toldailytopic: Why do you suppose most major media outlets are so overwhelming libera

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
They aren't. It only appears that way to people who spend their time watching, listening to, and believing in media information that is skewed so far to the right that it makes all other medial appear to be skewed to the left.

General stupidity.

Reality has a liberal bias (if your perspective is hard enough right).

Notice the trend? They think their way is normal. Therefore, they think the media which espouses what they think is normal, and therefore, not biased.

And we have a winner.

See what I mean? You think the media is not biased, because they match you.

It's not that as if that's even a big revelation as everyone with half a brain knows it's true.

So at least purex and barbie know where they stand.

There are just a bunch of people so far to the right they loose any perspective on what is right wing left wing or centrist.

Kind of like God who said to execute homos, adulterers and children that dishonor parents.

So you base your opinion not on regular viewership but on funny clips that get posted on facebook.

Okay, thanks, that's what I wanted to find out. :e4e:

liberals :maxi: reality

The Barbarian

Alate_One writes:
Reality has a liberal bias (if your perspective is hard enough right).

Barbarian writes:
And we have a winner.

Nick mutters:
See what I mean? You think the media is not biased, because they match you.

You just made her point sharper, Nick. You read the first sentence, but completely missed the second:

Barbarian observes:
Works the other way, too.

The extreme leftists think the media is right-wing. Your biases were such that they overrode what was actually there. Just as she pointed out.

Thanks for being helpful.


[Olympic Political Correctness: Who will win the racial-sensitivity gold medal?] "NBC was deluged with criticism because it ran an ad that offended fans of gold-medal-winning U.S. gymnast Gabby Douglas, who is black. NBC commentator Bob Costas had just finished a commentary in which he said that “much of America has fallen in love with Gabby Douglas” when a gymnastics-themed commercial appeared promoting NBC’s comedy Animal Practice. It featured a small, grinning monkey doing gymnastic tricks.

Because African Americans have sometimes been compared to simians by people :dunce: trying to dehumanize them, many viewers complained the ad was racist..." Full text: Olympic Political Correctness: Who will win the racial-sensitivity gold medal? By John Fund

Wonder if Barbarian :DK: (Eccl 10:2) wrote :sozo2: a strongly worded letter? :think:


Darwin’s Plantation: Evolution’s Racist Roots

Single Mutation Makes Melanesians Blond

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New member
[Olympic Political Correctness: Who will win the racial-sensitivity gold medal?] "NBC was deluged with criticism because it ran an ad that offended fans of gold-medal-winning U.S. gymnast Gabby Douglas, who is black. NBC commentator Bob Costas had just finished a commentary in which he said that “much of America has fallen in love with Gabby Douglas” when a gymnastics-themed commercial appeared promoting NBC’s comedy Animal Practice. It featured a small, grinning monkey doing gymnastic tricks.

Because African Americans have sometimes been compared to simians by people :dunce: trying to dehumanize them, many viewers complained the ad was racist..." Full text: Olympic Political Correctness: Who will win the racial-sensitivity gold medal? By John Fund

Wonder if Barbarian :DK: (Eccl 10:2) wrote :sozo2: a strongly worded letter? :think:


Darwin’s Plantation: Evolution’s Racist Roots

Single Mutation Makes Melanesians Blond


I think the criticism was deserved.
This young lady deserves our respect and admiration.
She is an American of whom I am rightfully proud!


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame

toldailytopic: Why do you suppose most major media outlets are so overwhelming liberal in their reporting?


Christ's Word

New member
I am stunned at the answers I have read here, no wonder the U.S. is in such trouble. The news media that is liberal in its bias is that way because their owners are liberal.


[[Comparing athlete to a monkey] I think the criticism was deserved. This young lady deserves our respect and admiration.
She is an American of whom I am rightfully proud!
She is an American. She did not come from a monkey. :plain: Ge 1:26,27; 1 Co 11:7, Jas 3:9

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Well-known member
See what I mean? You think the media is not biased, because they match you.
No, it depends on the media outlet in question.

Fox "News" is obviously biased hard right. MSNBC cable news is clearly biased left though not to the reality breaking point as FoxNews and it depends on which commentators you're talking about. Rachel Maddow, for example, normally uses facts and figures and cites where they came from. Whereas some of the others spout opinion as fact.

One of the least biased sources is PBS news who normally bring on both conservative and liberal commentators.

liberals :maxi: reality
You're in no position to lecture anyone on being in-tune with reality.


Well-known member
[Olympic Political Correctness: Who will win the racial-sensitivity gold medal?] "NBC was deluged with criticism because it ran an ad that offended fans of gold-medal-winning U.S. gymnast Gabby Douglas, who is black. NBC commentator Bob Costas had just finished a commentary in which he said that “much of America has fallen in love with Gabby Douglas” when a gymnastics-themed commercial appeared promoting NBC’s comedy Animal Practice. It featured a small, grinning monkey doing gymnastic tricks.

And you didn't even bother to finish the quote from your own source.

NBC responded with an apology and an explanation that the ad was placed in the lineup of commercials long before Douglas won her medal. That should end that story.

In other words, it was a coincidence. The TV show happens to have a monkey as one of the main characters.


Well-known member
I am stunned at the answers I have read here, no wonder the U.S. is in such trouble. The news media that is liberal in its bias is that way because their owners are liberal.
But their owners aren't "liberal". Nor are they conservative. They are corporate. They re about making money, not political ideology.

The Barbarian

Serpent is hissing about a somewhat clumsy media portrayal of a black gymnast with a subsequent portrayal of a gymnastic monkey. From that, she touts a book by a creationist who objects to Darwin's argument that all men have an equal right to freedom and dignity, but praised an author who claimed blacks are intellectually and spiritually inferior.

I suppose Serpent's notion of "racism" is a bit different than that of most Americans.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Tell us why they should have apologized?
I don't think they should have. It was a ridiculous speculation. Most of the participating gymnasts were white. No one knew who was going to win the event and there weren't any inherent racial overtones to the commercial. Just another dumb commercial for a show that will likely end its run around the same time it begins its run...the turtle commercial was funny though.

What is offensive about a black athlete appearing alongside a monkey?
Depends on the intent of the piece. Say every time a black person won an Olympic event they played that commercial. And say that was the only time they did. :plain:

It depends, doesn't it.

:idunno: You don't think she came from a monkey-like being do you? :smokie: When you see her, do you think of monkey? :dizzy:
You should have read this by now or have been aware of it unless you're really quite young, but comparing blacks to monkeys has a long, nasty history behind it.


New member
I don't think they should have. It was a ridiculous speculation. Most of the participating gymnasts were white. No one knew who was going to win the event and there weren't any inherent racial overtones to the commercial. Just another dumb commercial for a show that will likely end its run around the same time it begins its run...the turtle commercial was funny though.

Depends on the intent of the piece. Say every time a black person won an Olympic event they played that commercial. And say that was the only time they did. :plain:

It depends, doesn't it.

You should have read this by now or have been aware of it unless you're really quite young, but comparing blacks to monkeys has a long, nasty history behind it.

Indeed! It is the history! Those of us with kind hearts watch out for the feelings of others. There is no excuse for deliberately being insensitive to the feelings of others.

Unless of course we are speaking of annoying inane insipid clots!
That is another story entirely! :sibbie:


[What is offensive about a black athlete appearing alongside a monkey?] "It depends, doesn't it."
Do you think that some special monkeys descended from the trees and began to manipulate tools which later became human beings? :DK: Are some monkeys more developed--more special :Shimei: than other monkeys? :dizzy: Ge 1:26,27; 1 Co 11:7, Jas 3:9