This is an important policy change. A welcome one. I hope it lasts.As per each day the Gazette runs, we'll be closed for a type reset and back up again and open for business later in the afternoon.
This is an important policy change. A welcome one. I hope it lasts.As per each day the Gazette runs, we'll be closed for a type reset and back up again and open for business later in the afternoon.
"And I think it's a big bowl of soup with a fork beside it."
Hey, the fork is great for nabbing the alphabets! I looooove my alphabet soup! :cloud9:
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This is an important policy change. A welcome one. I hope it lasts.![]()
With ill-will seeping out of all your pores, Why do you hope that? Does it give you more opportunity to spread your toxic unctuousness?
Doesn't matter. I like having other voices. A few stalking trolls like sod or eeset shouldn't change anything, so I'll close it for a day or less after a Gazette, give people who show up a chance to read it without sifting through their attention grabs and then leave the floor open for people like you, IMJ, bybee, etc.Undoubtedly ...
... leave the floor open for people like you, IMJ, bybee, etc.![]()
What about me?lain:
Seemed like overkill given how often you're featured of late.What about me?lain:
Seemed like overkill given how often you're featured of late.![]()
:doh: Tell me you didn't just use the D word!I'll take all the overkill you can dish.![]()
:doh: Tell me you didn't just use the D word!
I love this thread, especially when I am the star in it! :chuckle:
I pretty much come here first. This is where the good stuff is!![]()
you stalking troll you :sibbie:
2009, I believe.I think time brings clarity. Obama was awarded the "Nobel Peace Prize", for what?lain: what?
She said, only just having thrown out:Your continued animosity surprises me.
Oh, sure. Eeset got a ban or two for making gay allegations centered around Cary Grant and Randolph Scott. She pretended it was all a misunderstanding. The mods didn't buy it.You forgot Randolph Scott.![]()
Now and then she'll drop the name because she found out doing that won't actually get her in trouble, even thought her reference is understood and the insult carried with it shouldn't be missed by anyone.
That's the sort of person she is...worse, she's almost proud of it. Go figure.
Yeah, it's a mystery why I hold you in contempt all right. Right up there with who made the pyramids.
That there's no moral justification for an immoral act. Sacrificing your life in love is Christ like. Torturing someone isn't.i have no idea what you are attempting to say, here and in other posts.
It's a quandary all right.I'm not sure i should strain my brain trying
Riiiight, because nothing say's haughty contempt quite like not revealing a thing virtually no one reveals on an internet forum.TH (sorry you have never felt safe to reveal your actual name, to us mere TOL peons) . . .lain:
No, hypersensitivity isn't being insulted by an insult, which is why a mod parked you on the ban bench for a while. Hypersensitivity is comparing a neg rep to rape, which is what you did, repeatedly.OK, OK I admit that I am amused by your hyper-sensitivity to anything that you perceive as a Gay innuendo.
In that interior world of yours, where that happens, are there unicorns? And do they speak to you?You seem to panic and thrash about.
Yes, yes, that's obvious, over and over again. Your post in Quixote's almost screams it.Originally Posted by resodko
oh town, if you never posted again i don't think many here would miss you
i know i wouldn't
You should probably start a poll or another thread about it. :think:
Gee, rainee's other thread just excluded everybody.
Can a complaint from Stux be far behind?
lain: Of course it can.
Said the girl offended by exclusion...sometimes all you have to do is show up. Well, show up and be ignored.December 17th, 2014, 05:50 PM
This message is hidden because Town Heretic is on your ignore list.![]()
No one mostly it's you, last years co-winner of for the most reports made in a year.has anybody told you that you whine more than an oversensitive little girl with a skinned knee?lain:
More sports news:
Number 1 in men's basketball, University of Kentucky is set to face off against number 4, University of Louisville, Kentucky.
Now some fans here in the bluegrass state are diehard fans of Kentucky's team while others are just as vehement about Kentucky's team. One thing is for sure in the mind of this fan of Kentucky basketball, Kentucky's going to win!!
I always have a soft spot in my heart for Kentucky teams because my paternal ancestry helped settle the state!