and the beagle's back to her old self - stubborn and mooching
and i wouldn't have it any other way :thumb:
Happy to hear it. :thumb:
and the beagle's back to her old self - stubborn and mooching
and i wouldn't have it any other way :thumb:
Here we have razorbacks. Not quite as fierce as yours, at least on the gridiron.Quite, although the threat to life and limb with such 'hobbies' has led one to entertain more sedate pursuits such as philately and scrabble - provided of course the latter isn't in competition with a hedgehog.
Well, that was bound to happen, mathematically speaking.A lesson to be learned there...lain:
Curious, the way you enjoy everything you have to say about other silly little girls need to quit yer whining :chuckle:
I suppose someone has to.lain:
He did. And being human he gets it wrong now and then. Go figure.or complain to knight - he gave the infractions
I think he got it wrong there and with zoo's infraction too. All of us should be up for ribbing, so long as it isn't malicious (going after faith, family, sexuality or containing profanity). Else, what the blazes are we doing in a forum?
It's part of the reason I've always thought we needed an appeals board of some sort. Anyone can either be too irked by one person or too close to another, or simply have a bad day and make the wrong call.
Given how freely LH and Stripe dish around here they should be (and I'd bet are) up for it.
On a related point, I hope I never read another mod telling anyone who isn't one to get thicker skin. People who can't even be breathed upon strongly should stop telling the rest of us how to feel about a treatment they won't receive without penalty attaching in short order.
It's like being lectured on fiscal responsibility by Congress.
Because of all the cheese? Or because you think you're holey? We already have enough of those anyway.Just call me Switzerland
Scratch Applebee's off the potential job market list then.I ain't taking sides. :nono:'re saying silence is his best option?Don't be idiotic.
I think it does, actually. The problem is in the weighting. Now I have one of the larger totals and so have a disproportionate amount of negative or positive impact on the number. I've never understood the point of that. It should be one pt per person per rep. That would minimize the likelihood of the number being marginalized by any one or even a few posters and would make the rep score much more likely to reflect a broad opinion, instead of the power of a few....why should this continue when it really doesn't serve any good purpose at all.
Again, I don't have to be that impressed with me to be unimpressed by the way you conduct your business.and the self-impressed
That Word Power is really coming along for you, isn't it?pretentious blowhard gives us all a demonstration of his incredibly ostentatious afectations :chuckle:lain:
Wouldn't bother me. I know how to laugh at myself. You only seem to know how to laugh with yourself....dude, if anybody ever needed a pie in the face, it's you
Sparking the sequel: An Inconsistent Truth.lain:
Can the H.A.B. theory be far behind? :chocked:
No, but had it been much, much funnier it might have been.Er, no, it's all classified info and the only reason the aforementioned espionage and subterfuge has been revealed is to cover up the actual nefarious concept: The SOOTS Chimney! :shocked:
Okay, that was pathetic...
Ruined as a potential song now...who let the cat out?This is like ... Wait, what's that thing again. The bag. The thing with a bag? Okay, what's it called when there's a bag, and there's a cat inside the bag, and then someone lets the cat get outside of the bag?
Oh yeah, "letting the cat out of the bag."
This is like that.
I played that on the old Atari was hard to tell the rampager from the buildings and whatnots. And it blinked a lot.So I'm guessing a Rep Rampage is a very good thing?lain:
Neither were tax collectors, but one became a disciple.Yeah, lawyers are not well spoken of in the Bible.:idunno:Matthew 9:9-13
And serpents had a hard time of it, but Moses found one that came in handy Exodus 7:10
Commons sense, unfortunately, is always what "I" possess and the other fellow lacks.You don't know how sad of a comment I think it is about our society to state that we need lawyers instead of the common sense that would make them unnecessary.Or, it was the very failure of that approach that led to my profession, along with the increasingly complicated business of business and ever increasing numbers of people with rights.
:think: How would you know?I saw another one of these evil bumper stickers on an old Volvo today. Notice how you never see that sticker on a car with muslims in it?
So...if they put Jesus first, maybe in a bigger font, you're in?That sticker puts Jesus last.lain:
Crier Cub Reporter Race Report :singer:
It's a one horse race well into the first turn, with Catholic Crusader eleven lengths in front of the nearest competitor at an unprecedented (18) reports.
Angel is now fading but still holding onto second with (9) and glorydaze is running two lengths back with (7) for third.
Just outside of the showing come Nazaroo, Cross Reference, GM and IWK closely grouped two lengths back and tied at (5).
Back of that pack come LH, Eeset and Stripe at (4). One length behind them in an impressively large field for this early are yours truly, Rusha and CL with the remaining eighteen horses mostly walking back and forth and nibbling grass.lain:
Determinations are subjective and admittedly biased. I'm more interested in the objective fact of the matter, though I did consider noting what was being complained about. Then I realized most of the time the person objecting didn't cite to a particular rule and I don't have the time to do that for them.You should report the determinations as well for the clearest picture but, so far, this smacks of some interesting truth.
Crier Cub Reporter Race Report :singer:
It's a one horse race well into the first turn, with Catholic Crusader eleven lengths in front of the nearest competitor at an unprecedented (18) reports.
Angel is now fading but still holding onto second with (9) and glorydaze is running two lengths back with (7) for third.
Just outside of the showing come Nazaroo, Cross Reference, GM and IWK closely grouped two lengths back and tied at (5).
Back of that pack come LH, Eeset and Stripe at (4). One length behind them in an impressively large field for this early are yours truly, Rusha and CL with the remaining eighteen horses mostly walking back and forth and nibbling grass.lain:
:first: Though I'm sure this isn't the first time. And honestly, no one is catching CC short of his having an aneurysm...assuming that wouldn't simply push him into double time.I FINALLY made your list. Woo Hoo!
:think: A cool respite from the heat of summer coupled with a lot of dying?Autumn is definitely here in England...ah what is it so bitter/sweet about autumn...
:rotfl: Hot tea. You kill me...funniest idea ever. Hot tea...hooboy. How are you going to top that one?...Been drinking hot tea lately.![]()
You know what might actually help that work? If when A puts B on ignore B can no longer see A's posts either....if my putting you on ignore took away your ability to read what I'm writing it would make it difficult for you to chime in without looking like an enormous doofus and my knowing you couldn't really be discussing anything I'd said would make the temptation to end ignoring you and entering into the old problem much less likely.Looks like we were thinking alike again.
I don't know if it's possible to do, but I bet it would have a positive impact.
:rotfl: BAM! I almost thought that was me! Now that's satire to make Twain claw himself right out his grave. Yessir. :chuckle: Man oh man. I don't know how you do it...or why.Originally Posted by Town Heretic View Post
Maybe I'm a total tard who's impressed by the amount of dreck I can make flow forth
Thanks! :thumb: Coming from you, well, you can't imagine what that means.yes, yes, that's all very nice townlain: No, really, you likely can't.
You may...especially if she wants it read by anyone. And by anyone I mean, of course, other than you or me or the odd fellow stumbling in looking for the bathroom.Er, that's far too interesting for this thread TM. Please take such invigorating subject matter to a more appropriate place. May I suggest 'Town Quixote's'...
It as aptly applies to Eeset's "peeking" as it does to my experience with being stalked, which is less than subjective since the fellow was waved off for that in Observations....That was a subjective suggestion you made, based upon your subjective complaints against Res,
Who cares? (well, she did because it gave her something to sharpen the head of that ax against) It doesn't impact the suggestion, which I think is a good one...with which all of TOL is too familiar,
...Innocent objectivity? What, there's a guilty objectivity? It wasn't about me, though the idea was born of that experience and seeing others drawn back in, like Eeset, out of there is no way you can claim an innocent objectivity apart from your renown subjective complaints.
I don't have a problem with you not liking the idea or even having particular reasons why. But rhetorical bombast without legs, like flinging tyranny at it, doesn't convince me of anything other than you have a bone to pick with the messenger.Now, you are attempting to perform a (subjective) "lawyer's dodge" to avoid my simple disagreement to your (subjective) suggestion.
You made this charge in Quixote's a while back and fled when I began examining the actual posts to demonstrate your had it wrong. Repeating that and encouraging this sort of thing is part of the reason why you're seen as you are and why your apologies are frequently mocked.I have an idea. Start a thread mimicking a newspaper. Then you can copy/paste everyone's posts into it and make pithy deprecating comments exhibiting your sardonic wit.
I don't launch frivolous complaints and usually cite to the rule or rules in play...I also haven't reported that much in months. But given what you think passes for discourse I can understand your confusion...understanding the confusion you call argument is another matter.Maybe Knight could Grandfather you in on this new policy. Just think what your life would be like without frivolous complaining.lain:
Nangative--any negative response to a proposition not based on the argument presented but upon prior arguments unrelated to the point.![]()
Quick, guess what else you have in common.I think Sky's hilarious! :first:lain:
Not a big golf fan...lain: what?
Wasted on me, since he's on ignore. But that saves you having to respond to my last, I guess. And now you can concentrate on something really your tiff with chrys.Well, I put res and TH on ignore. I'm sick of reading this tiff.
'Cause that's just never getting old, I can tell you.lain:
I was going to rep you for this, know.Less back biting perhaps?
Lets see.lain:
I was assuming you could read. :shocked:You're assuming I read yours.![]()'s calming things down already.
You know, I never thought, no I still haven' you think he turned it off to protect me?![]()
No, because then greedy, rep bloated popular kids would still get to stuff their faces with even more rep.Maybe we can just make the system totally progressive liberal and everyone receives equal amounts of rep daily regardless of any thought or input on TOL, of course that would be "fair",
See, you have to account for the weeks and months and years of deprivation and humiliation suffered by those largely unwanted few, the truly good souls, the rep victims of a system rewarding the haves over and over. And you need to do it for at least a few generations, until their self esteem is on the same footing.
Brothers, let us skew the popular now so that eventually there will come the glorious day when every man is a winner, regardless of his creed, race, or personality.
I'm pretty sure that would constitute a rules violation.They expose themselves.
Does anyone else look at the report button and feel a near overpowering urge to click on it...and no, I don't mean NOW. :mmph:
It's a real horse race all right...maybe a dead one, but a horse race.The both of you have the two lamest infractions in the history of TOL.lain:
About what?...Lawyer in the forum spending a lot of time chatting makes very suspicious.
More to the point, do you get nervous undressing near a television?
I mean at home, not in the store.lain:
One Christian's perspective, which is a bit different, or should be.I am only giving you Christian perspective.
I can tell you'd like to. It really comes you ever realize how much bragging you're doing inferentially? I get the feeling you don't. Just a feeling mind you. Maybe you do and it eats you up inside.Modest Christians don't brag how high IQ they posses or what kind of PhD or degree they possess. I would like to add that non-believers, usually atheists, brag.lain:
I don't have to be. It isn't a psychological evaluation. It's an extension of logic....if I say you're being worldy I am by extension declaring that I am not, or I'd be a hypocrite for criticizing you. That's how inferential praise tends to get heaped....Now explain to me your psychoanalysis of me that I am bragging? How do I do that? You are also psychologist?
By way of example:
That's inferring that you're humble. Like someone opening their closet so everyone can see they only have the one, plain outfit though they could go down and buy a snazzy suit if they wanted. That sort of thing.I think gardening is humble activity.
It's too bad we can't ban some people from their own heads.It's too bad we can't ban people from our threads.lain:
Which reminds me, anyone seen AB around? :noid:
Tomorrow? More fun with meshak, Ben-Hur, ice cream , geography and sociopathy…or, same ol same ol.You put yourself on ignore again, didn't you?Is there any way to put everyone on ignore with one click? :crackup:lain:
Today and tomorrow are mostly the funny papers.I've laid low for a few days, but I have been reading this and FB.
...why someone who could read well enough to understand the sort of fellow [zoo] was would have difficulty understanding why he was after [another poster here] when he's been pretty clear about it.
See? I keep telling people that. But then I get the bills for "Modern Whoopee" magazine. And try telling THEM that.You are not zoo.
I wasn't saying anything about zoo. I was asking why you're struggling to get the answer to your own question when he's doing everything short of drawing you a picture.I am not interested in what you have to say about zoo.
:think: Would a picture help? Because I bet he could draw one.
Only for a certain sort of poster. Are you certain?You know you are such a pain.
You don't, but it's so like you to do that.I have to put you back to ignore.
You asked that already...maybe you have a memory problem. Did you ever think of that?good day?
:think: Maybe you did and you don't remember.
It was like watching the Ben-Hur race if it had been filmed without horses.*sigh* How ridiculous this thread became.
The point was, someone made a fuss about the rep system and it got turned off as a result.
When has that ever happened on TOL?
Had to be there, I guess......lain:
Or with horses that had been beaten to death.
Like you even believe in ice cream. :mmph: I bet you hate it.I remember when we used to argue about politics and religion and everything else.
Now we're like political parties, if one side says "lets get ice cream" the other side is automatically against ice cream.
So it's not like physics then.Ice cream is like science, you don't believe or not believe, you understand or don't understand.lain:
TOL is an interesting place to be because of the diversity of topics and responses therein!
Which you totally just did.not to mention the posterslain:
I really meant to do that
Very well put!
See, I just knew you were a southern girl.Good morning all.... Beautiful day here in Southern Ohio..
No, but she always, you went a bit literal with the "Fellow" part then.he's a girl?lain:
Well, it really helps with the personal pronouns. I can tell you you think it is important to know what sex they are?oly:
Serpentdove?did you know about hisservant?
See how I did that?lain:
It was inevitable.Woohoo!!! I made it to the "papers" .. :chuckle: