ECT True or False question (Billy Graham)

True or False question (Billy Graham)

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Repentance shows our belief.
GOD repented.
He repented of both, doing good and doing evil.
GOD was not repenting to show His belief, nor did His repenting change His belief.
Ya'll need to STOP making the word "repent" about sin.
GOD repented.
The word "repent" has zero to do with sin.
Only the context reveals what one is repenting from, but the word itself has nothing to do with sin.
If it did, GOD would not repent.
But He did.

Our flesh might refuse, but our spirit wouldn't.
What would that actually entail in real life?
If your flesh does the deed, but your spirit does not ........ then WHO is the one doing the deed, and WHO is the one not doing the deed?


Well-known member
Grace does not abound or decrease because you sin more or less.
Grace is unmerited.
What? God does not stay with those who wilfully sin before him. Do you knowingly sin when you know it's wrong before God?
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An outright lie.

We are tired of your lies.

Are you interested enough to strive to follow all His word or teachings?

I am not talking about perfect faith, because no one is perfect.

Jesus looks into our heart if we are doing our best to follow Him even with our imperfect faith.


Well-known member
Your good samaritan story? Men had to produce their own fruit before the Holy Spirit came to dwell in the believers. You're still on the wrong side of the cross, Meshak (and your fruit is plastic).

Men and women have to obey God before they receive the Holy Spirit, we won't be partakers of the fruit of the Spirit if we are not willing to obey the living God.

Acts 5

And we are his witnesses of these things; and so is also the Holy Ghost, whom God hath given to them that obey him.

The wrong side of the cross is not being willing to take up our cross to follow Christ Jesus!


Well-known member
Before He died on the cross, Meshak. You do know that He has risen from the dead, don't you?

You do know that believers have the Holy Spirit dwelling in them, and He produces HIS FRUIT in us, don't you?

No, you don't. If you did, you wouldn't keep making that claim.
Those who produce the fruits of the Spirit are those living by the will of God. Not just saying they believe and Jesus has done it all for them and they don't have to do anything. That's a false teaching we are to be doers of the word and not hearers only.


Well-known member
GOD repented.
He repented of both, doing good and doing evil.
GOD was not repenting to show His belief, nor did His repenting change His belief.
Ya'll need to STOP making the word "repent" about sin.
GOD repented.
The word "repent" has zero to do with sin.
Only the context reveals what one is repenting from, but the word itself has nothing to do with sin.
If it did, GOD would not repent.
But He did.
I don't know what that has to do with the conversation. Musterion was asking about Graham's statement, which included "repent of our sin".

What would that actually entail in real life?
If your flesh does the deed, but your spirit does not ........ then WHO is the one doing the deed, and WHO is the one not doing the deed?

Are you saying Jesus was wrong in Matt 26:41?

Are you saying Paul was wrong in Rom 7:15ff?

But I agree that our flesh needs to be brought under the control of our spirit. That's a process. I think that's the particular thing that the Holy Spirit will complete in us. That's what Paul means when he says the fruit of the Spirit is "self control". Gal 5:22-23

But if we're not even WILLING to let the Holy Spirit control ANY part of our lives, how can we call Jesus "Lord"?


Well-known member
I don't know what that has to do with the conversation. Musterion was asking about Graham's statement, which included "repent of our sin"

Question 1 of 2.

If someone knows he/she is a sinner, what do they need to know to be saved? Tell me exactly what you think.


Well-known member
I am always to strive to live the Word. The flesh will always cause me problems. Even a bad thought is a sin. I must always depend on the Lord Jesus my High Priest in heaven to cover my sins with the sacrifice He made.

He covers our sins by cleansing our hearts through the Spirit to be more like his. Justifying us before God. God wants to see the life of his son through us and not see us lusting after the flesh and this world of sin. Those in Christ turn away from sin, and Jesus has showed us the way to do it, he's the perfect example to follow.


Well-known member
Romans 5:18-19 KJV
(18) Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.
(19) For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.

HINT: That one ain't you.

It is not by the righteousness and obedience of two (yours and Christ).
It is by the righteousness and obedience of one (Christ).

If you are relying on any of your own righteousness and obedience, then you are relying on the wrong one.
The righteousness of Christ has to be in us, and we too have to be obedient to God as he was. Jesus wasn't our perfect example for nothing. Those who truly follow Jesus, will be those who love God with all their hearts and they are those who obey God and live by his will, and they will receive the Holy Spirit in God's time, and they will then start to produce the fruits of the Spirit in their lives, love faith, mercy, forgiveness, gentleness etc and they all come from love. You will know Gods people by their fruits, they won't just be speaking it, they will be living it out. Those born of God will be filled with the love of God and others will see the love of God and life of Christ in their lives.


Well-known member
What about 33?

Do you think it was necessary to their salvation? Connected to it? Paul was glad he hadn't baptized but a few. Why was that?

(just questions running through my mind over the differences, what are some of yours? Or answers to these even?)



Do you think it was necessary to their salvation? Connected to it? Paul was glad he hadn't baptized but a few. Why was that?

(just questions running through my mind over the differences, what are some of yours? Or answers to these even?)


How come you disregard where Jesus talks about how to inherit eternal life so clearly and simply?



New member

Do you think it was necessary to their salvation? Connected to it?
I do. It's in the context of the verses you put up yet you skipped it. Why is that?

Jesus instructed the apostles on how to make someone a Christian.
Matt. 28:19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
And we see the apostles do just that, even Paul.
Acts 19:5 On hearing this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Jesus in the same conversation before his ascension he says:
Mk. 16:15 And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation. 16 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.
You see the order the Lord gives on being saved. If we look at the conversion of Paul, it agrees. His sins were not forgiven until he was made a Christian by being baptized in the name of Jesus.
Acts 22: 16 And now why do you wait? Rise and be baptized and wash away your sins, calling on his name.’

Paul was glad he hadn't baptized but a few. Why was that?

If we look at the context it's obvious. People were claiming to follow the one who baptized them. Although Paul preached to many and many believed he only personally baptized a few. That is the meaning of he was not sent to baptize but to preach. He preaches but he is not under obligation to do the baptizing. As we can see when he actually preached to these Corinthians.
Acts 18:8 Crispus, the ruler of the synagogue, believed in the Lord, together with his entire household. And many of the Corinthians hearing Paul believed and were baptized.

Paul was thankful because:
15 so that no one may say that you were baptized in my name.

Notice the "in my name".

Why does Paul ask this question?
Or were you baptized in the name of Paul?


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So are you claiming if you have faith in God and Jesus, you cannot commit sin?
I'm saying that if you have given the Holy Spirit control of your flesh and spirit, then neither your flesh or your spirit could sin because if the Holy Spirit were IN CONTROL there would be no sin committed.
Since we do still commit sin at times, how can the Holy Spirit be IN CONTROL of us?


Well-known member
But I agree that our flesh needs to be brought under the control of our spirit. That's a process. I think that's the particular thing that the Holy Spirit will complete in us. That's what Paul means when he says the fruit of the Spirit is "self control". Gal 5:22-23

But if we're not even WILLING to let the Holy Spirit control ANY part of our lives, how can we call Jesus "Lord"?

For me:
1) God is stronger than I am. When I've placed myself in Him, He calls the shots. Proverbs 16:9
Romans 9:19
2) He is therefore 'Lord' whether I recognize this or not. There is no making the head of the family, 'the head of the family.' He already is.
3) The parable of the talents: Some didn't do as well as others. Only the one who buried his/hers was in trouble. There was no disparaging between the 10 and less talents. Certainly one was better at stewardship, and when it comes to displays of the Spirits work in our lives, it is His doing. Hebrews 12:4-6 If we are resistant or disobedient, He will do it for us. Our self-discipline does not make God love us more, nor favor us more. What it does, is makes Him known to the world, gives us a more blessed life, unites us as a body, and gives us a foretaste of what we will be. God begins making and molding us in His image as soon as we are His.


I'm saying that if you have given the Holy Spirit control of your flesh and spirit, then neither your flesh or your spirit could sin because if the Holy Spirit were IN CONTROL there would be no sin committed.
Since we do still commit sin at times, how can the Holy Spirit be IN CONTROL of us?

that means you will have will to strive to obey Jesus' teachings.

If we don't have spirit of obedience, we stay sinful because without spirit of obedience, the HS is not in you.

it is that simple, friend.