Trump finally fires James Comey


New member
Listen snowflake you don't get to pick and choose who is on your team if you are so binary in your thinking.
So there is violence on the left and right. Trump had no problem inciting his crowds to punch people. The right talks big about violence. Maybe they are cowards. Maybe Timothy McVeighs and Dylan Roofs are everywhere you just close your eyes. Wouldn't America be great again if people like you weren't so blinded by your agenda and supported a government that was OF THE PEOPLE and FOR THE PEOPLE instead of whatever CON you are your ilk run?

How is it a government of the people when little girls are subjected to having to use the bath room with perverts ?

How is it a government of the people when some of the people are murdered even before they get an opportunity to live ? Abortion is still murder.

It is only a government of the people,to them, when the left fascist get their way obviously.


New member
You're the one insisting that I demand everyone else agree with me, dipstick. I don't, not at all, so grow a potato or something...


I have read several of your post where your pantaloons show ! Get over your self no one with a brain cares what the left is selling ,because it is generally perverted,life ending,or nasty.


Well-known member
How is it a government of the people when little girls are subjected to having to use the bath room with perverts ?

How is it a government of the people when some of the people are murdered even before they get an opportunity to live ? Abortion is still murder.

It is only a government of the people,to them, when the left fascist get their way obviously.

You are so narrow in your thinking that you cannot see the forest for the trees. You will vote for a highly immoral man just to play your couple of notes. Government is more than that, snowflake. If your type were not so sensitive you could persuade and be persuaded. Such a loon.


New member
Hall of Fame
God knows when a president is being set up by a bunch of blood thirsty hyenas. They are not sincere in wanting to know about forgiveness and Trump isn't about to throw pearls before swine. God is happy with us Christians who are not so easily fooled by a dishonest media.
I'll partially agree here. I do think there is some self-righteousness in play and using theology/Christianity to just knock down a political opponent.


New member
You are so narrow in your thinking that you cannot see the forest for the trees. You will vote for a highly immoral man just to play your couple of notes. Government is more than that, snowflake. If your type were not so sensitive you could persuade and be persuaded. Such a loon.

Hello retard ! Do you understand that over 63,000,000 Americans voted for Trump. Your ilk does not get to speak for everyone, and if you do not like the system there is always North Korea or Cuba. Bye now potato.


New member
Do you understand that over 63,000,000 Americans voted for Trump.

He was the second-most-popular candidate in the whole election. That's pretty darn good...for him. It's bad for the country, but it can't be said that some of us didn't ask for it.

...and if you do not like the system there is always North Korea or Cuba. Bye now potato.

Because that's somehow relevant...?


New member
rexlunae;5023125]He was the second-most-popular candidate in the whole election. That's pretty darn good...for him. It's bad for the country, but it can't be said that some of us didn't ask for it.

HE won both the popular and Electoral vote if you don't count the ILLEGAL votes.

Because that's somehow relevant...?[/QUOTE]

Sure it is relevant if you don't like the country or who the people voted into the presidency wouldn't it be hypocritical to stay ?


Hall of Fame
That's just false.

Indeed ... a convenient falsehood that is right up there with birtherism ...

Following this logic, common sense would require the whole election be thrown out and redone ...


New member
Indeed ... a convenient falsehood that is right up there with birtherism ...

Following this logic, common sense would require the whole election be thrown out and redone ...

There are a LOT of people hoping that the idiots throw Trump out so the country can be purged of those that hate America. BE very careful what you ask for you just might get it.


New member
Hall of Fame
As the replacement for mark Levin said yesterday, Trump is not the real enemy. The real enemy of the totalitarian left is people in flyover country....all the red counties.

That is the motivation for the insane bloodlust of the last four months.

How dare a majority of people tell their betters to go jump off a bridge metaphorically by way of our votes? Don't we know progressivism is best for everyone? How dare we reject this way of ruling our country?

I don't see the use in any of that because it can be turned back on you. Instead of Trump it's Clinton. Instead of the flyover country it's the coastal cities. Instead of progressivism it's conservatism. Rhetoric on both sides needs to be toned down.

Also, Trump didn't win the majority of votes.


Well-known member
Hello retard ! Do you understand that over 63,000,000 Americans voted for Trump. Your ilk does not get to speak for everyone, and if you do not like the system there is always North Korea or Cuba. Bye now potato.
Irony is also lost on you snowflake

The Don likes North Korea and Russia



"If you're innocent, why are you taking the fifth amendment?"
- Donald J. Trump

Obviously Trump never thought that less than a year later, one of his own would be taking the 5th!

Comey wants to testify to the Senate Committee on the record and in public - the President's choice for National Security Advisor, has chosen to take the opposite approach by pleading the 5th when asked to testify before the same committee!

Given their past comments about those taking the 5th, Trump and his supporters have no shame!


Is this still being talked about? Let it go.

Sent from my iPhone using TOL



- horribly

- disgraceful

-"this is what the mob does!"

- if you're innocent ...

This is nothing more than "intojoy's" obvious attempt to divert attention away from Flynn's decision to take the 5th - a topic that, given Trump's past comments, subverts their own agenda!


New member

- horribly

- disgraceful

-"this is what the mob does!"

- if you're innocent ...

This is nothing more than "intojoy's" obvious attempt to divert attention away from Flynn's decision to take the 5th - a topic that, given Trump's past comments, subverts their own agenda!

Guess you forgot Lois Lerner in the Otraitor crime wave....Took the 5th

More in the Otraitor administration took the 5th than the Trump administration

The left are such liars and hypocrites.