The reason that most major media outlets are so overwhelming liberal in their reporting is because we are in the last times before the "End of Days".
This short explanation from Hal Lindsey should explain things easily.
"There is an all-out assault on Biblical marriage and the traditional family in our generation? It was the ‘free-love’ movement of the sixties when war was first declared on the value of sexual purity in the United States. Communal living was in vogue, college campuses initiated new open dorm policies, the plague of venereal disease was spreading and number of unplanned pregnancies began to escalate. Something had to be done, so ‘sex education,’ including condom distribution, was introduced into many public schools, taught by teachers, many of whom had personally participated in the sexual revolution. Then the Supreme Court stepped up and imposed a humanistic solution to the growing problem of unwanted pregnancies, passing Roe v. Wade on January 22, 1973, to make abortion legal as an alternative form of birth control. Since then, we have performed in- womb executions, equivalent in number to one third of the population of the United States. Now, the due bill is coming in with the economic reality that there are not/will not be enough employed workers in the workplace to perpetuate the Social Security system for the growing population of baby boomer retirees! The impact on families is being felt already, a prelude to what is looming on the horizon."