, censure,
champain, character, cold-shoulder, custos, cut a corner,
cut corners, darken, daub, defame, defile, demilegato, denigrate,
dip into, direct, dirty, disapprove, discolor, discredit,
disparage, disparagement, disregard, dodge, dot, examine cursorily,
execution, expose, expose to infamy, expression, expression mark,
fermata, fingering, fudge, garble, gibbet, give the once-over,
glance at, glissando, gloss over, hang in effigy, hold, ignore,
imputation, innuendo, insinuation, insult, intonation,
key signature, lead, legato, libel, ligature, lisp, malign, mark,
mark of Cain, measure, metronomic mark, mezzo staccato, mumble,
music-making, notation, obloquy, odium, onus, page through,
parlando, pass over, pass over lightly, pause, performance,
personal remark, personality, pianism, pillory, pillorying,
pizzicato, point champain, presa, put-down, reflection, rendering,
rendition, repercussion, reprimand, reproach, rubato, scamp, scan,
scorch, sear, segno, sign, signature, singe, skid, skim, skim over,
skim the surface, skimp, skip over, slam, slander, slidder, slight,
slip, slip through, slubber, slubber over, slur over,
sly suggestion, smear, smirch, smoke, smudge, smutch, soil,
spiccato, spot, staccato, stain, stigma, stigmatism,
stigmatization, stigmatize, stricture, stutter, suggestion, sully,
swell, symbol, taint, tarnish, tear down, tempo mark,
thumb through, tie, time signature, touch, touch upon,
touch upon lightly, traduce, uncomplimentary remark, vilify,
vinculum, whispering campaign, zip through

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
It looks like a man can't even go to Church on Sunday without the "Pastor" railing on the President of the United States. Vice President Mike Pence was visiting a Church in Maryland this past Sunday and while he and his Wife were sitting there in the Pew, The Black Pastor of the Church ranted on about how Trump should be held accountable for his use of the "Foul word" and his disparaging remarks about certain Black countries. The so-called Pastor basically stated that; "He Felt led by God to speak up." It appears the Far-left has infiltrated the Church. It was a "Baptist Church." What a SHAME.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
One would think that the Church would be a place where the "Word of God; the Bible was preached?" A place where Politics were left outside of its doors, where a Believer could hear a good Sermon and have fellowship with fellow Believers. But instead, "Politics is the "Name of the Game" in some instances. Especially, when the Vice President is held captive by an "Attention Seeking, supposed Preacher." This just goes to show how bad things are getting in our Nation. The divisiveness is both, rampant and palatable. We are now divided by color and politics. I believe it only gets worse from here on.

The Barbarian

No matter how often you call truth a "vicious slur" it's still truth.

I get that it doesn't bother you. Notice that it bothers most Americans. There's a reason for that. It's the same reason that Trump is now denying that he said it. Even Trump realizes that he crossed a line that's going to cost him.

The Barbarian

It won't cost him a "Plum Nickel." That's just wishful thinking on your part.

White House aides were demoralized on Thursday night, watching the word “********” slink across the cable news chyrons.

In the wake of the administration’s tax reform coup, Fiat Chrysler had just announced it planned to spend more than $1 billion to move its assembly plant for the Ram truck from Mexico to Michigan. Walmart touted a round of bonuses and higher pay for its U.S. workers.

And the White House communications team had pre-planned a sit-down interview for the president with reporters from The Wall Street Journal on Thursday — an outlet they expected would focus on economic news and help drive the message of the day.

Instead, all of that was lost amid “shithole”-gate, after the president, frustrated that an immigration deal would include protections for people from Haiti, El Salvador and African countries, referred to those nations as “******** countries” and expressed an interest in welcoming emigrants from Norway, instead.

“It’s very frustrating,” admitted one senior White House aide. “We keep going off the rails with this other stuff.”