How do you follow God's way? by observing Jesus' teachings.
Jesus is the Way to salvation.
Jesus earthly Ministry was to the "Lost Sheep of the House of Israel."
How do you follow God's way? by observing Jesus' teachings.
Jesus is the Way to salvation.
Hi , tell us the WAY to salvation with verses , please ??
dan p
Luke 10:25-37 New International Version (NIV)
The Parable of the Good Samaritan
25 On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?”
26 “What is written in the Law?” he replied. “How do you read it?”
27 He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’[a]; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”
28 “You have answered correctly,” Jesus replied. “Do this and you will live.”
29 But he wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?”
30 In reply Jesus said: “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. 31 A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. 32 So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. 33 But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. 34 He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him. 35 The next day he took out two denarii[c] and gave them to the innkeeper. ‘Look after him,’ he said, ‘and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.’
36 “Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?”
37 The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.”
Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.”
If anyone believes 'repentance' means to quit committing any kind of sin, it's an exercise in futility.
Have you repented? Have you changed? Is your life different from how it used to be? God’s commands to repent are not capricious. It is not that He wants to see people groveling in subjection before Him. In His imperative call for people to repent, He has their welfare and happiness as His motive. “For godly sorrow produces repentance leading to salvation.” Repentance is a necessary step to salvation.
And Graham, baptist that he was, appeared to be one of them:
So if he figured "repent" means "change your life" (not just your mind), which in turn means "stop sinning" (which is how your life would look different), then when Graham said "Repentance is a necessary step to salvation," then . . . well . . . you decide what that means.
If anyone believes 'repentance' means to quit committing any kind of sin, it's an exercise in futility. As long as we're in the flesh we are susceptible to sin. If one believes they must confess every sin before they can receive forgiveness, then, what happens if they die before confession is made? If one must do all kinds of good works/deeds in order to gain eternal life, then, why was the cross necessary?
2 Corinthians 12:21
And lest, when I come again, my God will humble me among you, and that I shall bewail many which have sinned already, and have not repented of the uncleanness and fornication and lasciviousness which they have committed.
To regret and turn away from. And for us that is sin.What is YOUR definition of the word, "Repent?"
To regret and turn away from. And for us that is sin.
God is certainty helping and strengthening me to overcome them, i couldn't do it without him. And we will sin till the end of our lives, but we shouldn't keep on wilfully sinning once we are born of God.Have you given up ALL of your sins?
Well, I think "change your life" can't mean to "stop sinning", since most understand quite well that they continue to have faults.
God is certainty helping and strengthening me to overcome them, i couldn't do it without him.
And we will sin till the end of our lives, but we shouldn't keep on wilfully sinning once we are born of God.
Show me , andyc , where Paul says we are 2 repent
What you are saying is that GOD only helps you out sometimes, but not enough for you to stop sinning.God is certainty helping and strengthening me to overcome them, i couldn't do it without him. And we will sin till the end of our lives, but we shouldn't keep on wilfully sinning once we are born of God.
According to "Paul's Gospel", that was given him by the "Ascended Lord Jesus Christ" faith alone is required for our salvation.
Hi andyc , and did you read Acts 26:20 , : DOING WORKS BEFITTING THE CHANGE OF MIND !!
What kind os works is it talking ABOUT , to prove you have a CHANGE OF MIND ??
Give it a try , andyc , please tell us ??
Have you read Matt 3:8 where John says , Bring forth therefore FRUIT meet for REPENTANCE !!
Name what the FRUIT IS , if you can , andyc or maybe one of your ACOLYTE will help you ??
dan p
1 Timothy 5:20 Those who are sinning rebuke in the presence of all, that the rest also may fear.If anyone believes 'repentance' means to quit committing any kind of sin, it's an exercise in futility. As long as we're in the flesh we are susceptible to sin. If one believes they must confess every sin before they can receive forgiveness, then, what happens if they die before confession is made? If one must do all kinds of good works/deeds in order to gain eternal life, then, why was the cross necessary?
And Graham, baptist that he was, appeared to be one of them:
So if he figured "repent" means "change your life" (not just your mind), which in turn means "stop sinning" (which is how your life would look different), then when Graham said "Repentance is a necessary step to salvation," then . . . well . . . you decide what that means.
A bad tree cannot produce good fruit. Repentance makes the tree good in order to produce good fruit.