Because titles do not overall context. There are hundreds of titles that are applied to the YHWH, "God" being one of them. "God" is a title that is typical reserved for YHWH, yet how many times to we see it applied to angels, men and even Satan (2 Cor 4:4). Satan is called "ho theos", "the God" of the world. Would it be logical to assume that this title, "ho theos" which is typically reserved for YHWH alone shows Satan is Jehovah. I think not! Titles are used for identification but only as far as context permits, which is exactly my argument.
The term "first and last" in essence means "only", for example, Adam was "the first and last" human created from the dust of the earth, he was the only one made in that way. But if one was to refer to Adam in such way it in no way would imply he is Jehovah himself since the context explains in what sense he is the first and the last.
My reasoning was based on context, as earlier showed, whenever Jehovah is referred to as the "first and the last" (only) of something, that something always relates to his sovereignty as God. I would not not go as far to say the first and the last is a title in the same manner as "Christ", "most high" or "almighty", since such expression relate to single individuals in scripture. If I asked you to identify who I have in mind when I say "king of kings" you might assume Jesus, since people accept the term "kings of kings" as a tile of Jesus, yet scripture identifies Artaxerxes as also being a "king of Kings". I can say the same thing in regards to Ehud when it mentions savior (Judges 3:15), despite their being only one savior according to scripture (Isaiah 43:11).
If these titles, namely "Savior" and "King of kings" can be applied to both God and men but in different senses, then is it really a stretch to claim that the term "first and the last" which on a basic level means "only", can be applied to Jesus and Jehovah but with very different meanings? I think not, especially when the context agrees with me, a point you never addressed.
I didn't explain my position well enough. Again, Jesus was the first person who was raised by the father directly, nowhere in scripture do we find a resurrection performed by the Father other than to Jesus. All other resurrections have been done by apostles, prophets or Jesus himself. Again, the only person ever recorded to have been resurrection by the Father was Jesus, he was the first. Furthermore, since the the resurrection the Father passed all judging and resurrection responsibility (Heb 5:9) to Jesus and it is by means of Jesus all judged worthy will get a resurrection, the Father resurrects no one. The last resurrection ever performed by the father was on Jesus. So Jesus is the "first and the last" in the sense he was the first and last person to be resurrected by the Father as the context of Rev 1:18 and Rev 2:8 show. All other persons now are and will be resurrected by means of Jesus.
Jesus is to come, and the Father too is also coming. Since the Father is God he does not go directly but sends his son to do his bidding, it's the perks of the job.
For example, the Father was the one who came to earth in Mary, how can I say this? Because Jesus himself stated John 5:43 "I have come in the name of my Father", the Father didn't literally come to the earth, but as Gods agent Jesus acted in Gods behalf and did as the Father commanded. Jesus explained "whoever sees me sees also the One who sent me", why because Jesus was Gods messenger.
Likewise, the Father YHWH is the one who is coming in the ultimate sense, it is Jesus who is coming in the literal sense.
You seemed to ignore what basic scripture shows and yet still try to defend something that is undefendable. Jesus simply cannot be the one mentioned in Rev 1:8 as I've already mentioned, you did not address this point. He is without doubt mentioned as a separate person from "the one who is, was and is to come" in Rev 1:4,5. I could go on to show you how the "the one who is, was and is to come" the almighty goes and sits on the throne in the later chapters and has "the lamb/Jesus" come and take the scroll from the one who sits on the throne if you like, it is a futile point to try and argue my friend.
We can, by context. If a verse says the frog is God almighty among the frogs, we wouldn't conclude that the frog is God almighty to everyone, but only to frogs since the context is clear. The context is the deciding factor, nor the title. Also, Jesus and Jehovah aren't titles, they're personal names.
I did not "allege" I clearly demonstrated the fact. Your argument is not an argument, you're in effect saying, I'll ignore Rev 1:4,5 separation of Jesus from "the one who is, was, and is to come" since scripture says "he's coming". This is poor reasoning if reasoning at all! How can Jesus be separate from the the "one who is, was, and is to come" if he is that person, address the point!
It's 0100hours here so don't have time to address all your points, I'll attempt the rest another day. Excuse me if my post is a mess.