New member
TH, new TOLers would benefit by you posting your journal in blogs, not a journal onboard. Put it in a blog
(IQ deficient people do dumb things) :BAH:
(IQ deficient people do dumb things) :BAH:
Is he in error if he disagrees with you?So just because you don't agree with my faith, I am in a error?
I didn't say you said anything. I asked you the same question you asked him.Did I say that?
I do, but I'm an optimist. Even when I mostly know how it will go.You just don't learn, do you?
Of course you won't.I will not read your comments anymore and reply.
lain: You should ignore yourself, maybe...what could it hurt?
True enough.Just because you want to make that analogy doesn't make it a valid analogy
So is religion, but it doesn't have to be the same, the response to it does.Do you want to know why that analogy is invalid?
1. Race and sexual behavior are completely different.
Leaving off this isn't a theocracy, your religion is a choice, but I doubt you'd be okay with a "No Vacancy for Jews" sign. Right?Being born African American is not a choice, getting married to someone the bible says you shouldn't is a choice.
The problem with this sweeping a generalization is that not all words and positions are of equal weight. When you approach what might be advanced as provocation/fighting words as a matter of law you've moved into a different realm and away from something as simple as a Muslim baker not wanting to provide the same cake to a Christian ceremony.The right analogy would be a kkk member asking an African American baker to bake a cake that says, "White Power!" Or telling a Jewish Baker that he must bake a cake that says, "Merry Christmas" or telling a Musilm baker that he must bake a "happy Hannukah" cake or telling a gay friendly baker to bake a "Gay marriage is wrong" cake.
Selling a cake you're in the business of selling isn't a holy or unholy endeavor. It's commerce. You're no more participating than the man who sold Marx a pen participated in the communist revolution in Russia.The freedom to what? The freedom to demand that anyone and everyone celebrate your union?
That's where I think you make a mistake. It's not the particular act, but the foundational equality that the act represents that turns the point.Because the denial is not a life threatening situation/service ...
To exclude those from a service who can partake without disrupting it is to empower prejudice beyond the right to think and speak. That license invites a larger, systematic exclusion by the majority, against which the minority cannot hope to prevail and by which it can be excluded from all but the lowest hanging fruit of a compact.
In our nation we've proffered that as incompatible with the spirit and functioning of the a just republic, antithetical to the spirit of fraternity and equality in opportunity fundamental to a free people.
I have to agree.
Aren't you a club of one, essentially? So...You people need to get rid of your elitism.
The question being what.It is so becoming.
Is she trying to trivialize the serious or subtly indicating her status as a victim of repeated abuse?..."In an appearance on talk radio’s The Lars Larson Show last week, conservative talking head Ann Coulter...dismissed the notion of date or acquaintance rape out of hand, insisting that unless a victim gets “hit on the head with a brick,” it isn’t a legitimate rape."
I suppose being a Chief's fan taking joy in the defeat of others by others is a necessity.Nor me. The Chiefs lost and are basically eliminated but I still got some joy this weekend at seeing Denver lose.lain: And Baltimore. .
Especially if you want something to do in the post season.
Race Update: :singer:
Get a good seat because this one is a thundering pile of dust, ladies and gentlemen. Musterion's nag has a commanding lead (16) five full lengths ahead of the race for second between Doom and Eeset (11) with Angel and anna potential challengers for third (9) two lengths back. Nang has come on to stay in the running to place, along with resod (8) and genorg (7), with Oatmeal and GM (6) likely too far back to challenge and a game field led by Stripe out of the money absent a whirlwind of crop waving, leg kicking reports.
Stay tuned for the winner.
i can hardly wait!
Noted. But it's a bit like pointing out the sky.
BR is obviously insinuating I am not a Christian. Who is he to usurp Jesus' authority, blatantly make false accusation like this. And, yes it is not unusual.
Apparently it's more common than you think (either).Most churches are practicing elitism like the OP. Elitism is not of God. Elitists are lip servers, which is hypocrisy. Jesus does not accept hypocrites in His Kingdom.lain:
The celebratory march toward Easter begins, a period of heightened gratitude for the coming and eventual sacrifice of Christ, bringing grace and our reconciliation.What does Christmas mean to you?
Every year we travel to a nearby tree farm and pick a live tree to bring home. After Christmas we plant it on the acreage. Jack picked his first of many this year.Do you have any Christmas traditions or memories you would like to share?![]()
Excluding the unreasonable you sound like a mime...[excluding the Jack] TH, you sound like Rome.lain:
Well, something is.Its obvious for those who can see. :sherlock:lain:
A sour note wrapped in different time signatures isn't much of a tune.Go get yourself a blog then judge my music.
A common misconception, especially among people without a background in civics or their nation's history. Rather, we've always been a nation comprised mostly of Christians. The state was never meant to serve Christianity or any particular religion, except by protecting it from government intrusion and direction.The US is supposed to be a Christian nation.
And Christ died to save the sinner from his merit. Just so....God hates sin, we are told in the Good Book.
I was born and raised in south-central TEXAS, but now live in north-east TEXAS in a town called Greenville. This sign hung across the main street as you entered the downtown area. It hung there until the 60's.
What would be your reaction if you drove into a town and saw this sign?
I suppose I'd feel obliged to ask what was wrong with the old motto: "Greenville, it's oKKK!"
But I'd make sure I had a full tank of gas and a head start first.lain:
Why is Iceland green and Greenland mostly icy?My question is, why is the town with the blackest land and whitest people named Greenville?
Darn people... :mmph:
Politics, once the means to advance racial prejudice, has more often than not replaced race when it comes to the old us/them fife and drum rhetoric. Race in relation to politics still has teeth, but on an interpersonal level it's lost its appeal beyond that, thankfully.And it's now found more in the North than it is in the South.
How is black this or that indicative of racism?...As for organizations, those aimed at supporting minorities are mostly, historically, attempts to build a means to influence the majority and protect the minority from exploitation, something that would be peculiar for the empowered majority to attempt. So when that majority does it the reason is more typically to exclude and to continue to protect their power base from erosion by those same minorities. A very different purpose and animal and so the very different objection to them and the reason why when and where they exist they tend to be odious (as in, Klan-ish)....I do take offense at such things as, "Black this," "Black that," because if we had white-only websites or other organizations, we'd be deemed racist, whereas their racism is 'acceptable' (though not to me).
You could live next door to a college. Doesn't mean you know anything.i'm not from texas and i'm not from the south - i'm from upstate new york, one of the centers of abolitionist activity in the early 1800's
So that's what you got refilled for Christmas....when town's ancestors were...when town's ancestors fought...
i've noticed that bybee demonstrates with every post she makes, just how much of a
she is :idunno:
Cub Reporter of the Year:
Jan, Feb and March belonged to Angel, making a bold initial statement and setting the reporting bar high. Musterion closed out the year strongly, taking October, November and December. And August and September belonged to GM.
But when the dust settled and the high horses were in the barn 2014 belonged to last year's runner up:
Congrats Sod :first: (resurrected/resodko) for taking April, May, June and July and staying in the hunt else.
Coming soon: Cub Reporters 2015
And while Musterion owned the final month of the year:
...I'd never say good riddance to someone who hadn't arrived. It's poor form. I hope the fellow finds faith in something other than himself at some point. He'll be happier for it.Coming back into this one after the spring but I'm betting the responses have been fairly predictable.
So lemme guess: No True Scotsman...A little dash of good riddance NTS, etc.
How many do you think we're short?of all those people, why are only a few chosen to "lead"?
Not actually. Only 38% of House members are lawyers. The Senate is another matter, with 57% holding that degree. It's a fairly good idea though, if you're aim is to write law. Else you'll have to hire out and most do. Outside of that I'm fairly sure its weighted even more heavily against.I mean why, of all the folks in the US, do people in high positions have to, well, for example, most of them are lawyers.
In general lawyers are specifically trained in critical analysis and are in the best position to respond to legal entanglements, which occupy so much of the power structure. The only other degree which would be somewhat as helpful would be in economics/business....Anyway, what makes lawyers so good and preferable.. for doing these cabinet-level jobs in the WH?
Remember that if your appendix ever bursts. Let me know how that construction foreman gets by.I think maybe we should dispense with the notion that the highly-book-educated are better at running things than... construction foremen or whomeverlain:
How would you know? You see a poll?...lawyers, by the nature of their dispositions and training...[redacted irrational insults followed]...most decent people want nothing to do with the scumbags :idunno:lain:
Zeke is just rolling cigarette packs into his sleeve, if colorfully.Ah the illusion of benevolence being wrongly soiled by the rabid braying of those forced through birth right and ignorance to play along in the legal illusion, where words morph into favor of the house of trick cards it is structured on. But there is a legitimate point (the fool deserves to be fleeced type of rationality) being asserted by those inbred by the legal/political system, in that those who play in Vegas shouldn't complain about the odds, or bray when they lose seeing it was their own will that fell for the glitter and lights sparkling as a diamond in the desert, and it's luring promise of riches.
TH is just a dealer sticking up for the house he loves.
Well, if you say anything you're going to double your post count average.:jawdrop:.. Really?? Wow!! I don't even know what to say.. Thank you, Knight! :bow:![]()
Everyone believes in an absolute authority, speaking pragmatically. Moral absolutists can be the best or worst of men, depending on where and in what their faith vests.Isn't this really about moral absolutes?
Is mehak's answer still only a list with one name on it?lain: I've been away.
Do bunnies like cocoa powder? :idunno:
In my world they do.![]()
In your world, do people spontaneously burst into song and dance?lain:
Fixed that one for you. Though what his elk has to do with anything I'm sure I can't say.Yes, I know how satisfied you and your elk are with how things have shaped up in America in the last 100 years.
What did you just call me??Then, congratulations to one of my TOL favorites and a fledgling HOFer led to...
What did you just call me??lain:
...and where do all liars go in the End???