A day's pause for the Gazette and then, well, Sod will probably post something...
Had a discussion about minding other people's business...
While 350 million miles away...
Had an initially pleasant difference with CL...
Which brought down the Nangation...
And the more awkwardly complicated...
Before an ominous portent appeared on the horizon...
Had a genuine political conversation...
But then...
Secrets were flying in Ask Knight...
In more serious climes...
Tomorrow? The shift hits the fanatic and hell may have frozen over. :shocked:
The Hump Day Gazette (early edition)
Had a discussion about minding other people's business...
No, it's saying that you a) don't know what you're talking about when it comes to business models, but b) are certain of the outcome regardless.I, who have no Business degree, could run a cable network better than Dish...
sad thing is: that is not saying anything
That's saying something all right.lain:
While 350 million miles away...
Cool off the grid kids, seeing dragons in the shadows they throw.Lawyers and Catholics, see no evil nor hear no evil.lain:
Had an initially pleasant difference with CL...
So at this point you're still finishing up the whole prefrontal cortex business and are much more emotionally stimulated and influenced in terms of decisions than you will be in a few years.I am nineteen years old, will be twenty in a couple weeks.
They mostly aren't at all. Your problem is that you possess the deadly combination of youth and intelligence without sufficient perspective to know how to value it or others...I'm already at the point of near-insanity when it comes to the stupidity of the average person. And the average person here is even dumber than the average person in general. People are both stupid and evil
It could happen. Or you could resemble John the Beloved. It depends on how wisely you use your future....I honestly shudder to think how cynical I'm going to be when I'm Nang's age.
Which brought down the Nangation...
This is what I see as your problem in a nutshell. You don't see clearly, or your emotional process distorts your judgment to a dangerous degree.What a pompous prig you prove to be . . .CL has more Godly wisdom and insight in his few years, than you may ever garner.
All I said to the fellow who had finished calling most people stupid and evil is that he'll outgrow that sort of thing if he uses his life well. I like the kid. You...you're a trial for me. But I love you anyway.
And the more awkwardly complicated...
Not true, but it is true that I mostly prefer to listen to and read people with a great deal more reflection and background on the subject. It may be a novel approach in forum life, but it's a habit I learned from my grandfather.TH rarely exhibits any theology proper,
You can't say that on the one hand I don't hold forth and then on the other qualify what I do or don't possess on a thing. Well, you can't do it rationally...but as illuminating personal and emotional statements go it's helpful....you confess foundational and biblical knowledge far beyond any of his grasp.
Before an ominous portent appeared on the horizon...
I honestly stopped caring about that a long time ago. Mostly I find all of that distracting and a bit pointless to consider. Intelligence should serve, not enslave. So if it helps you help others, communicates a thing of importance in a way that's memorable, etc., I say go to. If it keeps you mindful of the difference between you and your neighbor in a way that invites contempt into your reflections then it would be better to do without it or without considering it further until it doesn't....Be honest about where you're at. Do you really think Nick is at the same intellectual level you are? aCultureWarrior? Glorydaz? Tambora? Seriously?
Had a genuine political conversation...
The past isn't necessarily prologue though or we'd still be ruled by kings....History seems to show that the common man will always be ruled by the elite.
I think that's a great metric.To me, the only question is how do we ensure that the rulers will be good and look out for our best interests.
But then...
liberals promote gay ness
Some. So do some conservatives. But I suspect that like the vocal opposition, they're louder than they are representative.
You have no idea what the divorce rate is among conservatives, do you?divorce
If you're hard core enough as a Catholic you'd likely say that's true of anyone who supports any sort of contraceptive use though, wouldn't you?fornication
Much more so than conservatives, to be sure, though every conservative nominee for high office has supported abortion rights of one sort or another.abortion
I think we're ultimately responsible for our own actions, though reading you frequently has me wondering about that.and so we think of that psg in the Bible about how these kinds end up in Hell: those who cause others to sinlain:
Secrets were flying in Ask Knight...
We all got together and thought it was for the best.When I log into TOL from my phone or tablet, I can leave rep but I cannot leave any comments with the rep. Why is that?lain:
:think: I'm not sure it's a conspiracy if everyone else is in on it.I knew it! I knew there was a conspiracy against me!![]()
In more serious climes...
That's not how you spell realty. And it's more a certification than a degree.libs need to get a degree in Reailty
I had a pet Roku when I was younger. Everyone did. The legend goes they all ended up in the sewers and grew into golems.Change. Providers.
Or get rid of your provider and get a subscription to Hulu ... or even better. Buy a Roku.lain:
Tomorrow? The shift hits the fanatic and hell may have frozen over. :shocked: