Like no one saw you arriving on its heels to illustrate how amused and unconcerned you are...and how devoted to the thread.![]()
:chuckle: Like the gift that keeps on giving ... that the receivers either re-gift ... or give away at a garage sale.
Like no one saw you arriving on its heels to illustrate how amused and unconcerned you are...and how devoted to the thread.![]()
he just can't stop flirting with youeach:
What is this thread about?
What is this thread about?
This and that. A lot of it is windows into threads I've found interesting. Look back across it and you'll get the idea. It gets a few trolls. People who love to decry it but always seem to be paying attention to it. God knows why.What is this thread about?
We have accounts from people who knew him and one from a fellow who met him on the road to Damascus. Now you can discount Paul as a liar if you like, but that's not a lack of first hand evidence, only an opinion on it and the author.We do not know that Jesus ever existed. We don't know this because we have no direct proof of it. And we have no direct proof because the evidence we have is all "second hand". There is no direct evidence.
It does to me. And that's where facts and sums and their imprint live or fail to find purchase.And that idea is real, especially to you. But none of this really has much to do with the question of whether or not a man named Jesus of Nazareth lived in Judea 2000+ years ago.
Believing was never meant to alter Christ.So the Jesus in your mind, as he is based on those stories, is a legendary being. Like it or not, this is just a fact of reality. And "believing in" those legends with all your heart, mind and soul still doesn't change that.
Let's be honest. You know that you aren't changing anyone's opinions on these matters. You aren't improving conditions in anyone's life by posting on this forum...
Here's a better rebuttal. Out of all of those posts, thousands upon thousands, pick two or three where someone said, "You've changed my mind. I see it now and didn't before," or something to that effect. You've made a solid show of speaking to the popularity and response. Four threads, an enormous amount of postings.If your were honest, you'd acknowledge that you don't speak for anyone other than yourself (by no means do you speak for everyone).
A couple of the sort I noted would be a fine way to at least suggest there's more to it than either user name or some of the rest of us currently see it...should be relatively easy.
Our law is a secular instrument. Within the context of the actual law of the land there are any number of moral ills which are permissible...and men must answer to their own conscience in action and to God in the fullness of their existence.As a student of civil law, you'd know that the law is a moral teaching.
That's not where we disagree. We disagree where you agree with the Imam.I understand that either man or God is the "supreme authority" when it comes to "belief, opinion' and conduct".
Like being lectured on self restraint by a hedonist.Wow, folks sure do manage to change the subject around here. And look, it's TH and his special buddy rolling around together over TOL again! I can't figure out if their obsession is with one other or with themselves.
If you could work a "retards" in that you'd darn near be in line for a POTY.We ought to have some sort of TOL pool, "how long can a thread last at TOL before TH and his infatuation crash through it like a couple of teenagers tickling one another."
Sorry anyway, doofus.
The devil is in the "so much as"....Jesus' arising from the dead is not a supernatural feat that physically happened so much as it's a symbolic metaphor for what can happen for us all, spiritually, if we take the revelation of Christ into our hearts, minds, and souls.
And that, friend Pure, is why no matter how you label yourself you will, so long as you hold that article of faith, be no more a Christian than I would be a race horse if I dubbed myself Secretariat."Incarnation of God"? Who here can claim to even know what that really means? Let alone claim to know that it's so? Let's say Jesus is the human manifestation of the Divine Spirit that we humans call "God"? Humans are not gods, and Jesus was human. So Jesus was not God.
If you hold the least glimmer of something willfully transcending the mechanism of our existence as true then the difference between you and a snake handling evangelical is on the order of the genetic distinction between a black man and a white man.He was the human manifestation/exemplification of God's spirit. Let's try to be specific and leave out the magical thinking as best we can.
To repeat something from a while ago, a man who can't fathom physics can still add and subtract and in that understand a mathematical truth, understand something real about it....God transcends our knowledge.
Interesting conversation you two have going.
I think I like this thread
Mark, meet sod, aka, koban, aka ok doser, resurrected, resodko etc. He has a peculiar obsession with me. The easiest way to illustrate it is with this thread. He has more posts in Quixote's in his current username than I have in total for all of the threads he's created since his return. Odd fellow.imagine a third grader who doesn't get enough praise, determinedly scotch taping all his work from school on the front of the refrigerator - pretty pictures, stories with the teachers big red A++ on them, artwork - all just waiting for others to exclaim over and recognize his genius (not to mention his desperate need for recognition and admiration)
A long, long time ago, when he was koban, doser started race baiting and I called him on it. A bit like glory and her God uses rape to punish nonsense. Neither took it well and have been, to one degree or another, going out of their way to tell me and everyone how little they think of me...if a bit often.then, when people he's mad at come along and post their comments over his, it makes him mad and he takes his out and puts it back on top again
He also likes to do that. I had a different aim for the thread at the beginning. Ultimately it became mostly about the digest, which again, is what people come to read. This doesn't really matter to doser. It's just an attention grab.
It's equal parts sad and peculiar.
Outside of last month toward the end, that's not true, actually. But a little controversy in a dead period will attract interest and the place was lethargic around then.i disagree - your numbers jump when others are posting on the thread...
It's easy for anyone to quick research and see. I don't seek him out. He follows me about.That's an accurate assessment ...
It's easy for anyone to quick research and see. I don't seek him out. He follows me about.
The latest Gazette can be found using this link.
It's easy for anyone to quick research and see. I don't seek him out. He follows me about.
The latest Gazette can be found using this link.
I like the Gazzette and Quixote
I like the Gazzette and Quixote
:thumb:Indeed, many of us do.
Welcome back, BTW. Your humor was missed.