Folks that just marginalize the thread will be banned from the thread. No need to lock it anymore.
Also when a member is removed from the thread, we don't do talking about them behind their back. It's just being fair. It a way of defusing a situation.
Never mind. Not something to talk about.Who was removed from the thread ?
Now I think I know what that "A" stands for...I don't remember what the "A" stands for, either.
And I undervalue extroverts. Sometimes I would like to stuff them into a small box.![]()
But God didn't make our choices for us. He didn't start the fire, so to speak. . .If a fireman trapped you in your house and set it on fire would you be particularly grateful to him if he pulled you out of it or rather more annoyed that he'd put you in such danger in the first place?lain:
And as I noted a long time ago, the mechanism by which we deny the impulse to sin is as present when we don't.
That's one way to describe any knowledge or faith. That's the way an atheist might describe any article of faith. Or, you could from one perspective describe my faith in God, my inability or unwillingness to consider a reality where He doesn't exist as being blinkered. To me it's simply a settled question. Some things reduce to context. It makes the metric very, very important and our diligence even more so.Are they immoral or less superior for believing the way they have/do? That's what happens with certain understandings of scripture and a blinkered adherence to a belief system.
If fzap gets a gander at this you're never going to hear the end of it. :nono:"Nukkified"? Oh, you mean nullified?
In fairness the lunch mob is a lot worse, if only for a couple of hours. :chew:"Lunch mob"? You mean lynch mob?
I told him he should consider a blog. But I think it's important to him to be read.So... you want censorship of those you don't like - even while you're lamenting censorship?lain:
Accepting your premise for the sake of ignorance, if twelve percent of a population can tell the rest of it what to do then how aren't they Republicans?...almost 90 percent of Republicans are white, and blacks overwhelmingly vote for democrats, in spite of the fact that they often don't agree with the democratic social agenda.
The Republican party has a stronger foothold among white men who have never attended college and white Southern males, at the risk of largely repeating myself.lain:
That said and in closing, you're an idiot.
Only the profoundly or willfully ignorant would believe that blacks haven't been systematically mistreated. It's why people of color were hosed and shot and beaten for having the temerity to suggest they should have the same voting rights as white people about a hundred years after they were brought out of the bondage of being considered property. That sort of tree sends down deep, bitter roots.The dems have succeeded in creating a culture of entitlement, and fed the idea that blacks are mistreated.
If you think it took a black president to create anger in the black community you haven't likely so much as ridden through a black community in your lifetime with the doors unlocked.Obama has poured grease on the fire and created an army of black malcontents.
Violence comes from two places. Either it's an expression of power without moral compass or the struggle for power with the same want. Enough of either will make ordinarily decent people inclined to make the wrong choices, from mobs to goons with authority. As with Germany. As with our nation in the South with blacks or the West and elsewhere with Native Americans.
Well, metaphorically speaking it was inevitable.lain:
Either you must have been slapped a good deal or never at all.I think she's in love with you bro. Sounds like a wife anyway..lain: In either event, a tragic misconception entered in.
Okay. Good for you on the second part. I don't wish unhappiness on anyone, even those daft enough to not like me...if that's even possible.Just because I don't like you , doesn't mean my life is miserable.![]()
Not only "possible", but highly probable.
If that post had been home plate you'd be facing the stands and straddling it.Shut up you liberal frat boy.
:think: In that case, the Patriots are tied with the Rangers in the bottom of the ninth with Brady driving for the end zone or hoping to get to the foul line for a penalty kick.I don't follow the NBAlain: I get all my sports news and statistics from TOL
The overdog, eh? Well, every Chiefs fan should get to taste that at least once in their nearly moves me to change my rooting interest. That said, I wonder if we shouldn't simply poll the season holding KC fans on the outcome and lay money the other way. :think:Who do I want to win.....I'm rooting for the Warriors.![]()
Why?You should be ashamed of yourself
You should be ashamed of yourself Mr Heretic
You should be ashamed of yourself Mr Heretic
No real reason. Ans speaking of no real reason...Why?
Of course they're different.Poor Townie....he hasn't yet learned his verb tenses......that the words ARE and WERE are different.
Unless you believe there's a suspended moment of now wherein the democratic party is convincing blacks that they are being mistreated your point isn't one and you still managed to poke your eye out with it...I'll wait while you find someone to walk you through that one.:mock:This is why he still qualifies as a Frat Boy. Go back to school Town!!!!
Trad's amusement has ruined America.This thread is still active?
I am amused.lain:
My son is five. He knows how to tell me a classmate said something inappropriate without parroting profanity.
Your sincerity is a match for your manners.:yawn: That's great.
Most parents, I'd hope, teach their children that the response to gutter language isn't to echo it.You could start a thread and tell us all about your parenting tips
The only thing worse than someone who doesn't know better is someone who should but doesn't care.-- :freak: what you said...and then what he said...and then what you said again...and then what he said again.![]()
You should read both paragraphs.That proves it ! Trump is identical to Reaganlain: See, that's how Trump triumphs...when good men don't quite do enough.
The way aCW has a tendency to speak to homosexuality? :think:...I do think Trump has some authoritarian tendencies.
I think there are people who are sick to the point where they don't or can't appreciate the moral implication of their actions and I think there are also people who, while perfectly sane in a clinical sense, choose to do what most would call evil. Evil in its most narcissistic, malicious sense is unfathomable to most of us, will confound us on some level. It has a rationality to it, but that course of reason is so alien as to appear much the same as and to approach insanity when we consider it from a more humane context.You're making a big assumption that's not in evidence; namely that this guy has a real mental illness. I don't think that's a given. There's a tendency to try to distance ourselves from those who do horrible things by pathologizing their mental states because we don't want to believe that they are like us, but the reality is that people who are psychologically normal (necrophilia is a parapelia, which isn't especially rare, and doesn't automatically lead to murder or other crimes) can do horrible things.
This is perhaps an understandable reaction, but it carries with it a significant downside:
It may come down to what troubles people more, her synthetic personality or Trump's actual one. :think:Hillary is so fake it's ridiculous. She has changed her speech pattern again and it annoys
Reagan was a darling of big money, big interest power brokers. He wasn't really a populist, he simply connected a message of regeneration, positivism and manifest destiny to the average citizen who was weary of Carter blaming them, sometimes publicly, for the state of the nation.1. A populist candidate that will actually win.
Trump is using the trappings of a populist movement, but he represents the privileged elite a populist traditionally rails against.
2. Mastery of the media that is uncommon.lain: Mastery? Reagan made people who disliked him into friends. Trump makes people who want to like him nervous.
I was speaking more broadly than the criminal justice system, though our criminal law was founded on common law and that reflected the people's and culture from which it came, along with the influence of its prevailing beliefs and valuations. That foundation was almost exclusively Christian.It's funny how you haven't given credit to the Book that our once great criminal justice system comes from
Now our system isn't one you'll find in the Bible any more than our system of government, but the influence of faith on both is inarguable, even as we institutionalized a protection from theocratic leanings.
That's a failure of five men and a feckless legislature, but there's some teeth in it, sadly. The system remains great for the reasons given. Sometimes the S. Ct. fails and then it's up to the legislature...which has also failed. So we had Dred Scott v. Sanford, Korematsu v. United States, or Roe v. Wade, to name a few.I say "once great" because over 58 million American's have been put to death over the last 43 years without due process of law.
...not by our justice system.Christians and others who believe in decency have been punished for speaking out against sexual immorality, etc. etc.
Here's an example of why I mostly don't bother with you or your threads... Nothing in that inferentially accusatory line of nonsense actually resembles a position I've taken.Now tell us how it was those atheists at the ACLU that made the American legal system great TH, not the Bible.
And here you are to show yours.Hey look, this thread rose back from the ashes![]()
If your posts were presented as evidence they might single-handedly tilt the field against public education.The 1st World is an adversarial mess of whiners and hypocrites, and feminism is one of the staple tragedies of current society.
That sounds serious until you start shaking the tree.The men in this country have been brainwashed into thinking there's nothing wrong with a state in which women are a monolith of social vanity and are entitled to men's fruits before men themselves.
Rusha only likes the posts here which quote me.
Same ol' TOL
Oh, and
I'm back
You were gone? :think:
Your belief that you are the center of the universe to anonymous posters on the internet is so very special.
You were gone? :think:
Rusha only likes the posts here which quote me.
Same ol' TOL :chuckle:
Oh, and
I'm back
From the jungles of mania, where light is only found in serendipity
I was gone for over three weeks