Town Quixote's


I see you're not even pretending to adhere to the sentiments laid out in your OP :(

Come in. Some of you will be finding this via the breadcrumb link left in Observations. It's natural to wonder if this is going to be the same thread under a new address. I hope not. What I mean is that I have a somewhat different vision for this one.

It will be a little like what you remember, the odd digest, a few original bits of humor when I can find a minute, but I hope it will also be more of the sort of place where people can have conversation, not debate, and say hello and stretch their legs, tell a joke, talk about something they've read or watched or noodled.

The digest? It will contain more funny aimed at issue and less at issuer. If you want we can discuss it, the threads I link to or the general subject.

I may theme the days, menu style at some point. I'm open to creative ideas from any of you that are constructive and positive. I don't want any personal attacks in this thread. We can differ so long as our differences are on the subject and the subject isn't the poster. :D

We won't have a whine list. :nono:

Anyway, I wanted a place for people to stop in and talk about anything they think the rest of us might find interesting without having to commit to a thread to do it. So pull up a chair and look over the menu. Who knows where that will take you?

Welcome to Quixote's.

Please omit graphic interjections without permission of the management. Thank you.



Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.

T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear.
And Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear
The hour I first believed.

Through many dangers, toils and snares
I have already come;
'Tis Grace that brought me safe thus far
and Grace will lead me home.

The Lord has promised good to me.
His word my hope secures.
He will my shield and portion be,
As long as life endures.

Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail,
And mortal life shall cease,
I shall possess within the veil,
A life of joy and peace.

When we've been here ten thousand years
Bright shining as the sun.
We've no less days to sing God's praise
Than when we've first begun.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame

Monday Mid Day Gazette

In the Highly Sensitive Person test thread...
....I scored 27/27, so I guess that makes me sensitive :chuckle:

See what you get...

3 :plain:

I scored an 8. Is that bad? :idunno:
It looks down right touchy-feely from my 3....:plain:...I feel like a serial killer.

4 :idunno:

And following an argument over a goat...
Yeah....'started' is a legitimate word to use, but it's not common in my experience.
When I saw it in your sentence, I immediately had in my mind the image of someone pulling a recoil rope on a goat.
Sweet...I mean, that's horrible? :plain: Did I mention I got a 3 on the hypersensitivity test?

That led to...
Yep! Don't feel bad.
Like that's even possible. :plain:

Ran into A&W frothing in the personal insult thread and...
...annabenedetti, Town Heretic, Art Brain and Granite provided enough pagan/atheist entertainment before Jr. slithered in.
Funny how often you think of me when, absent seeing you in a thread like this, I forget you're even here...and now I remember why. :D

Before MEshak floated in...
...All I am telling you Christianity 101 that you don't know.

get rid of your pride and listen to the Truth.
:plain: Unintentionally funniest post ever. Like listening to Caligula lecturing someone on impulse control.

You are saying I don't follow Jesus and being hypocrite.

You don't know Jesus so you don't know if I am being hypocrite or not.

You need a little bit of common sense.

You don't pile "blessings" on top of insult and self praise, even inferentially.

Well, you do...but you shouldn't. Bless your heart. :plain: See? You don't really think I'm doing that either, do you.

Had a discussion of free will and predestination with CL, Lon and's a snippet or two...
Well, no. I used to be Arminian. It is rather that this is the difference between synergism and monergism.
My objection is to him inferring that those who believe in free will (and we'll get to that in a moment) don't believe Christ's blood sufficient. It's a cheap and distorted shot and untrue.

The question isn't about the sufficiency of his sacrifice any more, to use a perhaps clearer example, than suggesting that my refusal or acceptance of a pardon impacts its sufficiency. It doesn't. The question is do I or don't I avail myself of that power/sufficiency.

You can't say it is a gift and at the same time say we save ourselves...Either it really is monergism - a gift, or we earned, bought, are responsible for getting it somehow.
See, I don't think the last part of that goes with the first part. When you say "responsible for getting it somehow" you appear to be attempting to make the effort of saying "Yes" a labor of some sort that earns salvation.

It's as if my father said to me, "I bought this gun and I want you to have it. You can feed your family with it and protect yourself from harm."

I take the gun then you happen by and say, "What did you do to earn that gun?"

I answer, "Nothing. It was a gift. He asked me if I wanted it and I said yes, thanks."

Then you say, "No, it isn't a gift unless he forced it into your hands."

Now who, other than theologians, would believe that?

Tomorrow? Who knows? :think: Maybe a Calvinist, but only in hindsight. :D

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Race Final for September:

And at the wire it's the least surprising win so far, with Catholic Crusader (18) holding a staggering five lengths lead at the wire over Angel's (14) second place. LH (12) was close on her heels in third with Naz (10) two lengths back and just outside of showing.

Congrats CC! You came, you read, you reported the guts out of it.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Hump Day Gazette

Checked in on xAv's debate thread...
I'm looking for a 1 on 1 formal debate on morality, which is superior, secular or theistic morality...
It's a meaningless debate absent a settling of the foundation. If a theistic model is true it is de facto superior. If it isn't then it's just another man made reckoning and it would be a particular expression against another and weighed how?

Unless you mean to scale it as a utility, in which case--

Please don't pick a lawyer.
Ah, well never mind then. :chuckle:

Took a moment for a one sentence movie review...
The Life of Pi: that's sum movie. :plain:

While in the little girl gets her ball stolen thread...
...It wouldn't surprise me if you all think she should burn in hell for what she did.
Sadly, I'm not surprised that you believe that possible.

A part of me hopes they identify her so we can check her religious affiliation.
And if she has none will she speak for you? :plain:

While in CL's Ron Paul thread, he was going off the rails against the nation that affords him the comfortable freedom to denigrate it...
You have a murderer,
You have a problem with definitions. :plain: That makes you a murderer...of the English language.

and a flag that is the symbol of murder,
And symbolism. Though to be fair a symbol is a bit like beauty.

You have no right to lecture anyone else about murder...
Well, if he owns a dictionary he could come up with:

Murder: the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought.

So that would be trouble for you right there. :poly:

And in the Obamacare thread...
I'm mostly curious...darn thing appears to be responsible for everything short of acid rain. Job loss, hair loss, you name it.

Imagine what it will do when it's actually doing something. :plain:

Watched WE unspool in Delmar's thread...Delmar doesn't trust anything NPR reports and that led to...
There are no words for my contempt for you...
Delmar's wrong about NPR but you just made that irrelevant by topping a bias filtered error with an egregiously underthought and pointlessly personal response.

Sheesh. If you're struggling to get along with Delmar you might want to consider a blog. :plain:

Noted a doofus actually reporting the following...
She needed an attention fix. Those cravings will never stop.
I got a good laugh out of her reporting this post with the following:

provoking another member. unnecessarily disruptive.

I think you should get a bonus for provoking an unnecessarily disruptive member. :eek: :first:

Then WE was back to coup de grace himself...
Delmar is [doubles down on personal insult].
So...doubling down then. :plain:

In the new TOL thread, Knight must have been joking...
Maybe your browser is set to reject cookies? That's what it sounds like to me.
Reject cookies! :shocked:

Then Quip quipped...
I've never reported nor put anyone on ignore....I love everyone here at TOL :straight:
You're so flirting with a "needlessly productive" objection. :plain:

Tomorrow? Could be anything. :idunno:


one of my favorite verses :)

2Corinthians 4:16-18 So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Movie Talk: The Contender :singer:

Watched an awful movie last night. I had in mind it would be good, given the cast: Jeff Bridges, Joan Allen and Gary Oldman to name a few.

The plot: the VP has died during the last term of a powerful, left wing President and he's chosen Allen's character to be the replacement. Her opposition is a Republican Chairman in the House whose committee has advise and consent oversight. He's angry in part because Allen has switched parties and he's bearing a grudge. He also has in mind a second candidate, a governor played by the old CSI guy, I can't think of his name. His story line is a useless addition meant to add suspense because of an arc I'd just as soon leave out.

The real meat is that Allen's character is alleged to have been involved in a sorority related orgy. That's what Oldman is going to use, along with an infidelity with her now husband but then married campaign manager. She refuses to comment on the former, because she believes it's not something that would be used against a man and is political hay. She's right and that would be interesting but then it can't help itself.

In short order we learn that yes, she had an affair with her best friend's husband during her successful run for the Senate. She stands by her guns on not commenting on her personal life and the President tells her that if she's determined she has to let them know who she is in her final testimony.

In her summation, with music swelling under, she says she wants guns out of every home, that she's an atheist who believes in the separation of church and state not to protect religion but to keep religious fanaticism from harming government, she's pro choice...just a nightmare of wrong headed declarations that astonished me. I mean I was astonished that the screen writer was allowed to guarantee the movie wouldn't play to most of its potential audience.


Wednesday's Gazette (link)


New member
Movie Talk: The Contender :singer:

Watched an awful movie last night. I had in mind it would be good, given the cast: Jeff Bridges, Joan Allen and Gary Oldman to name a few.

The plot: the VP has died during the last term of a powerful, left wing President and he's chosen Allen's character to be the replacement. Her opposition is a Republican Chairman in the House whose committee has advise and consent oversight. He's angry in part because Allen has switched parties and he's bearing a grudge. He also has in mind a second candidate, a governor played by the old CSI guy, I can't think of his name. His story line is a useless addition meant to add suspense because of an arc I'd just as soon leave out.

The real meat is that Allen's character is alleged to have been involved in a sorority related orgy. That's what Oldman is going to use, along with an infidelity with her now husband but then married campaign manager. She refuses to comment on the former, because she believes it's not something that would be used against a man and is political hay. She's right and that would be interesting but then it can't help itself.

In short order we learn that yes, she had an affair with her best friend's husband during her successful run for the Senate. She stands by her guns on not commenting on her personal life and the President tells her that if she's determined she has to let them know who she is in her final testimony.

In her summation, with music swelling under, she says she wants guns out of every home, that she's an atheist who believes in the separation of church and state not to protect religion but to keep religious fanaticism from harming government, she's pro choice...just a nightmare of wrong headed declarations that astonished me. I mean I was astonished that the screen writer was allowed to guarantee the movie wouldn't play to most of its potential audience.


Wednesday's Gazette (link)

Speaking of movies, my son brought home The Great Gatsby with DiCaprio. :vomit:


Well-known member
Had a discussion of free will and predestination with CL, Lon and's a snippet or two...

Tomorrow? Who knows? :think: Maybe a Calvinist, but only in hindsight. :D

For the rest of the story (probably goes without saying).

I'd need a mind change before I could receive this thing as a gift.

This is "why" it gets more complicated in theology circles ...

We philosophically keep going where most stop. I also see my muscle reactions as divinely enabled so don't see a lot that I do myself. I am responsible, I just theologically feel helpless as a sinner and enabled as a believer....

In our precious Jesus


Well-known member
I always post a link for any of the snippets that isn't in a closed thread. There was one at the beginning of the Gazette bit you might have missed. Part of why I do the partials is to send people to different threads they might have missed. It's easy enough to do.


Wednesday's Gazette (link)

Is the rest of this about the Dewey Decimal system? I haven't flunked a class yet, but this might be a good one in which to try....

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Early Bird Gazette: Sunday Edition

Chatted in chrys' thread, It's Nude Somewhere...or something...
when you are in an asian restaurant they ask if you want spicy
we both know what that means
:think: That you won't be needing to worry about fiber for a day or so?

Then Rusha got crazy spastic...
Not to mention a rather hazardous undertaking ... being that I am *literally* allergic to guinea pigs.

Seriously. Hives and everything.
Ha - Ha - Ha! Rusha. You can't fool me. guinea pigs don't live in hives. :nono:


Tried to point out a fly in the ointment ridden by a monkey waving a wrench in the Vance thread...
Even if this crap were true, you think every person killed by the military was a threat to the US?
No. You think everyone executed for murder was guilty of it? Do you think everyone who is convicted of a crime, any crime, is guilty?

No. So let's do away with law.

You think everyone who has surgery makes it out the other end in better shape? You think everyone who takes medicine gets better?

No. So let's do away with medical practice.

And so on.

Then, over in Rob Schneider turns Republican...
I saw "Rob Schneider" and "disaster" and thought "wow, someone actually let him do a new movie? Well I guess that's another Rob Schneider movie I'm not going to see..." Then saw the actual thread title.

I'm sure there are plenty of democrats who become republicans. Personally, I wouldn't be holding Rob Schneider up loud and proud about it, but that's just me.
I'd at least hold out for Pauly Shore. :plain:

And there was a baseball thread that got all tangled up with some little girl and...
I think it's a sad reflection of a worldly heart at a specific time in that woman's life but I also think I've been guilty of as bad or worse at times in my life.
I know what you mean. I was at a Bay Bears game once and I used a toddler to shield me from a foul ball...I still wonder what he might have grown up to be.

Great game though. We won by six runs. :plain: what?

And in the You Know You're Old thread...
When morning aches and pains turn into a game of Clue.

"My back hurts...was it in the kitchen with the wrench or in the laundry room with the ladder?"

While back in You Know You're Old When...

When you go from jumping up to do something to planning the best rout up to do anything. :shocked:

Closing with a word about Turner and Hooch in the Actor/Best film thread...
Hooch, I miss him. He only made one movie.
And, sadly, it still wasn't his best role. :plain:

Tomorrow...Danish (no, the other one).