Trump News


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
What a peculiarly inopportune place to have neglected to punctuate with a period. Was "abortion" meant to be the last word of your sentence, or did you just leave off writing, there, in the middle of a longer sentence? Kind of looks wide-open for a continuation, like "...except in cases of X, Y, and Z."

And, does Trump support abortion?

TRUMP: First of all, the Supreme Court just approved the abortion pill. And I agree with their decision to have done that, and I will not block it.

If he doesn't win, abortion's going to get worse. He has to win. By hook or by crook, and I mean crook in every possible sense of the word, because we all know that the Devil himself is behind abortion, and once and future President Trump is the only man for the office at this juncture, because the opposition party Democrats, who coined the phrase "clump of cells", are as good as Satan's party rn. Trump made America a little bit safer for the souls of babies, but in the process, because of Lucifer, he also hurt his chances of being reelected. He lost one reelection effort already, and it was because of abortion, we have come to find out (the swing states changed their mind on him, and the woman vote in each state was a significant factor, and Beelzebub has hooks especially in the women, and women need to elect Trump, otherwise he might lose, and he has to win). Since the 2020 election 2022 revealed the violent reaction among women voters to what Trump did to their "freedom" and "liberty" and "human right" to put to death the soul or souls of their child or children.

So yeah, if by hook or by crook means that an adjudicated crook is walking back his metaphysically real improvement in the justice of our country, by making baby souls safer at least in some of our states, and is promising to not "hurt" "abortion rights" if he gets elected, listen to him. He's trying to win harder than anybody else. And he's saying, Look, if you have to lie to beat the Devil then lie. t that guy. And I mean, turn that letter upside down, that's what I mean.

And that's all Trump's doing, and I support that, 100%, whatever it takes, to beat our enemy. t that guy.


What a peculiarly inopportune place to have neglected to punctuate with a period. Was "abortion" meant to be the last word of your sentence, or did you just leave off writing, there, in the middle of a longer sentence? Kind of looks wide-open for a continuation, like "...except in cases of X, Y, and Z."
I do not support abortion.


The kind of government we have is irrelevant to whether something is right or wrong.

Abortion is wrong. Period.

Therefore, there is no justification for allowing abortion in our society, any ANY level.

Yet I guarantee that you live your life as though you were not a calvinist.

But that's a topic for a different discussion.

I'm not a calvinist, nor reformed.

I am a Christian, Mid-Acts Dispensationalist, Fundamentalist, Open Theist.

So no, I don't agree with you.

It is not God's will that a baby be killed in his mother's womb.

"Do not kill the innocent."
"You shall not murder."
"Do not do evil that good may come of it."

Abortion is wrong because it's a baby, and all babies are made in God's image, and God said do not kill the innocent.

Didn't you just get done saying that it's God's will that some babies die?

So you don't support abortion, but if it's God's will that some babies be aborted, then doesn't that mean you don't support God's will?

Or do you support God's will (according to your own beliefs), and thus, also support abortion?

Or, perhaps it ISN'T God's will that babies be murdered, and your beliefs are false...
I do not support abortion.

I am pro life.

The contemporaneous will of God and all his creatures, is that, which is.


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I do not support abortion.

I am pro life.

Do you support any exceptions?

Do you think the state should be allowed to define whether it's legal or illegal?

The contemporaneous will of God and all his creatures, is that, which is.

God does not will for any innocent child to be killed.


This space intentionally left blank
The contemporaneous will of God and all his creatures, is that, which is.
Ah, you were so eager to print a period this time that in your rush to do so you forgot to actually finish writing your sentence before doing so.

"...that which is _________"? That which is what? That which is unholy, unrighteous, unjust, evil, murderous, monstrous, etc.? Is it God's will that all His creatures should live in accordance with Mr. Crowley's dictate: "'Do what thou wilt' shall be the whole of the law?"

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Tatum speaks for Trump supporters. This is one reason why they love Trump. He doesn't hesitate to speak his mind in situations like this.

On the other hand it's one reason why people who don't support Trump dislike him. The left is having conniption fits from him speaking forthrightly like this to a black woman. I'm seeing a concerted effort to brand him as a white privilege/patriarch etc etc. Clearly his language was thinly disguised dog whistle/code words for the n-word



Ah, you were so eager to print a period this time that in your rush to do so you forgot to actually finish writing your sentence before doing so.

"...that which is _________"? That which is what? That which is unholy, unrighteous, unjust, evil, murderous, monstrous, etc.? Is it God's will that all His creatures should live in accordance with Mr. Crowley's dictate: "'Do what thou wilt' shall be the whole of the law?"
Where you say - "That which is what? That which is unholy, unrighteous, unjust, evil, murderous, monstrous, etc.?"

I respond - Is not God enlivening and sustaining contemporaneously this existence?


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This space intentionally left blank
The contemporaneous will of God and all his creatures, is that, which is.
"...that which is _________"? That which is what?
@TheDarkSideOfTheMoon: <NO ANSWER>
That which is unholy, unrighteous, unjust, evil, murderous, monstrous, etc.?
@TheDarkSideOfTheMoon: <NO ANSWER>
Is it God's will that all His creatures should live in accordance with Mr. Crowley's dictate: "'Do what thou wilt' shall be the whole of the law?"
@TheDarkSideOfTheMoon: <NO ANSWER>


What do you mean by "enliven and sustain the universe"?
I do believe that with the use of a dictionary you will be able to comprehend, not only the specific intended sense of the words "enliven, sustain, universe" but also the macro implications of the question.

I am sorry but I just can not do it for you.


God set up this universe to run on its own, and He has willingly interacted with it throughout the course of its existence.

But no, God does not "sustain" the universe.

Whatever that's supposed to mean...
The fact is, and always will remain, that the entire creation is constantly being enlivened and sustained by an external agent and/or entity.



"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
The fact is, and always will remain, that the entire creation is constantly being enlivened and sustained by an external agent and/or entity.
I believe that.
