Creative Intelligence......
Creative Intelligence......
The Bible is a compile of religious writings, expressing different dimensions and qualities of human belief, symbols and relationships, the culture of divine inspiration, meanings and values esteemed at various time-periods, reflecting the knowledge of those times and conditioned thru the individuals and community involved, in which the knowledge was passed down.
It will only have meaning or significance to one who accepts it as 'inspired' somehow, or if it shares common universal truths and principles that all peoples can relate to and affirm as being 'true' in concept and experience. The voice of truth speaks thru many mediums, yet its primal language is One. - therefore it may have many dialects, forms, expressions....these within many of the worlds religious traditions.
I'm convinced only of what truth
is, here, now, eternally. If 'God' has spoken and continues to speak thru certain ancient writings and modern channels,...I shall open to hear such as well, revelation is progressive, and truth is a living dynamic of informing reality.
I'm convinced there is light, wisdom, truth in the Bible, yet such is only pertinent as it relates to the present, as the voice of the Spirit speaking now and in every moment, to the hearing 'ear'. I also draw from other world scriptures in their own lingual forms and contexts, as they relate the same universal truths (in different garb).
Light is not limited to only one frequency or vibrational level of expression. See the Rainbow
God's word (logos) is everywhere expressing as everything that appears, it is not something limited to paper and ink. The entire cosmos is the canvas of 'God', the invisible and visible, all that is be-ing and be-coming. There is only One Spirit-energy, all-pervading consciousness, one essential substratum wherein everything originates, arises and dissolves back into. Just 'this'. 'This' is all there
is. In this context,....all is God's word, his expression of logos everywhere....the play of Creation. You and I, the whole universe, the compliment of 'God'.