Contextualized. And like I said, you don't get it, don't like it and it obviously isn't for you. That's okay. It doesn't have to be. But I'll also note that prior to your lament you contributed exactly one post to the effort.Shoot. I didn't realize it was popular. In that case all of my objections are nullified.lain:
So, again, my thought is if I don't mind doing the work of compiling and people show up to read it and no one wants to actually fuel the other idea and if those who get the point find it entertaining then that's worth my time. So it's for fool and anna and AB and vegas and everyone else who stops by to follow a link, an argument or just have a chuckle, with or without agreeing with me. That's a good to my mind.
Trolling a thread is reasonable. Thanks for providing insight into your context. I doubt it was necessary, but thanks just the same.even if the creation of this thread had it written between the lines, but that's why sod's approach is arguably the only reasonable one.
Right. It's a gift. The blatantly part anyway.I just like to toss the blatantly obvious out there every once in awhile and see what happens.
Meh. I've been here since 2006 and it's about the way it always has been. I've always had the same sort of voices that dislike me and the same sort who don't. That's life for you. My friends list hasn't lost many and has gained a few for the few that are no longer properly on it, though I do need to prune it. I've had a few dust ups with friends over ideas, but that happens. The ones worth keeping will always distinguish between the idea and the person and they by and large have.In any case, think on it, especially as you encounter the phenomenon more and more
Man, that wasn't even approaching the outskirts of fair. :think: You're conflating two threads and meanings. First things first then.recall the same thing happening in the past (on TOL including Todah, zoo and granite in the first sea change, Spectrox and a number of agnostics and atheists, as well as the administration and a large number of people who see two sides to your one-sided reporting).
Todah said a few things, made a few assumptions that just weren't in the ballpark, but there's no animosity between us, at least not on my end of it. He and I haven't had a lot of interaction over the years.
In the Sea Change thread I took a position about apostasy that I understood would be unpopular in more than a few quarters. But while zoo and I haven't always agreed we've never had a falling out over disagreeing. As for whether I met harder opposition from some atheists or agnostics, I don't know why that would be of moment or unexpected given the thing being spoken to and of in that thread. In the past when you tried this truth by numbers you'd include Pure and kmo. I'm glad you've corrected at least that much, though I think your vague others was meant to convey that in part. The truth is more than a few people weren't really hearing me for a while and some, like Pure and kmo, came to realize that over the course of the thread because while we differ, they're capable of divorcing that difference from personality.
And heck, as to the feud thread, I'm tired of the feud. But if history tells us anything it's that no matter what my approach Sod isn't going to change his focus. And the feud never has been an equal affair.
I haven't once questioned Sod's faith and I have always stood ready to embrace him as a brother in Christ. But so long as he stalks and defames I reserve the right to respond to it.
And that's that. :e4e: