toldailytopic: Why do you suppose most major media outlets are so overwhelming libera


New member
I do think it rather startling that they were willing to admit their own bias, that's practically unheard of. :)

Okay, well then, a major difference is that you get to have question time. :chuckle:

I think BBC is a special case, they are required by law to be impartial


Well-known member
I think a lot of people judge media bias by a "mainstream" that they are defining by their own environments. I have friends that live in New York City, and their idea of "mainstream" American ideas and values are far more liberal than I think is accurate. But I also have friends that live in rural areas in Kentucky and Illinois and Pennsylvania, and many of them have an idea of "mainstream" America that is far more conservative than I think is accurate of mainstream America.

So when these folks look at the media, and assess "bias", they are doing so by a criteria of "mainstream" America that is itself, biased, by the environment in which they are living. And it's understandable, too, because everyone where THEY live generally does think like they think. And believe what they believe. So from their perspective, their thoughts and beliefs ARE "mainstream". It would be somewhat difficult for them to realize that they and all their immediate neighbors are NOT necessarily mainstream Americans at all. That they may in fact be far to the right or to the left.

As someone who has lived in both the north and the south, and in big cities and in rural areas, I think the mainstream media is trying very hard not to upset anyone about anything, and as a result they are so "mainstream" they are mediocre. And almost socially/culturally meaningless. I think the media in this country does little more then act as a cultural 'echo chamber', because they have no creativity or courage at all, anymore. All they have are charts and graphs telling them exactly what most people are thinking and saying and doing and they use these to echo exactly what they think their "audiences" want to see, think, do and hear. Their only "bias" is the bias of banality. It's the bias of fear, in that they live and die by whatever audience share they can muster on any given day.


[Y]ou touted an author claiming that thinking all men are endowed with the right to freedom and dignity is "racism."
:yawn: Ham and :yawn: Ware are fine servants of the Lord.

No rebuke for Ware? :idunno: He can't do anything wrong--he's black. :Shimei:

Too bad you Lefties (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10 :Commie:) are obsessed :sozo2: with so-called race. :dizzy:

"...The Singerl twins [below] are just one example where one twin is very dark and the other is very light. This is a vivid reminder that we are all one race...." Full text:
It’s Not Just Black & White: Babel Explains Different People Groups


"Too bad." :chz4brnz: ~ Seth Brundle, The Fly
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The Barbarian

[Y]ou touted an author claiming that thinking all men are endowed with the right to freedom and dignity is "racism." (and who also praised another author who claimed that blacks are spiritually and intellectually inferior)

Ham and Ware are fine servants of the Lord.

I would think truth would be a value for "servants of the Lord."

No rebuke for Ware? He can't do anything wrong--he's black.

It's all about race for you guys, isn't it?

Too bad you Lefties (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10 ) are obsessed with so-called race.

I notice you're the one who injected race into this thread. Your denial notwithstanding, you've got some issues with it.


[So-called race] "...[Y]ou've got some issues with it."

:yawn: You're projecting again. :noway:

Too bad you don't believe God did what he said he did (Ge 1:1, Ge 1:26,27; 1 Co 11:7, Jas 3:9). :poly:

"Too bad." :chz4brnz: ~ Seth Brundle, The Fly
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The Barbarian

I see your denial. But the fact that you injected race into a discussion that clearly wasn't about race, is much more convincing.

Denial won't help. Deal with whatever issues you have with race, and find a resolution for yourself. And it won't bother you any more.


[Racism] "I see your denial..."
:yawn: You're projecting again. :noway:


"...Denial won't help. Deal with it, and find a resolution for yourself..."
:yawn: You're projecting again. :noway:

Do you always run around calling people racists? :AMR:

This police officer used the term "jungle-monkey". You called him a racist and a moron. :sozo2: He says he is not a racist. :plain:

Tell us why the term jungle-monkey supposedly offends you. :smokie:

Do you believe that blacks come from a special (maybe less special :Shimei:) monkey? :dizzy:

Christians know that we are made in the image (Ge 1:26,27; 1Co 11:7) and likeness of God (Ge 1:26; Jas 3:9). We believe God did what he said he did (Ge 1:1, Ge 1:26,27; 1 Co 11:7, Jas 3:9). :poly:

We are one race--the human race (Ac 17:26).


One Race
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Wile E. Coyote

New member
He also said, "I did not intend any racial bigotry, harm or prejudice in my words."

Those words were comparing a black professor with a "banana-eating jungle monkey". So he's a liar as well as a racist.
Yes! The term "jungle monkey" is a racist term in my part of the country.

The Barbarian

Serpent hisses:
You're projecting again.

You injected race into a threat that wasn't about race. Denial won't do you any good. Figure out why everything seems to be about race for you.

Do you always run around calling people racists?

I didn't call anyone a racist. I just noted that you seem to be bringing it up a lot, in threads that aren't about race.

This police officer used the term "jungle-monkey". You called him a racist and a moron.

Nope. You're confused again. Certainly, calling peoplel "jungle-monkey" would be something a racist moron might do, but I didn't say so.

He says he is not a racist.

You don't say.

Tell us why the term jungle-monkey supposedly offends you.

Didn't say it did.

Do you believe that blacks come from a special (maybe less special ) monkey?

Humans don't come from monkeys. And our particular species of ape has no biological races. Race is just a social construct in your mind.


"Serpent hisses..."
:yawn: Ad hominem

"Denial won't do you any good. Figure out why everything seems to be about race for you..."
If you believe that blacks came from less special :Shimei: monkeys, :dizzy: then the term jungle-monkey will supposedly offend. :sozo2: If you believe men are made in God's image (Ge 1:26,27; 1Co 11:7) and likeness of God (Ge 1:26; Jas 3:9) as God said they are, :poly: it will not. :plain:

"I didn't call anyone a racist."
Glad that's settled :freak: because unless someone gives you a reason to believe that they are a racist, :sozo2: there is no reason :yawn: to call them one.

"...[C]alling people "jungle-monkey" would be something a racist moron might do, but I didn't say so."
You did here. :peach: You called the officer a racist and a moron.
[Tell us why the term jungle-monkey supposedly offends you.] "Didn't say it did."
You called the officer a racist and a moron because you were not offended? Tell us why you were not offended then. :smokie:

[Do you believe that blacks come from a special (maybe less special ) monkey?] "Humans don't come from monkeys."
"Homo sapiens. A primate...People are animals...God rules out the creationist doctrine...ome apes are more special than others...(Barbarian)." link


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Well-known member
The News isn't there to tell you something; it's there to sell you something. Liberalism, bigger government, Nanny State, higher taxes, you name it, they are selling it. And the cost is just a teeny- tiny bit of your Freedom. The TV is populated by liars or idiots. When a man puts his hand in my pocket, I don't much care if it is a lair or an idiot who pulls out a stump. I say it is time we took a head count. Who wants free government cheese and who wants a Constitutional Republic? You can't have both. You can't have half of each. Either we all pull the wagon or we all get in the wagon.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
You know his mind more than he knows his own mind? :smokie:
That's not the question. The question isn't does he know his mind, but is he being honest about it.

Your implied criticism only begins to have legs if you presume he's telling the truth. But why don't you presume he's being honest when he uses a racist's rhetoric first, before his statements find a wider audience than he intended and the consequence for his rhetoric might be a real harm to himself? Having cross examined thousands of people caught at something that required their attempting to alter the face of it to save themselves embarrassment or consequence of a more direct sort, he's unremarkable.

Now, given there's no reasonable way to read something other than racially charged garbage in his first comparing a black professor with a "banana-eating jungle monkey" I hold to my current view. What other reasoned explanation could there be in using that comparison?