lain: If you want to make excuses for it, that's your call.
That's right. But he isn't a reasonable person. That's why he's been here under a number of names, all of them hitting the penalty box at some point despite saluting all the flags that are popular with the power structure.
:think: I know for two people who don't appear to be enamored of me they stay over like in-laws.
The one guy who was outraged by my thinking I knew the mind of my dedicated stalker keeps telling me my own mind and the girl who thinks she's got my number keeps misdialing it.
It's a puzzle to baffle Poirot.oly: And just in time for Christmas!
I have a darn sight more common sense than you have, and that's what counts in the real world.
It does, you're just a bit...literal. I'd explain it to you, but I'm not going to. :nono:
lain: If you want to make excuses for it, that's your call. .
That's right. But he isn't a reasonable person. That's why he's been here under a number of names, all of them hitting the penalty box at some point despite saluting all the flags that are popular with the power structure.
Cute.....and you're the one who couldn't stop trying to shove Job down the throats of the guy and the girl who were managing just fine without your butting in. We could see the difference between righteous Job and a stripper, but you couldn't. You joined the humanists instead. That's a puzzle that would baffle anyone who knows the book of Job.
Well Hello there RushaWelcome back, Rainee.
BTW, your honesty in introducing yourself by mentioning your former username is a refreshingly honest approach.
Hope all is well ... and you have a Merry Christmas.![]()
Well Hello there Rusha
It is very good to see you!
To see all of you. It feels good, hard to believe I don't know y'all.
I guess spending years here, throwing fits occasionally, spitting nails, etc somehow let y'all get under my skin![]()
You've got SOD on the brain. And you work so diligently to make sure no one can stand him. :think:
Reading minds again Mr ego? I said nothing about making excuses. Do you or do you not think he would truly enjoy watching someone suffer in hell? If you think he would, that says more about you than him.
I saw a thread anna made with post after post in it. I noted it. I also noted how I've posted four times in one thread and none in any of his others.Yes, what a hypocrite. He was lamenting how much he was talked about by SOD in his greatly enjoyed absence and yet here he is not being able to get SOD off his mind.
What is going on with Town here, Rusha? Why is GloryD having a problem? Who else is here with aproblem with Town?
Well Hello there Rusha
It is very good to see you!
To see all of you. It feels good, hard to believe I don't know y'all.
I guess spending years here, throwing fits occasionally, spitting nails, etc somehow let y'all get under my skin
Have some come back and not been able to use their first name? I would still be rainee if I could but it is not to be I guess, sigh.![]()
I saw a thread anna made with post after post in it. I noted it. I also noted how I've posted four times in one thread and none in any of his others.
I've invited people to look at that in reverse, but you won't. The facts don't fit your narrative.
Eh, it happens. Are you prepared for Christmas?