Must be a slow, lonely day at the library. I wonder how long he'll troll this thing?
He's running through his topics.
For some reason the energizer bunny comes to mind ...
Must be a slow, lonely day at the library. I wonder how long he'll troll this thing?
He's running through his topics.
If it ran backwards.For some reason the energizer bunny comes to mind ...
Interesting. You aren't a Lifetime Member but your post with the amusing, if appropriate, mistake:think:
is no more and this one takes its place.
Must be a slow, lonely day at the library. I wonder how long he'll troll this thing?
He's running through his topics. I think all he has left is lawyers and the South and he'll have gone for the cycle.![]()
Doser just can't stop flirting with you.Must be a slow, lonely day at the library. I wonder how long he'll troll this thing?
He's running through his topics. I think all he has left is lawyers and the South and he'll have gone for the cycle.![]()
Francis has a point to make.Doser just can't stop flirting with you.
did everybody see this?
No, only two or three.apparently he thinks his readership is comprised of the dimwitted
No, only two or three.
Like I have to tell you...literally.lain:
Methinks the lady doth protest too much...and too often.i know you like to think you're special, but you're not
from your OP: "I wanted a place for people to stop in and talk about anything they think the rest of us might find interesting"
Yes, yes, if only you'd known that I didn't want to be trolled.guess you dint really mean that :idunno:
Yes, yes, if only you'd known that I didn't want to be trolled.![]()
from your OP:
I wanted a place for people to stop in and talk about anything they think the rest of us might find interesting
guess you dint really mean that :idunno:
You do have a certain something... that inspires horrid fascination... the way in which you trash your wife for instance.
I was going to say ... like a mutli-car pile up at rush hour.
The Kim Davis Lack of Variety Hour?Perhaps she will be the recipient of her own variety show on A&E.lain:
They're the sort of comments that someone lacking in character would say. Why a man feels justified about being that isn't compelling. What's compelling is a complaint from and illustrating character.They are comments that men frustrated with women would say.
Because the people who posted them lack a fundamental decency and can't recognize the indefensible nature of their conduct.The message is not the messages themselves, but the reason they were posted.
Let me turn that around. A friend of mine said why entertain even a relatively small risk of real harm. I noted that this is never an argument gun owners accept in relation to their right to bear arms....Well, lo and behold, there are more and more Muslims in Europe, and we are seeing more and more crime, more rape, and a whole bunch of other problems that didn't use to be there...The most that you people can muster is: "But it's only a small minority. Most of them aren't like that. ...Meanwhile, of course, they would never accept this argument from the NRA...
I disagree with any conclusion that predates substantive, serious consideration and facts in support. So in part I have to, though I think you raise issues that bear scrutiny and that's always a good thing, provided we're prepared, on all sides, to learn from the findings and we take care how we compile the data.You disagree with me?
A sentence that broad rarely contains an ending steeped in dispassionate observation. Maybe the latter is your religious and/or personal bias in play. Stick to data....The problem with Muslims...
And without that data you've reached a conclusion.You're educated enough to understand the mistake you're making here and have had it pointed out in any event. What you're suggesting works an injustice against those who have not by their actions merited the exclusion. Beyond that it's impractical. You want to start building the great wall of Europe?At any rate, I believe I've been quite clear in my message:
Expel all Muslim immigrants from the West.
On accusations about Muslims and crime...
So if most liberal sources actually did suggest that conservatives were racist that would make it true? That's your standard of proof as an academician?It's commonly repeated by conservative sources.lain:
Some doubtless are. But so is the tendency to stereotype out of our internal dispositions instead of looking for the truth, comfortable or not, contained in objective data....Muslim immigrants are dangerous.
Avoid little birds. They have little bird brains and little bird agendas.I did a bit of digging, and told by a little bird some things.
Also, if you're being accused of being someone else, someone you didn't know or interact with the worst possible thing you could do is be seen coming to his defense.
Yes, Trad, I'm going to unreasonably insist that before we start deporting every Muslim immigrant you can rationally justify the necessity.You're going to insist on objective surveys, statistics, etc.
One or two soccer fans going around harassing people is the sort of thing you have to expect after a match, I suppose. But a crowd of them?...One or two Muslim immigrants going around harassing people is the sort of thing you have to expect, I suppose. An entire crowd of them?
If you look up "Jews are evil" you'll find a few websites too. And they'll tell you all sorts of things that aren't true. Some of them have books.Why don't you google "Are Muslim immigrants more likely to commit rape?" If you simply survey the results, I think you'll understand what I mean. You will get a whole lot of websites which will tell you that Muslim immigrants are dangerous and that they are responsible for a vastly disproportionate amount of rape.lain:
I don't have to. You just did.I could very well cite these...The problem, of course, that you will find with it is that these tend to be anti-Muslim, anti-immigration, right-wing websites and news sources. You'll accuse them of bias.
You find a man hanging in the woods. It's evidence of something too. The problem comes in when we assume we know the "of what" instead of determining it objectively as best we can....The cologne attacks are evidence of something. What degree of evidence? I won't dispute it. But they are evidence.
The native Muslim population will be mostly surprised to hear it. As will the people of Turkey....The Islamic "religion" is diametrically opposed to Western values, legal and political doctrine, etc.
I live in a rural, small town, but there just have to be limits on what constitutes popular entertainment.Where I come from...
"The more you stir a turd, the more it stinks."
Jus' sayin."lain:
It's not "my" standard. Did you major/concentrate in electives before grad school? Did you get a degree in tapestry or French art?...I don't even think that "objective evidence" which is in accordance with your standards is even necessary.
Not if you understand anything, literally anything about proper methodology know what, forget it. It was clear enough when you eschewed inquiry for anecdote that there's nothing rational about your approach. You are an educated man who might as well not be on the point.There's sufficient evidence playing itself out in the media.
Yes, you do. Or you do if what's true matters instead of what you apparently want to be true.I don't need statistics to see that Muslim immigrants are acting differently from other immigrants.
I don't see why not. Same mechanism in both....By the very nature of holy marriage, a husband forcing sex upon his wife cannot be seen as 'rape' in the fashion of two people not married-they are one in the flesh.
You wouldn't catch blacks voting a century ago, but it doesn't mean they didn't want to....It's a victim complex, it's not actually real but something imagined. That's the effect that feminism has done, you wouldn't catch women acting that way about it a century ago.
So when the wife responds by severing the member of her sleeping husband she only does herself an injury.Again, a possible argument against marital rape being rape:
Rape is a sin against justice. As Aristotle tells us, there is no injustice against oneself. A wife is an extension of oneself, and in the marital union, there is "but one flesh." Therefore, etc.
I have serious doubts about this argument, but I can see it arising.lain:
But you asked, "Why are american angry?"
I believe you meant to ask, "Why are America angry?"lain: