toldailytopic: Why do some people seem to hate Tim Tebow so much?

The Horn

I don't think that these people actually "hate" Tebow. It's just that they,and I'm one of them, find him irritatingly sanctimonious . It's so annoying the way he wears his evangelical Christianity on his sleeve, and his in your face manner of doing this.
He's certainly entitled to his religious beliefs, but he's extremely irritating.
I don't hate him.


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
I don't think that these people actually "hate" Tebow. It's just that they,and I'm one of them, find him irritatingly sanctimonious . It's so annoying the way he wears his evangelical Christianity on his sleeve, and his in your face manner of doing this.
He's certainly entitled to his religious beliefs, but he's extremely irritating.
I don't hate him.




Well-known member
I don't think that these people actually "hate" Tebow. It's just that they,and I'm one of them, find him irritatingly sanctimonious . It's so annoying the way he wears his evangelical Christianity on his sleeve, and his in your face manner of doing this.
He's certainly entitled to his religious beliefs, but he's extremely irritating.
I don't hate him.
That might bother me if he were trading on his sanctimony, like politicians and televangelists do. But he's just a football player. He's just another goof-ball who believes in his own self-righteousness. Who cares.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Knight, according to our resident tard, "it's nought to do with politics or abortion but simply stupid mentality".

Isn't it nice to know that a moron from out of the country has all the answers? :chuckle:

Do you think hatred of sports stars is exclusive to the US or something? In part with Tebow there'll doubtless be a percentage of morons who have it in for the guy simply because of his public faith, but I'm not seeing what's supporting this as the main or even general reason.

High profile sports stars are often figures of hate simply because they play for an opposing team, especially when we're talking about premier league teams in the press and public spotlight. If you can't understand that then you're an idiot. It doesn't make it particularly less moronic but it's just the way it often is. Heck, I may not be an expert on the NFL but the same stuff kicks off with players in the English "soccer" league often enough....

Oh, and compliments of the season to you.



Well-known member
Brian Dawkins is a very outspoken Christian on the Broncos. Early in the year pre-Tebow, they showed him praying while a member of the opposite team was hurt on the field. Nobody mentioned it publicly and he's universally loved. That's why I have a hard time believing its just about Tebow being Christian.

some other dude

New member
Do you think hatred of sports stars is exclusive to the US or something?

This, artie, is why you're widely recognized as a tard around here.

We're discussing a specific sports star, who has elicited a specific, certain kind of response from haters, that appears to be based on more than the normal competitive dislike of opposing teams that we see normally.

But by all means, keep pretending that you know anything at all about this phenomenom.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
This, artie, is why you're widely recognized as a tard around here.

We're discussing a specific sports star, who has elicited a specific, certain kind of response from haters, that appears to be based on more than the normal competitive dislike of opposing teams that we see normally.

But by all means, keep pretending that you know anything at all about this phenomenom.

Rather it's just you and your asinine troll routine again. I wouldn't mind so much if you actually injected something akin to wit into it....still, it's better than your insidious latter which you've thankfully discarded.

Anyway, tell me brainiac, if the hate is generally centred around his faith etc then how come as GS points out, Brian Dawkins isn't receiving the same?

some other dude

New member
Rather it's just you and your asinine troll routine again. I wouldn't mind so much if you actually injected something akin to wit into it....still, it's better than your insidious latter which you've thankfully discarded.

Anyway, tell me brainiac, if the hate is generally centred around his faith etc then how come as GS points out, Brian Dawkins isn't receiving the same?

Brian Dawkins mother aired a Superbowl spot about how he was saved from abortion? :noway:

I must have missed that.

some other dude

New member
artie, have you bothered to read through the thread?

Did you read Knight's first two posts and open the link in the second one and read it?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
artie, have you bothered to read through the thread?

Did you read Knight's first two posts and open the link in the second one and read it?

Yes, I read the article. Nothing there to suggest that the reason people in general hate Tebow is either to do with anti abortion or his faith. If you wanna read that as the main reasons then knock yersel out dude.


New member
Hall of Fame
Brian Dawkins is a very outspoken Christian on the Broncos. Early in the year pre-Tebow, they showed him praying while a member of the opposite team was hurt on the field. Nobody mentioned it publicly and he's universally loved. That's why I have a hard time believing its just about Tebow being Christian.

I don't believe that either. Hundreds of players throughout the league have been outspoken about their faith (Kurt Warner, anybody?) over the years and have been widely respected and admired. It's not like Tebow went first.


Well-known member
I don't believe that either. Hundreds of players throughout the league have been outspoken about their faith (Kurt Warner, anybody?) over the years and have been widely respected and admired. It's not like Tebow went first.
Ha, Kurt Warner recently made a public statement that he thinks Tebow ought to tone it down some with the references to Christianity. I couldn't believe I was hearing that from Warner.

King cobra


When Tebow led Florida over Oklahoma to win the national championship he wore eye black with John 3:16 displayed. That reference to God’s love became the number one Google search during and immediately following that game. With some 94,000,000 inquiries, Tebow made a difference. The haters just can’t stand that!

King cobra

When Tebow was growing up, his parents homeschooled him. He avoided the government school indoctrination that the haters depend upon for their "useful idiot" base. As a result of his success in sports, he has helped pave the way for more opportunities for homeschooled kids via “Tebow Laws” which call for the allowance of homeschoolers to participate in government school sports programs. The haters just can’t stand that!

Here’s what a leading hater had to say (warning-vulgar alert) :

King cobra

When Tebow and his mom made a Super Bowl ad celebrating life the uproar from the pro-abort crowd was deafening. The ad never mentioned abortion. And while the ad didn’t cover the circumstances of his mom’s decision to refuse a recommended abortion, Focus on the Family’s (sponsor for the ad) website did. After the anticipatory furor and subsequent discussions, many people had cause to rethink their position on abortion. The haters just can’t stand that!