toldailytopic: Why (or why not) are you convinced that the Bible is the word of God.

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Well-known member
The Qu'ran is considered by Muslims to be the revealed word of God, to Muhammad, written down and memorised by his companions. Some basic information on the self-proclaimed divinity (by Muslims) can be found on any basic Islamic site on the internet. By disputing petty points like this you are just playing games and stalling discussion.
You could just provide the reference in the Qu'ran, or you could just admit you were wrong. The topic is what the Qu'ran claims, not what Muslims claim about it. You could be right, I don't know.


Well-known member
The Bible shows that God is a logical impossibility therefore it can't be the word of God.

1 John 4:8 (NLT) - "God is love."
1 Corinthians 13:4 (NLT) - "Love is not jealous."
Exodus 20:5 (NLT) - "I the LORD thy God am a jealous God.

If God is love and love is not jealous then how can God be a jealous God?
A logical impossibility.
I bet you'd also believe that these aren't the droids you are looking for.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
The Qu'ran is considered by Muslims to be the revealed word of God, to Muhammad, written down and memorised by his companions. Some basic information on the self-proclaimed divinity (by Muslims) can be found on any basic Islamic site on the internet. By disputing petty points like this you are just playing games and stalling discussion.
You keep saying that books declare themselves to be holy and then when called on it you keep changing your tune.

Muslims claim their book to be holy.

Christians claim their book to be holy.

Atheists claim Dawkins' book to be holy.

We get it. Everyone likes their preferred book.

Excellent. You don't know why I should trust the Bible over the Qu'ran. That says all I need to know about how brilliantly you can expound your position.
No, it doesn't. :idunno:

This is your claim, Stripe. You claim the Bible makes sense. For me it is in general a book of inanities, insanities and immorality.

So? Who cares what you think?


New member
You could just provide the reference in the Qu'ran, or you could just admit you were wrong. The topic is what the Qu'ran claims, not what Muslims claim about it. You could be right, I don't know.
The Opening of the Qu'ran
Click here, here and here.

You all know very well the Qu'ran claims to contain the word and directives of God, you're just playing games. Do you all seriously query whether or not the Qu'ran claims to be divine and claims to contain the will of God? Have any of you ever spoke to any Muslim, even a very moderate one? Have any of you ever read any extract of any part of it?


New member
You keep saying that books declare themselves to be holy and then when called on it you keep changing your tune.
The Qu'ran does declare itself to be holy and the word of God and is believed by every single Muslim that it is. Some go further and decree that the Qu'ran should be the standard for every person's live on the planet.

Muslims claim their book to be holy.

Christians claim their book to be holy.

Atheists claim Dawkins' book to be holy.
Atheists don't claim Dawkins' book to be holy.

No, it doesn't. :idunno:
It says that your position is ridiculous and that you are unable to back it up to anyone who disagrees.

So? Who cares what you think?
Do you understand the concept of a forum? You made a claim in the appropriate thread as to what you considered the Bible to me. You told me that it makes sense and I asked you to explain how, and you instead responded with the frivolous "In what way doesn't it?" and I then explained very briefly why I don't believe it makes sense and you respond with the even more frivolous and dismissive "Who cares what you think?"

Seriously, grow up.


New member
Hall of Fame
The Qu'ran does declare itself to be holy and the word of God and is believed by every single Muslim that it is. Some go further and decree that the Qu'ran should be the standard for every person's live on the planet.

Atheists don't claim Dawkins' book to be holy.

It says that your position is ridiculous and that you are unable to back it up to anyone who disagrees.

Do you understand the concept of a forum? You made a claim in the appropriate thread as to what you considered the Bible to me. You told me that it makes sense and I asked you to explain how, and you instead responded with the frivolous "In what way doesn't it?" and I then explained very briefly why I don't believe it makes sense and you respond with the even more frivolous and dismissive "Who cares what you think?"

Seriously, grow up.

Stripe's shtick here is to be a time waster. He deliberately drags you into a discussion then tries to belabor it by acting stupid. He's a complete buffoon and there's a reason he's on my ignore list--just giving you a head's up. He serves no other purpose here but to string people along.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
The Qu'ran does declare itself to be holy
What does it say? Care to cite a passage or two?

Atheists don't claim Dawkins' book to be holy.
No, but they think it.

It says that your position is ridiculous and that you are unable to back it up to anyone who disagrees.
I have no interest in sharing why I believe with you past what I've already said.

Do you understand the concept of a forum? You made a claim in the appropriate thread as to what you considered the Bible to me. You told me that it makes sense and I asked you to explain how, and you instead responded with the frivolous "In what way doesn't it?" and I then explained very briefly why I don't believe it makes sense and you respond with the even more frivolous and dismissive "Who cares what you think?"
Sucks to be on the receiving end, don't it?

The bible makes sense. That is the default position. I'm not going to spend endless hours defending that default position when all you have to do is show one way in which it does not make sense.

That would be a silly way to go about it.


New member
I bet you'd also believe that these aren't the droids you are looking for.
I will count to three and you will all re-awaken feeling refreshed and happy (but not clappy), no longer believing in invisible imaginary sky spirits...
:noway: (woo woo music) :noway: 1-2-...


Well-known member
I am convinced because the Spirit Himself bears witness with my spirit.

And yet He does.:think:

You need to stop thinking in English terms.

And yes, I understand that it has been pointed out that the words for jealous used in the original languages did not mean the same thing, but they seem to have forgotten that the words for love between 1 John and 1 Corinthians were also not the same.

Not sure how this relates to the topic at hand but phileo is used only twice from 1 Cor. to 1 Jn., the rest are agape, as is usual in the NT.


New member
Stripe said:
What does it say? Care to cite a passage or two?
Look at my earlier post in this thread on this page to GuySmiley. I have provided references to the opening chapter of the Qu'ran.

No, but they think it.
I neither think nor claim Dawkins book is holy and I am an atheist. Go figure.

I don't even own his books.

I have no interest in sharing why I believe with you past what I've already said.
So why do you bother interacting and demeaning people who don't believe as you do if you can't be bothered to explain your own perspective?

Sucks to be on the receiving end, don't it?
What are you talking about? Please citate where I have ever dismissively said to someone "Who cares what you think?" and please citate where I have inanely switched the burden of proof as you have done.

The bible makes sense. That is the default position. I'm not going to spend endless hours defending that default position when all you have to do is show one way in which it does not make sense.
No it is not the default position. You believe the Bible make sense and you presume that it does at default - but that's your presumption, not mine. I have no reason to share it.


Well-known member
No it is not the default position. You believe the Bible make sense and you presume that it does at default - but that's your presumption, not mine. I have no reason to share it.
You're quite right, which is why Christians are told:

But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear: -- 1 Peter 3:15


Well-known member
i am currently under the opinion that gods were byproducts of our newfound sentience, a way to deal with our complex brains and our fundamental differences from the world around us.

and i believe religion is still popular because it is scary to think about dying, and it is much more comfortable to believe you will not die but just go on living somewhere much better. i know it's scary; it's scary to think me, as i know me, will not exist or even matter some day. but i don't find that reason to believe i was 'created'. i simply am

My God is a byproduct of me meeting people who seemed to have something different inside of them other than the typical human psyche (or spirit, or whatever you might want to call it). One in particular told me what the difference was and I just wanted what she had. I wasn't too worried about my "fundamental difference" with the world around me. Having assurance of eternal life is a nice perk though. :up:


Active member
My God is a byproduct of me meeting people who seemed to have something different inside of them other than the typical human psyche (or spirit, or whatever you might want to call it). One in particular told me what the difference was and I just wanted what she had. I wasn't too worried about my "fundamental difference" with the world around me. Having assurance of eternal life is a nice perk though. :up:

exactly my point: it is a product of want, which occasionally becomes a product of need.

well my reference to the "fundamental difference" between us and the world around us was a reference to early homo sapiens and the world around them, wondering why the whole world seemed to act on instinct but yet we seem able to do otherwise.


Active member
Not concerned about everywhere. It's the default position with me.

did you mean to say that it was just the default position for you in the post where you claimed that Christianity is the default position?

or did you mean to say Christianity is the Christian's default position?
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