toldailytopic: Women preaching from the pulpit. Is it wrong?

Grosnick Marowbe

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The truth is, you don't have a clue what you're talking about. You just say, well, it's in the historical records somewhere. Are you "privy" to those letters??


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Again where in Scripture does it say she was teaching him IN the church???

You can keep saying the same thing over and over and it wont change, that your in error. Any way you slice it, a woman taught a man a spiritual matter. Doesn't matter where you think she is.

The verse shows the truth and that truth shows your position is errant.

Grosnick Marowbe

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You can keep saying the same thing over and over and it wont change, that your in error. Any way you slice it, a woman taught a man a spiritual matter. Doesn't matter where you think she is.

The verse shows the truth and that truth shows your position is errant.

Well, You still have not shown ANY Scriptural evidence of what you're promoting...You're argument is, the information is not found in the Bible but in historical records. Well, Miss, historical records are not inspired by the Holy Spirit, the Bible is. So I'll trust the Bible and you can trust those "mysterious elusive letters" you speak of but can't prove with personal evidence...

Grosnick Marowbe

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Since you left the thread I'll take this opportunity to state that, unless a person can back up Spiritual matters with the Holy Bible (God's Word) then there's not much validity to their argument. Just to say, "You can find out what I'm saying by studying historical documents written by "uninspired historians" or supposed, other letters written by Paul not included in the Bible,” is only personal opinion and conjecture at best. I'd rather stick by what the Bible has to say. But, then again, that's just me...AMEN!!

Totton Linnet

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The TOPIC OF THE DAY for February 21st, 2012 09:52 AM

toldailytopic: Women preaching from the pulpit. Is it wrong?

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Paul said women may preach [prophesy] but they must cover their hair.

She may not teach [I take this to mean define new doctrines....I would regard ANYbody warily who is teaching or defining a new doctrine. However to be safe let us not teach at all] in the church today we appoint women to teach [Sunday school] and the men preach.

Preaching is just sharing, announcing, proclaiming, along with prayer which we are also permitted what more could any woman desire?

If in preaching I say something some brother or brothers did not understand that teaching?

The American church more than any other perhaps is built upon womenly faithfulness and the work is carried on by womenly faithfulness.

If women are to remain silent, that is more than half the church forbidden to witness, testify, glorify their Lord.

If I may witness to 1 man, may I witness to 2? what about 3 or half a dozen? what about a hundred or a thousand?

The first resurrection message [with prophetic instruction to go to Galilee] was delivered by Mary Magdalena.

When women are forbidden to preach they write glorious hymns full of good gospel doctrine.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Paul said women may preach [prophesy] but they must cover their hair.

She may not teach [I take this to mean define new doctrines....I would regard ANYbody warily who is teaching or defining a new doctrine. However to be safe let us not teach at all] in the church today we appoint women to teach [Sunday school] and the men preach.

Preaching is just sharing, announcing, proclaiming, along with prayer which we are also permitted what more could any woman desire?

If in preaching I say something some brother or brothers did not understand that teaching?

The American church more than any other perhaps is built upon womenly faithfulness and the work is carried on by womenly faithfulness.

If women are to remain silent, that is more than half the church forbidden to witness, testify, glorify their Lord.

If I may witness to 1 man, may I witness to 2? what about 3 or half a dozen? what about a hundred or a thousand?

The first resurrection message [with prophetic instruction to go to Galilee] was delivered by Mary Magdalena.

When women are forbidden to preach they write glorious hymns full of good gospel doctrine.

I see what you're saying. But, Paul was speaking in terms of the confines of the church, not outside the church where no such rule existed...It's true women can be Sunday school teachers (For children) but their not to have a leadership role in the church...


New member
... Women preaching from the pulpit. Is it wrong?....

I believe liberalism is the way to go in today's culture and lifestyles.and have no problem with women preaching from the pulpit. Folks living in the old cultures are behaving like Muslims. They never change and take things literally nor we need to throw stones at those who illegally eat food on public transportation. Laws and Biblical rules are there for different reasons. We should take the Bible and apply the applications to the modern world.

If the Lord calls women to preach the Gospel, why are we going against that calling? We should be ashamed for acting like Muslims.



From what I have studied the best way to describe the "local church" or "regular church service" is that it is an "assembly". This is different from what you all are speaking about with the rules regarding the role of women, head coverings and not speaking.

In the verses covering this it is speaking of the "called out" "kaleo". It is a specific meeting called by the elders in which they call out for a specific reason. In an an assembly all kind of things take place. In a called out meeting prayer and "prophysing" take place.

Prayer is when one speaks to God 1 Corinthians 14:14-15

"prophesying" is to men. 1 Corinthians 14:3-5, 22, 24, and 31.

This is about headship 1 Corinthians 11:13 in the "kaleo" the called out meeting of the assembly. The meeting of the church. God watches over His churches and so do the angels. 1 Corinthians 11:10

In addition to this women are not to teach men in the local church "assembly".


Well-known member
I've never once heard a man say something from the pulpit that a woman couldn't have said just as well. So I see no reason why a woman shouldn't preach.


New member
I've never once heard a man say something from the pulpit that a woman couldn't have said just as well. So I see no reason why a woman shouldn't preach.

Agreed. And I cannot find anywhere in Scripture where Jesus emphasized the inferiority of women to serve as disciples.

Totton Linnet

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From what I have studied the best way to describe the "local church" or "regular church service" is that it is an "assembly". This is different from what you all are speaking about with the rules regarding the role of women, head coverings and not speaking.

In the verses covering this it is speaking of the "called out" "kaleo". It is a specific meeting called by the elders in which they call out for a specific reason. In an an assembly all kind of things take place. In a called out meeting prayer and "prophysing" take place.

Prayer is when one speaks to God 1 Corinthians 14:14-15

"prophesying" is to men. 1 Corinthians 14:3-5, 22, 24, and 31.

This is about headship 1 Corinthians 11:13 in the "kaleo" the called out meeting of the assembly. The meeting of the church. God watches over His churches and so do the angels. 1 Corinthians 11:10

In addition to this women are not to teach men in the local church "assembly".

All I desire is to share. But certainly a woman is not to have authority over a man.

I agree with you.


All I desire is to share. But certainly a woman is not to have authority over a man.

I agree with you.

What I presented was my understanding from study of the Bible. I believe it to be a Biblical model. My church only has one called out meeting a year. It isn't really Biblical either because we vote in elders. I don't believe that the members of a church are to vote in elders. I believe the Bible teaches that elders should be chosen by existing elders. At that one meeting I don't vote although the women can. I do put my hair back and wear something cloth in it. I also do that when taking communion because the elders have set that day each month.


New member
I believe liberalism is the way to go in today's culture and lifestyles.and have no problem with women preaching from the pulpit. Folks living in the old cultures are behaving like Muslims. They never change and take things literally nor we need to throw stones at those who illegally eat food on public transportation. Laws and Biblical rules are there for different reasons. We should take the Bible and apply the applications to the modern world.

If the Lord calls women to preach the Gospel, why are we going against that calling? We should be ashamed for acting like Muslims.



This boggles my mind reading through this thread.

It's as if the men here are whining "Must. Cling. To. Ancient. Chauvinism!" in order to maintain a sense of self-worth.

Because obviously their self-worth is totally based on their ability to lord it over a woman and declare her inferior in the eyes of God.

Totally ignoring the FACT that God has placed MANY women in positions of authority over men throughout history.

Especially missionaries during the early 20th century.
Most of the greatest missionary breakthroughs of that period were made by WOMEN, in part because the men were at home fueling the industrial revolution and boring the pants off people from the pulpit.

“The matter of women preachers became a problem only when women wanted to be pastors back home, in the sometimes affluent neighborhoods that typically had churches pastured by men.”
-Tony Campolo

And somehow the world didn't explode. Shocking, I know.

We live in an age when God's spirit is more available to more people than ever before, and He is doing greater things in our country and our world than ever before.

...and some of us want to stifle that because Paul gave some very historically- and culturally-specific instructions a few thousand years ago.

I believe God is calling more women to lead because there's finally a high enough percentage of the Body of Christ (of both genders) willing to humble themselves and follow whom God has called to lead, focusing on the Spirit's presence within them moreso than on their gender.

The household argument ("If a woman can't be the head of her household, then she can't be head of the church!") is also losing its ability to retain water.

Once again, we are in a different time than the one in which Paul's instructions were written.
Neither I nor my wife claim "leadership" in our household.
We defer that position to God, and devote more time and energy to helping each other follow Him than lording a nonexistent human position of power over each other.

This arrangement is quickly becoming the majority, at least in this country.

She is much more mature than I am, even being three years younger, and 99% of the time it's just safer for me to defer to her wisdom than strike out on my own.

I was raised in the church, yet because she wasn't she possesses a much more authentic faith than I, having chosen to serve God as an ADULT rather than being indoctrinated (read: forced) to go through the motions from birth.

When our pastor asked us, during our final premarital counseling session, whom we thought was getting the short end of the stick in our marriage, we each pointed to the other.

The concept of the "Christian household" being a theocratic dictatorship is quickly going the way of the Dodo.

Christian couples are coming to God TOGETHER AS EQUALS, not one coming and dragging the other kicking and screaming.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I believe liberalism is the way to go in today's culture and lifestyles.and have no problem with women preaching from the pulpit. Folks living in the old cultures are behaving like Muslims. They never change and take things literally nor we need to throw stones at those who illegally eat food on public transportation. Laws and Biblical rules are there for different reasons. We should take the Bible and apply the applications to the modern world.

If the Lord calls women to preach the Gospel, why are we going against that calling? We should be ashamed for acting like Muslims.


That's because you belong to a "liberal" church. You are a liberal minded individual. Also you don't wish to adhere to the Scriptures.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I've never once heard a man say something from the pulpit that a woman couldn't have said just as well. So I see no reason why a woman shouldn't preach.

If you were a true born again believer who knew his Bible, you would not be saying this. Either you're ignorant of what the Bible says (and a believer) or you are not a believer at all. Only you and the Lord know for certain...