Trump News

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Pete Buttwedge, the unqualified and inexperienced DEI hire who's serving as Joe the Rapist's transportation secretary, who's only qualification for the job is that he is a homosexual, acting like a total retard.

For those who haven't been paying attention, the debate that Pete the Homo is referring to is the second debate that Trump negotiated with Biden. Not Harris. Biden.

If Pete the homo thinks that Trump should debate Harris, then Pete the Homo should facilitate the scheduling of a debate between Trump and Harris, because the last time Trump had a debate with Pete's boss, he spanked Joe so hard he tucked his tail between his legs whimpering and withdrew from the race.

Worth noting that at this point, Harris is only the PRESUMED candidate.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Kayleigh Mcenany, calmly, cooly shutting down the fake news jackals.

I'm going to bookmark this one to show people who are adamant that Trump mismanaged the Kung Flu


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Before and after Trump left the leftist cult. When he was a member of the cult they couldn't get enough of him. They adored him.
When he left the cult they dehumanized him they excoriated him they hated him. Nobody is hated more than an apostate.



You'd think if that were true, he'd be completely against abortion and sexual perversion...
I don't think there is any doubt that Trump is against abortion and sexual perversion.
Trump was asked to run for the presidency by other powerful actors, the so called 'white hats'
He is following a plan developed by elements of the military which seems to be quite machiavellian from our perspective.
The fog of war


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I don't think there is any doubt that Trump is against abortion and sexual perversion.
Trump was asked to run for the presidency by other powerful actors, the so called 'white hats'
He is following a plan developed by elements of the military which seems to be quite machiavellian from our perspective.
The fog of war
I can honestly say that a lot of that stuff is pretty interesting. What many people would be ready to wave off and call "far out" and "impossible". I take it all with a grain of salt, but I'm pretty open-minded to hearing it. I definitely do not think the "Joe Biden" we usually see in media images is not Joe Biden, and I've seen certain images of an actor by the name of 'Arthur Roberts' that cinch it for me that he is (at least some of the time) "Joe Biden" in media images.


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I don't think there is any doubt that Trump is against abortion and sexual perversion.

He wants abortion laws to be decided by each state.

In what world is that "against abortion"?

He waved a pride flag a couple years ago while running as president.

Trump was asked to run for the presidency by other powerful actors, the so called 'white hats'
He is following a plan developed by elements of the military which seems to be quite machiavellian from our perspective.
The fog of war

All I know is that he's not a friend to Christian principles.


Abortion, being evil and wrong and not permissible in ANY society, should not be up for a vote. Period.

You are now, along with Donald Trump, supporting abortion.
The fact is we live in a time and in {USA} a society which has its foundations laid as a constitutional republic not a theocracy.
Being myself persuaded by the scriptures of the calvinistic reformed understanding of salvation, I along with you, can agree, that that is the contemporaneous will of God
"and if the tree fall toward the south, or toward the north, in the place where the tree fallen, there it shall be" - Ecc 11;3

I do not support abortion


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I do not support abortion
What a peculiarly inopportune place to have neglected to punctuate with a period. Was "abortion" meant to be the last word of your sentence, or did you just leave off writing, there, in the middle of a longer sentence? Kind of looks wide-open for a continuation, like "...except in cases of X, Y, and Z."

And, does Trump support abortion?

TRUMP: First of all, the Supreme Court just approved the abortion pill. And I agree with their decision to have done that, and I will not block it.



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The fact is we live in a time and in {USA} a society which has its foundations laid as a constitutional republic not a theocracy.

The kind of government we have is irrelevant to whether something is right or wrong.

Abortion is wrong. Period.

Therefore, there is no justification for allowing abortion in our society, any ANY level.

Being myself persuaded by the scriptures of the calvinistic reformed understanding of salvation,

Yet I guarantee that you live your life as though you were not a calvinist.

But that's a topic for a different discussion.

I along with you, can agree,

I'm not a calvinist, nor reformed.

I am a Christian, Mid-Acts Dispensationalist, Fundamentalist, Open Theist.

So no, I don't agree with you.

that that is the contemporaneous will of God
"and if the tree fall toward the south, or toward the north, in the place where the tree fallen, there it shall be" - Ecc 11;3

It is not God's will that a baby be killed in his mother's womb.

"Do not kill the innocent."
"You shall not murder."
"Do not do evil that good may come of it."

Abortion is wrong because it's a baby, and all babies are made in God's image, and God said do not kill the innocent.

I do not support abortion

Didn't you just get done saying that it's God's will that some babies die?

So you don't support abortion, but if it's God's will that some babies be aborted, then doesn't that mean you don't support God's will?

Or do you support God's will (according to your own beliefs), and thus, also support abortion?

Or, perhaps it ISN'T God's will that babies be murdered, and your beliefs are false...