Your observation about Inquisitions, and similar attempts to censor is correct, but that isn't the point.
actually I think it are on a moderated site and speech is NOT free and if the home field throws rocks at you while you score your goals...well that’s all part of it...score anyway
it’s amazing what thicker skin even Paul had to grow...not easy going from hunter to hunted...but well you were warned and this is no big cross...compared to what others in history went through...
BTW you think that militant church persecution is NOT going to happen again...LOL...please note Paul, Stephen et al were NOT persecuted by the world but by the those who they used to fellowship with...put on the whole armor my friend...this does not end...we will be killed some day...unless you go MAD and then believe you are removed saved raptured and can avoid the trouble you helped to trigger...
As for me and my house we will serve Yah...and pray our flight will not occur in winter or Sabbaths...
The need for banning isn't the CONTENT of the message, it is the highly inappropriate personal attacks, that destroy the atmosphere of polite discussion.
you need a safe space? LOL...polite discussion? LOL
Bro if you dont sharpen your defenses, your wit, or sword in here you will be easily cowed out there in the streets...when the knock on the door comes for you...
Good men for centuries now have not “rocked the boat” more because of the protestant tolerance to move and expand...go along to get along...prosperity for all...
but militant church is coming to be sure...and if you were to preach the gospel of repentance and salvation and obedience through HIM ALONE you will be persecuted for hate speech intolerance racism/anti semitic et al
I advise you to get used to this here become wise as serpents and prepare to be harmless as doves out there where moderators will not even be around to call off the attacks on your person...
Will you remain uncompromised?
As Mike Tyson said “everyone has a plan until smacked in the mouth” better have more than a plan but a belief and conviction and training and conditioning and armor and endurance and perseverance and long suffering...oh did I meantion long suffering? It starts here at TOL...
Carry a golden calf, follow a sacred cow, be goyim and you will be cowed...LOL