Hopefully the stent will be one of those inserted with local anesthesia through a vein in the arm.
Depends on where it needs to wind up. Agreed on the "hopefully" though!
Hopefully the stent will be one of those inserted with local anesthesia through a vein in the arm.
Hopefully the stent will be one of those inserted with local anesthesia through a vein in the arm.
I don't pretend to know much about it, though I know my uncle had a stent a few months ago and it's done wonders for him. Dad has been tired of late, but he's so active I thought it was just him overextending. He's getting on in years and he spent the day before out on his acreage doing work. The night before that Jack had stayed over and I assumed he was in need of a rest.Depends on where it needs to wind up. Agreed on the "hopefully" though!
I don't pretend to know much about it, though I know my uncle had a stent a few months ago and it's done wonders for him. Dad has been tired of late, but he's so active I thought it was just him overextending. He's getting on in years and he spent the day before out on his acreage doing work. The night before that Jack had stayed over and I assumed he was in need of a rest.
It's frightening, but it appears that everything is going as well as could be hoped for. He was transfered to another hospital for the night and procedure tomorrow. My wife took Jack to see him, which was good for both of them, apple and eye.
The rest is in God's hands. I appreciate the concern. He's a very, very good man, my father. God bless him and God bless all of you who've nudged or commented in consideration.
hopefully not
I'm a dummy, if somebody told me to spell stint I would say stint. I didn't know for medical use it's spelled stent. :idunno:
You're a liar, of course. Friends give gentle nudges to friends. You're an obsessed stalker no one would confuse with that particular and your history speaks plainly enough on the point.that's why i responded the way i did - with a gentle, humorous nudge toward correction
instead, it was seen as a horrible violation :idunno:
You're mistaken, or just misstating. It's more than that, as I noted by the apparent freedom and want of concern his student-athletes feel as some participate and others don't. That or he does a horrible job of coercing his players. A coach who wants or expects his players to be in that prayer will have them there. And were that the case, as I said, I'd have a different response.Again, your argument for lack of coercion is that no one is complaining.
Here's how the school district is couching it now:
Spoiler"While attending games may be voluntary for most students, students required to be present by virtue of their participation in football or cheerleading will necessarily suffer a degree of coercion to participate in religious activity when their coaches lead or endorse it," Bremerton School District said.
Well, attending games is entirely voluntary, though that shouldn't be the point, as are both cheerleading and playing football. The point appears to be what constitutes the "degree of coercion" and "suffering" and whether that belief is reasonable.
Which students? Which teachers? The 17 year old who doesn't play on the team but who invited the circus and declared:That's wrong since students and teachers are complaining (that's how it came to be an issue in the first place).
Spoiler"The main reason I did it is to portray to the school district that I think we should either have a policy that we're not going to have any religious affiliation or public religious practices, or they should say people are going to be allowed to practice their religion publicly whatever their beliefs. They need to either go black or white."
And he sums the problem, if not in the way he means. Extremists are running too much of the reason and reasonable out of the public square, on either side of the equation. No, it doesn't have to be all or nothing in terms of balancing religious liberty against restrictions of the state. It only looks that way to the fringe.
Someone saying a prayer at midfield after a football game, a prayer no one is required to join and which some students choose to forgo, apparently without concern for their position on the team is now, in the hypersensitive lexicon of the radical mind a "religious indoctrination"?...It's absurd to expect students to be able to attend public schools and get an education that's free of religious indoctrination? What exactly do you want? Taxpayer-funded religious schools?
It's that ardently unreasonable approach that endangers the reasonable.
Thank goodness this thread isn't what I thought it was and I won't be having to explain any missing Polaroids from long ago...that's a relief.
Right, which is why I've done more than that, noting that no one has a legal right and that the practice itself is immoral, evil, and as Jesus said when the religous leaders of the day suggested evil was doing good, a house divided against itself cannot stand. Just so, God, who is wholly good, cannot do evil.Your saying it doesn't make it so.
It's a standard. But it isn't one that justifies or sanctifies rape, which remains evil and contrary to God and the good.There is a standard. Reap what you sow. Psalm 28:4
God allows/created us with free will. Going beyond that is the road to that dangerous assumption Job ran into. Or, "Fred cut his leg off with a power tool...I wonder why God let him do that."I go so far as to say that if God allows a stripper to be raped, it can be exactly what she needs to turn her from the path she was embarked on.
God can't use the evils of ungodly men to punish us?
What I said was that God wouldn't condone rape as a punishment, that he punishes those who rape and that to suggest God is okay with rape in any particular is to set Him against Himself.
I love how even when you get a thing right you still get it mostly wrong.I see we can welcome back Town Heretic. Evidently he didn't really flounce out of here but rather went off and completed a 34 day semester somewhere.![]()
I think "allows" gives an impression that God is fine with it. I don't think God is ever fine with that which violates His nature.I believe God allows exactly what you claim He would never "condone".
No, I'm not. Job wasn't stripping is missing a point I stated pretty directly. Again, Job's friends thought his misery was his own fault, that God was punishing him (maybe one of them even thought God was simply allowing him to be punished for his misdeeds). And your approach is similar to theirs, can lead to that sort of mistaken assumption. Job wasn't reaping what he sowed. Job wasn't being punished for his transgressions.Job was not guilty of stripping, nor is a murdered child guilty of anything, so your "examples" are so far out they aren't worth addressing. You're tossing out distractions...nothing more.
Why on earth would you think my noting God and Christ and the moral problem here would smack of humanism? Because I've spent more time on that than I have on the cut and dried right/law examination. It would be the oddest form of humanism I've ever heard of...I'm afraid you're insisting on looking at this from the perspective of the humanist.
Judgement is the wages, death. Not rape. That's just an evil man working his will. It has nothing to do with God's justice.(It's the wages their bad behavior has earned.)
Man. Gone a month and everyone goes crazy.So, I have been thinkin... I have been in pretty mean spirits recently. Taking jabs and creating threads that I am not at all proud of. I want to try to make amends and try to be better.Well said and it sounds like a plan. Me, I'm angling for a no hold's barred patellar reflex marathon, but to each his own.
But as Daniel Boone was want to say, "That's not much of a bar, is it...":chuckle: Considering the current standard of civility and treatment of others by some, your behavior has been exemplary.lain: Darn foniks.
Well boys, we just lost another one.The only thing I want to hear out of your secular humanist mouth is that you've accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and God's Word as the absolute Truth. When you do that, you can unblock me.lain: See, incentive is when you give someone reason to actually do the thing you want them to do.
Consider yourself lucky if that's all you're wading through.For me it boils down to patience. Many times, I find myself knee deep in a debate only to realize that we agree.
And the Blowzits?WhoDey
Who'd argue it?That God allows suffering is a fact.
It's misleading, given you could as easily say the murder of infants is God's permissive will.The term allow is perfect...it's speaking of His permissive will.
Where I'd say suffering is part of the fallen world we inhabit and while God may intercede the workings of that world don't flow from His desire, but from our disobedience.God doesn't desire our suffering just for suffering's sake, but He allows it for good reasons.
An optimist. Well, give it time.Hello all,
I am looking forward to sharing and learning Truth here.
Welcome aboard. Mind the bridges you burn. A few of our regulars live under them. :noid:
It's a bottomless pit of nonsense. Someone could tell the near half of women who are raped in their homes or the larger number raped by people they knew and thought trustworthy that they should have had a better home defense system or been more suspicious of the people they think they know well enough. When you want to blame the victim you can always find something.Accountability for rape does in many instances belong with the victim because they are fully aware of the potential situation they put themselves in.
But it's the criminal who is responsible for his conduct. He's a predator, without meaningful empathy. He's broken and/or evil. And he's singularly responsible for what he does absent significant mental defect that bars him from understanding his actions.
Right. You're responsible for your actions. Like a rapist. Like anyone who breaks the law without justification.If I get drunk and go on some odd trajectory one night in which I end up in jail, there is no 'drunk card' that can be played.
Percieved transgressor? Rapist. Someone who literally forces or by threat of force coerces a woman into sexual congress against her will. He's not a perceived transgressor, he's someone who should be in prison until his equipment stops working. I mean all of his equipment.There's just anathema for the perceived transgressor,
The reality is that a rapist has no excuse and a victim doesn't need one.When you're an adult, it's time to buckle down with reality.
Humanists reject God. I only reject poor arguments....which is more proof you're a humanist.
You should probably wait for an answer before you decide how to respond to the thing existing only in your mind.Do you think our being conformed into the image of Christ is done without our suffering? Think again.
I wrote fail. The cross is there because we fail and willfully, because we will not satisfy the law and failing are doomed in judgment by it. Thankfully, Christ has met our insufficiency with His abundance.The cross isn't there to catch us when we fall.
Only if the hat is lined with Jesus telling us about divided houses or telling the mob with stones to stand on their conviction. That sort of hat....Your examples are nothing more than an attempt to pull a rabbit out of a hat.
I not only can, I have. The question I'm considering now is if you can.Surely you can do better than that, counselor.
Slut? Reward her? Put that stone down, glory. You're only going to hurt yourself with it.Ask Paul if I'm wrong for asking the Lord to reward the slut for her bad behavior.
In this case, it's actually how raping a woman is wrong and how anyone with two brain cells to rub together should understand that. And the people who perpetuate the topic are rapists.That's pretty much how I see the people who perpetuate the subject of this thread and why I take issue with it. It always becomes about this stupid, redundant rehashing of how doing anything to a woman is wrong and what men should think or do about it.
Finally, something for everyone to appreciate.Forget you, forget women who think that way, and anyone who is inclined to agree with them. That's not misogyny, that's calling a specific group of self-loathing men and subtly man-hating women.
I think that'll be my last contribution to this thread :wave:lain:
Who said stripping wasn't a sin? Not I. I said rape isn't a punishment for stripping and it isn't.Not too smart, Town, you left something important out. Rape remains a sin, but so does stripping.
You do when you say the rape is a punishment for the act. You forge the association. Because if she's being raped as punishment for her immoral act then the responsibility is established prima facie. There's literally no other rational posit....Not once has anyone said the "one who is raped bears any responsibility for the violative act".
You've said something like that a few times now. Which is funny when you consider it.......I don't even need to read past the first line or two to see you don't have one single thing worth reading.
You make up so much you'll have to quote the motive part so I can distinguish it from the general fiction you have a tendency to create in your own mind, like the humanist bit. [She never did]The motives you ascribe to me are so out of touch with reality, that I'm literally amazed.
Unlike changeable you?Once someone donkeys down, they have too much invested to ever admit there is another side, much less that they might see the point.Why if I had a nickel for any difference between what you wrote there and your own conduct...I'd need a nickel.
It's that enormous empathy of yours, I suppose.You simply refuse to believe that. You REFUSE to believe it. That's on you, Town. I'm actually embarrassed for you.
Ah, I miss that kid [Calvin]. Most people don't know it but he's pushing forty now and manages a Denny's in Bangor. Two kids, a three pack a day habit and an ex-wife. He's lost a little hair and put on weight, but he's doing what he can, I guess.
Me? I'm spending a lot of time in a storage facility in Eddington. Best way out would be if he keeps putting off the fee and I end up in a picker's hands.
Or you could make your way to Eddington and make a bid. Seriously, it's dark in here and something smells like ham (no, I'm sure it isn't me). :shocked:My girl friend's son is three, I have seen some very well made Hobbes plushes on Etsy. It very well might end up under the tree this year.
That's the spirit. Don't let a lack of qualification slow you down on the point. :thumb: No, that wouldn't be leading a witness, though it does appear to be inciting the witless.I believe that's called "leading the witness".
Well, you were bellyaching about my replies being too long. Now it's "selective".It also a good example of "selective" quoting.You said it. It isn't unclear (the equal sign is a dead giveaway) and I literally wondered who he meant by "we".
So...lain: Nice hat. What's the soup like?
Apparently too clever, since the point of the joke wasn't that she couldn't add, but that we can know things about God without encompassing Him. It was in the wake of the His ways are above our ways consideration.I can't admit that cheese is a mineral....Only to a pompous fool. That's nothing. Admit to misusing God's word and you'll be doing what needs to be done.
The math "illustration"? You mean the silly comment that I can't add? Wow, you're a clever little guy, aren't ya?
No. Santa isn't a religious symbol, he's a symbol of commerce wrapped in good feeling, like one of those Hallmark card commercials. And are we to infer from this that Ormiston is not in a "dry" county?The city of Ormiston in Alberta Canada has banned Santa Claus since it is representative of the religion of secularism. City mayor Bill Lamberton has forbidden all other religious symbols also, and in recent years nativity scenes were outlawed.
The mythical city of Ormiston, made national headlinea 3 years ago when librarian Judy Gieni was jailed 5 days for defying the law by placing a christmas card on her desk with the nativity scene on its cover.
Do you think the city of Ormiston, is being too politically correct? Is it ok for this city to ban all Santa displays?lain:
I think it happened right after the town barber got his liquor license.What's wrong with that town ? When and why did this start ?lain: Then the "Stocking Purges" began. Brutal, cold winter that year.
Nope. They even outlawed the Bah Humburgers at Nick's place and made him change his suspicious name...also, flowing white beards have been forbidden and a monthly shave is now a part of the city ordinance...male or female (and there was some resistance from the P.E. teachers union on that one, I can tell you).Bah Humbug!lain:
...Last week they closed the public golf course over reports of excessive invocation of the deity on the green (though mostly just off of it).lain:
A fiend of mine was arguing against allowing Syrian refugees into the country because of his concern that some of them might be violent jihadists. He said the potential for loss of human life outweighed our standing principle regarding offering safe haven for people in legitimate fear for their lives. He wasn't happy about it, but believed, strongly, that we had a greater duty to protect our citizens.
I asked him when he was going to apply that foundational approach to guns.
Silence. . . an internet miracle.
the stupid, it hurts | |
That's mostly what I've done. I took him off a moment ago because I was considering responding to a thing I saw mirrored, but I thought better of it and won't be.There is the option of just placing the member on ignore and don't look at his posts.
I admire optimism, but that hasn't been my experience over, literally, years of him stalking me here through various incarnations. I think it's pathological with him. This isn't about a difference of opinion. It's about his methodology.The conflict between you two will die down if you do that.
I mostly don't and haven't. Now and then I get tired of it and give him a shot across the bow.Don't post about him either.
Knight has publicly said he liked this thread and it hasn't changed since it was Observations.The owners here really frown on maintaining locked threads.
Quixote's is mostly aimed at aiming people at debates going on elsewhere. It was never meant to be a thread where we doubled down on the same debates. Again, Knight knows precisely what it is and has endorsed it. All he has to do is tell me he's had a change of mind on the subject and I'll shutter it for good. No harm, no foul. It's his house and I respect that.It defeats the purpose of dialog.
He's never had to lock a thread to keep me from spamming it.Doser himself has been warned in the past about maintaining locked threads.
Is it on par with turning a stressed keystroke error in relating my father's heart attack into a joke? Is it on par with stalking and a litany of personal attacks in lieu of substance?It is really bad form to post about doser than lock the thread.
That's mostly what I've done. I took him off a moment ago because I was considering responding to a thing I saw mirrored, but I thought better of it and won't be.
I admire optimism, but that hasn't been my experience over, literally, years of him stalking me here through various incarnations. I think it's pathological with him. This isn't about a difference of opinion. It's about his methodology.
It's so bad that even though Knight tends to agree with him on arguments he's had to ban him and warn him off.
I mostly don't and haven't. Now and then I get tired of it and give him a shot across the bow.
Knight has publicly said he liked this thread and it hasn't changed since it was Observations.
But if he's given you a different message, if you guys want me to abandon the thread I will. A lot of people like it, and it gets about four thousand views in most months when all it really amounts to is the Gazette, but it's a good bit of work and I don't make a dime off of it. So if he's changed his mind just let me know.
Quixote's is mostly aimed at aiming people at debates going on elsewhere. It was never meant to be a thread where we doubled down on the same debates. Again, Knight knows precisely what it is and has endorsed it. All he has to do is tell me he's had a change of mind on the subject and I'll shutter it for good. No harm, no foul. It's his house and I respect that.
The lockdown wasn't about avoiding debate, something I've never been noted for avoiding, but about allowing people who mostly stop by to read the Gazettes to do so without having to pick through efforts to spam and bury it under posts about toenails and the like or fake links, etc. A while back I decided that instead of complaining to mods I'd handle it myself. And it's worked. He's unhappy, but he still gets to post after the grace period and people who mostly come for the Gazette get a chance to read it without the bother.
He's never had to lock a thread to keep me from spamming it.
Is it on par with turning a stressed keystroke error in relating my father's heart attack into a joke? Is it on par with stalking and a litany of personal attacks in lieu of substance?
I didn't post some insult to doser then lock the thread. I publicly set out my objectively demonstrable lack of engagement and interest in his threads. I've noted that in just two threads, omitting his other incarnations, the difference is fairly remarkable.
I am stunned by the blatant bias of this call by Sherman.
that seems disrespectful :think:
I think she's never cared for thread locking and I'm not offended. I'm not wild about it either, but absent someone controlling his trolling...so I did feel obliged to note that Sod has been given a fairly free rein in the place, that his routine offenses would seem, to my mind, a bit more disconcerting than a locked thread to give him one less space to do it in for a few hours.I am stunned by the blatant bias of this call by Sherman.
I think she's never cared for thread locking and I'm not offended. I'm not wild about it either, but absent someone controlling his trolling...so I did feel obliged to note that Sod has been given a fairly free rein in the place, that his routine offenses would seem, to my mind, a bit more disconcerting than a locked thread to give him one less space to do it in for a few hours.