Trump finally fires James Comey


Well-known member
Should, by virtue of more obstruction, it come up empty, Trump's presidency has been tainted beyond repair. The constant investigations and leaks are overshadowing his personal agenda, the ruination of America. He will replace Nixon in the history books as the most corrupt person ever appointed (by Putin) to the office of the presidency.

Trump is evil personified and will fail.

He with surety does not know how to get out of his own way. I am sure many of his supporters wish he would grow up.


New member
xminister;5021846]Fancy that Trump dropped all that. Apparently believing with all one's heart didn't stand up to reality. He has the power to prove and do those things. But alas they are hollow horns just like his birther lie. The man has told almost 600 lies since he took office. Anyone with common sense would stop believing him.

Libtard 101 is to deny reality and keep the lie going, and you are passing libtard 101 with A+

1 Corinthians 13:1
I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.

As libatrds and demon turds burn cars hurt others and try their best to destroy any civility in America.


New member
Should, by virtue of more obstruction, it come up empty, Trump's presidency has been tainted beyond repair. The constant investigations and leaks are overshadowing his personal agenda, the ruination of America. He will replace Nixon in the history books as the most corrupt person ever appointed (by Putin) to the office of the presidency.

Trump is evil personified and will fail.

Libtard 101 keep repeating the lie and hope it takes effect !


New member
Hall of Fame
citation to the poll please.
98% is very high but based on interviews that I've heard on the radio it wouldn't surprise me that much. This is what they elected. I don't know what it would take for Trumpers to turn against their man.


New member
lol, as Otraitor loaded up sensitive government positions with the mudslime brotherhood where was the silent left ?

Well, let's see. In order of importance:

1. It never happened.
2. You're a horrible person who likes to invent racial slurs.


New member
Well, let's see. In order of importance:

1. It never happened.
2. You're a horrible person who likes to invent racial slurs.

Well lets see:

1. You have passed libtard 101.

2. You have gone right past obtuse straight to potato.


Hall of Fame
98% is very high but based on interviews that I've heard on the radio it wouldn't surprise me that much. This is what they elected. I don't know what it would take for Trumpers to turn against their man.

I believe they already know they were wrong, but are unwilling to acknowledge they allowed themselves to be conned. His presidency is the political version of Trump University.


New member
98% is very high but based on interviews that I've heard on the radio it wouldn't surprise me that much. This is what they elected. I don't know what it would take for Trumpers to turn against their man.
We love what he is doing. All the right people hate him and we hate those people.


New member
I believe they already know they were wrong, but are unwilling to acknowledge they allowed themselves to be conned. His presidency is the political version of Trump University.

LOL, YOU BELIEVE IS THE most scientific study I have ever seen ,NOT !


New member
i've been steadily amazed at the coverage he gets on the CBC - most days he's the lead story, and i believe there's only been one or two days with no trump coverage

often, the trump coverage totally displaces Canadian content
The world establishment hates him. The CBC is part of that establishment. Who is the world establishment? The best two indicators I know of are adherence to man made global warming hysteria and 2. Part of the top 25% in income or the majority of people they associate with in that income bracket.


New member
As the replacement for mark Levin said yesterday, Trump is not the real enemy. The real enemy of the totalitarian left is people in flyover country....all the red counties.

That is the motivation for the insane bloodlust of the last four months.

How dare a majority of people tell their betters to go jump off a bridge metaphorically by way of our votes? Don't we know progressivism is best for everyone? How dare we reject this way of ruling our country?


New member
98% is very high but based on interviews that I've heard on the radio it wouldn't surprise me that much. This is what they elected. I don't know what it would take for Trumpers to turn against their man.

It would take much more than accusations without any proof, which is what the libtards have done since TRUMP was elected make accusations with ZERO proof ever being produced.


Well-known member
Libtard 101 is to deny reality and keep the lie going, and you are passing libtard 101 with A+

As libatrds and demon turds burn cars hurt others and try their best to destroy any civility in America.

Who knew you could be such a sweetheart. Your significant other must beam with pride whenever you enter the room.