Trump finally fires James Comey


New member
Like the pic of Trump bowing to the Saudi King to get medal

Where is the medal in this pic?


Miss the point much?


New member
Who knew you could be such a sweetheart. Your significant other must beam with pride whenever you enter the room.

It is what it is ! The libtards constantly riot, scream over absolutely nothing but the ir desire to return to destroying America through fascist BS.

I do care more about the stability of America than your feelings.

Trump won so the best is for the snow flakes to get over it and make an effort to help America, but no all they do is cry like 5 year a old that did not get their way.

When was the last time you saw conservatives burning other folks cars , destroying their buildings,or attacking people they disagreed with ?


We love what he is doing. All the right people hate him and we hate those people.

Mark 8:36 - For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

I wonder what God things of Christians who support a President who fails to understand as to why he should seek forgiveness from sin?


Well-known member
It is what it is ! The libtards constantly riot, scream over absolutely nothing but the ir desire to return to destroying America through fascist BS.

I do care more about the stability of America than your feelings.

Trump won so the best is for the snow flakes to get over it and make an effort to help America, but no all they do is cry like 5 year a old that did not get their way.

When was the last time you saw conservatives burning other folks cars , destroying their buildings,or attacking people they disagreed with ?

Since fascism is a right ethos plenty of times. The right in America has beaten and hung blacks and minorities. They have taken over government buildings. You should read up on some history and get out of your bubble.

The biggest snowflake is your dear leader Trump. He whines all the time. "Life is so unfair, I had the biggest ratings, the biggest crowds, I am the best and greatest, everybody picks on me, I hate them...wahhhh,". Come to think of it I see you are like him, a little snowflake. You can dish it out but can't take it because of your poor whittle feelings.


patrick jane


Mark 8:36 - For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

I wonder what God things of Christians who support a President who fails to understand as to why he should seek forgiveness from sin?
God thinks, I love them and Trump, and my Son Jesus Christ died so that their sins are forgiven !!!


Well-known member

From the article
Statistics show that the violence of right-wing extremists goes up when Republicans control at least one house of Congress. The reason, according to an analytical report conducted for West Point, might be “relative deprivation, which occurs when the high expectations of far-right activists during a conservative Legislature are not fulfilled.” In other words, these radicals expect to be ignored when Democrats are in charge, but when Republicans in power fail to champion the extremist cause, attacking the government strikes them as the only remaining option.


New member

Mark 8:36 - For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

I wonder what God things of Christians who support a President who fails to understand as to why he should seek forgiveness from sin?
God knows when a president is being set up by a bunch of blood thirsty hyenas. They are not sincere in wanting to know about forgiveness and Trump isn't about to throw pearls before swine. God is happy with us Christians who are not so easily fooled by a dishonest media.


New member
exminister;5022545]Since fascism is a right ethos plenty of times. The right in America has beaten and hung blacks and minorities. They have taken over government buildings. You should read up on some history and get out of your bubble.

You have to be on drugs . Demon craps have historically joined and supported the KKK.The KKK is a demon crap thing.

The biggest snowflake is your dear leader Trump. He whines all the time. "Life is so unfair, I had the biggest ratings, the biggest crowds, I am the best and greatest, everybody picks on me, I hate them...wahhhh,". Come to think of it I see you are like him, a little snowflake. You can dish it out but can't take it because of your poor whittle feelings.

I have NOT seen Trump nor his supporters burning cars, breaking windows, and lighting buildings on fire , but I have seen the left out in the streets destroying other folks property.

lol, it is you crying and a crying like a snow flake (retard) NOT me.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You have to be on drugs . Demon craps have historically joined and supported the KKK.The KKK is a demon crap thing.

I have NOT seen Trump nor his supporters burning cars, breaking windows, and lighting buildings on fire , but I have seen the left out in the streets destroying other folks property.

lol, it is you crying and a crying like a snow flake (retard) NOT me.

Uh, white supremacist outfits are not "liberals" doofus. Stop acting like a...what's the word? Ah, yes, potato...

Before long you'll be full blown gratin dauphinois...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
God knows when a president is being set up by a bunch of blood thirsty hyenas. They are not sincere in wanting to know about forgiveness and Trump isn't about to throw pearls before swine. God is happy with us Christians who are not so easily fooled by a dishonest media.

Trump's more likely to throw about 'tic-tacs'...



New member
Uh, white supremacist outfits are not "liberals" doofus. Stop acting like a...what's the word? Ah, yes, potato...

Before long you'll be full blown gratin dauphinois...

I understand that you do NOT know American history ! The KKK was created by and uniquely Demon Crap.

The violence you have been seeing where the left is out burning cars and destroying property was not conservatives.

Yes, what used to be your brain is still in potato mode !

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I understand that you do NOT know American history ! The KKK was created by and uniquely Demon Crap.

The violence you have been seeing where the left is out burning cars and destroying property was not conservatives.

Yes, what used to be your brain is still in potato mode !

Um, nope, you're yet another typical far right fanatic who has as much objectivity and rationality as the nearest waffle - quite apt where it comes to you...


New member
Um, nope, you're yet another typical far right fanatic who has as much objectivity and rationality as the nearest waffle - quite apt where it comes to you...

I love how liberals are so tolerant that is of course unless you happen to disagree with any of their socially retarded and destructive programs like grown men using the same bath room as little girls.

You are a typical liberal who believes everyone should agree with you on everything "you" think or believe. Get over yourself snow flake the real world does NOT work that way.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I love how liberals are so tolerant that is of course unless you happen to disagree with any of their socially retarded and destructive programs like grown men using the same bath room as little girls.

You are a typical liberal who believes everyone should agree with you on everything "you" think or believe. Get over yourself snow flake the real world does NOT work that way.

Shows what you know 'snowflake'. I don't expect people to agree with me on every given thing and nor do I think they should, so get over yourself ya daft crank.


Well-known member
You have to be on drugs . Demon craps have historically joined and supported the KKK.The KKK is a demon crap thing.

I have NOT seen Trump nor his supporters burning cars, breaking windows, and lighting buildings on fire , but I have seen the left out in the streets destroying other folks property.

lol, it is you crying and a crying like a snow flake (retard) NOT me.

Listen snowflake you don't get to pick and choose who is on your team if you are so binary in your thinking.
So there is violence on the left and right. Trump had no problem inciting his crowds to punch people. The right talks big about violence. Maybe they are cowards. Maybe Timothy McVeighs and Dylan Roofs are everywhere you just close your eyes. Wouldn't America be great again if people like you weren't so blinded by your agenda and supported a government that was OF THE PEOPLE and FOR THE PEOPLE instead of whatever CON you are your ilk run?