I see you're not even pretending to adhere to the sentiments laid out in your OP 
Come in. Some of you will be finding this via the breadcrumb link left in Observations. It's natural to wonder if this is going to be the same thread under a new address. I hope not. What I mean is that I have a somewhat different vision for this one.
It will be a little like what you remember, the odd digest, a few original bits of humor when I can find a minute, but I hope it will also be more of the sort of place where people can have conversation, not debate, and say hello and stretch their legs, tell a joke, talk about something they've read or watched or noodled.
The digest? It will contain more funny aimed at issue and less at issuer. If you want we can discuss it, the threads I link to or the general subject.
I may theme the days, menu style at some point. I'm open to creative ideas from any of you that are constructive and positive. I don't want any personal attacks in this thread. We can differ so long as our differences are on the subject and the subject isn't the poster.
We won't have a whine list. :nono:
Anyway, I wanted a place for people to stop in and talk about anything they think the rest of us might find interesting without having to commit to a thread to do it. So pull up a chair and look over the menu. Who knows where that will take you?
Welcome to Quixote's.
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