I went to a Christmas party last night. All kinds of lovely, intelligent, civil people were in attendance. It was lovely!
Well then, we know who WASN'T there - :rapture:
I went to a Christmas party last night. All kinds of lovely, intelligent, civil people were in attendance. It was lovely!
oh my - this thread took off last night :noway:
it's the new artie's knob raper thread! :banana:
I went to a Christmas party last night. All kinds of lovely, intelligent, civil people were in attendance. It was lovely!
Sounds like fun.I went to a Christmas party last night. All kinds of lovely, intelligent, civil people were in attendance. It was lovely!
She's a gem. :cheers:I am glad you enjoyed yourself, Bybee.![]()
She's a gem. :cheers:
I could get by on the four k I get without it, but I have to admit it turned into a bit of fun.i know, right?
you'd think he'd be happy to have the mad crazy increase in views and posts
I don't believe it.meh :idunno:
I know, right?some people
i'll bet he owns a pair, too :chuckle:
when its predecessor was taken down from the front of the fridge and thrown away, you mourned it as "your best work" before stomping off to sulk
it's almost as if he's...
...obsessed with me?
and i supported it with scripture! :banana:
you should try doing that sometime
which prompted you to sulk off "while the infraction ran"
but instead of staying away for six months, you managed a whole month :darwinsm:
you need a scorecard around here
well, except for that Isaiah 13 bit, in which God uses rape to punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity
use a different compy
make a new email addy
artie reveals the extent of his obsession with me and shamelessly flirts with me:
oh behave
you're glad you think like a dishonest scumbag?
i miss billybob
if it did, it would deserve to be raped :sibbie:
unless it hid them under a burkha
never happened :angel:
I am glad you enjoyed yourself, Bybee.![]()
Sounds like fun.![]()
She's a gem. :cheers:
That she is ... and a great example for Christianity.
And the slime trail widens. You continue to gnash your fangs over folks who are simply not your kind. You do not belong. You are a guttersnipe. You are a bare knuckle fighter in the wrong arena.
But like the Nazi Storm troopers your kind flourishes.
oh my - this thread took off last night :noway:
it's the new artie's knob raper thread! :banana:
ruff ruffhe invited the entire dog pack into the saloon for a drunken celebration
bybee, unable to control her longing for my attention, flirts as shamelessly as artie:
oh stop bybee
Aww. I like it open.This thread has turned into a big fight, so lets just keep it closed.
Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol: Boo!
Okay, not really. I liked it, but I couldn't make that work.lain:
Is there such a thing as a DINO? :think:
Yes, but they haven't been around nearly as long as people think and there are many more fossils within the conservative ranks these days.lain:
I think this country is a great idea, even if it was founded in part by slave owners who made women second class citizens....the communist (atheist) founded ACLU sometime.
That's how it works, sometimes. Men have ideas that are bigger and better than they are.
I think right wingers should be offended by your suggestion that the only people sufficiently versed in the nation's history to understand it once kept slaves and women were denied something as basic as the vote are liberals.I was responding to your typical left wing rant about the Founding Fathers being racist.
Yes, you were wrong the first time. I think the work the men were doing was as important as what those women, denied the rights of men, were doing.As mentioned, they [women] had more important things to do (raising a family).
I think anyone with sufficient knowledge and conscience should and the numbers have been moving in that direction. God willing they'll continue to.As I mentioned to Art Brain in another thread: You'd think that those women would use their vote to protect the unborn.
No, it isn't their point. That's disingenuous and we both know it. An atheist doesn't want to advance all religion, or any religion. What we're really talking about are anti-theists using that approach to deny a religion of historical and current importance a recognition, not an establishment.Then you don't even understand the atheists' position on this. Their point was, if the government is going to put up a monument to one religion, it has to include other religions as well.
I don't think we're obligated to give everyone the same level of recognition. This nations owes very little to the efforts of Hindus and Muslims and atheists in terms of the sacrifice and effort in founding and continuing it. It owes its soul to the Christian faith and recognizing that disproportionate significance isn't denying anyone a blessed thing.Oklahoma refused to do that. They wanted to put up the 10 Commandments, and then deny any other religions the same access to public space. IOW, they wanted the government to endorse and promote Christianity, and Christianity only.
Why did Courts once rule people were property? The wrong precedent and influence can lead to unfortunate and needless result and force the citizenry to take more drastic measures to undo it. The tail is attempting to wag the dog while pretending all it means to do is establish equality among the parts.Then why do we keep winning in court?
I didn't at any point actually do that and it wasn't at any point reasonably anything of the sort.Well, it appears that the thread in which TH championed the obliteration of the stars and bars from the face of the earth in a fit of ideological oversimplification, is no longer to be found.
The Confederate flag was a symbol of the war it flew over and the reason for the separation which I documented at the time. I haven't torn one down and I don't recall telling anyone else to, but it wouldn't disturb me to find all of it forming a reef in the Gulf of Mexico. The South has a great deal to take pride in. It doesn't need the faux glamor Hollywood slathered over a dark period and others ennobling it in the pursuit of a very different agenda... all in the name of an ideology whose precepts are, at best, loosely grounded on selected factoids whilst ignoring others for the sake of an ideology which cannot tolerate the continued place in history of the various people and causes this flag represents to him.
Rather, I'm happy to see the factual, shameful period in our history relegated to museums and books to serve as a cautionary tale. And the only thing I'm feigning here is a modicum of respect for an opinion in defense of the indefensible, attempting to wrap the odious in the robes of your desired misadventure...well, shoot.That said, I just find it hilarious that TH is more than happy to erase from history any hint of an ideological windmill he has chosen to tilt at whist feigning indignation when his ideological ox gets gored.
I hate humbugs. All you need is a handful of them out of tune and you can't go outside until after New Years.This time of year becomes what each family makes it to be. It can and should be one of the most beautiful family times of the year - one of worship, praise, thanksgiving, and fellowship.
I feel sorry for you if all you have is HUMBUG.lain:
TOL is an open forum; it allows thinkers and stinkers.
Well, it allows all sorts of things for some and not so much for others. And maybe that's part of the point and a little of the problem.
He said things are out of control so we pick things we think we can control or at least distract ourselves with and beat them like a conga drum to drown out the sucking sound.What he said ...
Also, your grammar and punctuation were terrible.lain:
Not in my house. Not in most, I'd reckon. It's like marriage. Atheists and Satanist may enter into it, but the association doesn't diminish my own unless I invite that sentiment into my understanding.That is not the problem. The problem is that it is associated with Paganism. The same goes for Easter.
Nothing short of getting rid of individual transportation would have prevented the tragic outcome. Nothing short of taking guns out of the hands of citizens would make the latest shooting tragedies unlikely. But there are things we can do in relation to cars and guns that could significantly impact the likelihood of either causing as many fatalities as they do in the broader sense.
...I believe it should be a case by case, monument by monument examination. I'd have a very different response to someone replacing the state seal with a representation of a cross, Menorah or crescent moon, by way of, than I do to efforts to pull down a monument of the Ten Commandments....In the grand scheme of things, we're a young country. There were errors which were rightly amended.
...which is why I spoke to the examination of established notions as a good thing. We have to disinguish between attempts to establish religion and an attempt to recognize and honor its contributions to our compact. If we can't manage that then we're making another sort of mistake.There were laws that were enacted and then repealed. The constitution isn't a holy thing, inviolate, it's a civil thing.
A pretty good civil thing, but written by men and subject to review. I know I'm speaking to the choir, though. Right?
Trump is a canary in the coalmine of the body politic.