New member
Nice to hear from you TH, I'm just back from some surgery in hospital (10 days) so I hardly missed you at allMan, a guy stops by to wish everyone a merry dominant culture holy month and what the blazes is going on around here? :shocked:
Anna is in red?? That's like catching the Pope at a disco or Gandhi eating spareribs. Well, that's the sort of thing that's bound to happen when I leave you kids alone too long.
Anyway, I'm on break after completing a 4.0 run at my first semester back in academia, thank ye kindly and, having taken a really long breath of fresh air decided I couldn't let the season pass without saying hello and Merry Christmas to you knuckleheads.
So I'll be around for a little bit, poke a few bears with the humor stick, or shtick, depending on your outlook. Then it's back to storage and the next semester.
It would be nice if you stick around and help to keep me amused as I recover.