toldailytopic: Who was/is worse for America Obama or Bush? An epic battle of fail.

toldailytopic: Who was/is worse for America Obama or Bush? An epic battle of fail.

  • Obama

    Votes: 18 38.3%
  • Bush

    Votes: 21 44.7%
  • They are equally horrible

    Votes: 8 17.0%

  • Total voters
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The Barbarian

I think it was Frederick the Great who said that:

An intelligent and energetic officer made a great exec officer.
An intelligent and lazy officer made a great commander.
A stupid and lazy officer at least did no harm.
But you have to watch out for the stupid and energetic officer.

And that was Bush.


New member
Thank you for providing a none of the above choice.

The way I see it, they are both practically the same. They both follow a widely interventionist, police-the-world type foreign policy. Although Obama ran as the "peace" candidate and vowed to bring the troops home, we have seen nothing of the sort, only more warfare and more death and more spending on "defense" (there's nothing defensive about it).

They both believe that the government has the power to lift us out of recessions. Neither believe that the government is what causes the business cycle in the first place, and both see increases in the government's reach in the economy as a good thing.

Both trample on our rights to life, liberty, and property, most notably through taxation, the Patriot Act, suspending habeas corpus, wars, inflation, and not reducing the size of the government one bit. In fact, both of them increased the size of government to monumental proportions. It's scary, really, to think about how much the government does, how much it has control over, and what all it could do with such power.

In sum, one has an "R" next to his name, and the other has a "D". That's about the extent of their differences. There has been no real change, no real solutions, no decreasing government, no improving the status of liberty among the citizens, no respect for what the Constitution recognizes, and certainly no push toward libertarianism.

Frank Ernest

New member
Hall of Fame
Dude... are you kidding??? America is the butt of jokes world wide.
Insofar as Obama represents America to the world, true. Other than that, the foreigners will keep probing for American national weaknesses that they can exploit.
Obama is the least prepared president of all time. I'm surprised he made it as a community organizer in Chicago.
Saul Alinsky never made the mistake of running for public office. The basic rule for "community organizing" is to raise hate and discontent, then walk away from it and any responsibility in regard to it. Obama walked into it and got megalomania. "Blame Bush" is starting to fall flat, as the far lefties are figuring out that Obama is, in large part, continuing the same horrible policies of the Bush administration.

The Barbarian

Neither believe that the government is what causes the business cycle in the first place,

Obama was quite emphatic in claiming that the current business cycle was caused by government policies that encouraged irresponsible business practices.

Dude... are you kidding??? America is the butt of jokes world wide.

Apparently, you've been taken for a ride...

Obama Gets High Marks Abroad, Survey Finds

Not only has America's standing risen among our allies, the president has increased credibility in Russia and China, whose help will be critical in dealing with Iran and North Korea. We no longer have to be embarrassed about the leadership of America.


New member
Obama was quite emphatic in claiming that the current business cycle was caused by government policies that encouraged irresponsible business practices.

I don't ever remember hearing him say that, but if he did, he probably meant that we need more regulations and what not in place. Either way, he hasn't provided for or even pushed for more transparency in the Federal Reserve and he hasn't worked to abolish the way interest rates are controlled.


Both are sovereign destroying globalists. While GW wasn't as radical with his views on abortion and homosexuality as Obammie is, they've both been responsible for the sellout of American values and big government policies.


New member
Hall of Fame
They suck equally. They're playing for the same team and answer to the same masters. Two sides of the same coin.


New member
No-one has mentioned the constant assault on the Bill of Rights of the Bush admin?

The expansion of federal police powers? Wiretappings? Detentions without trial? Alleged use of torture? Screw America's values and its Bill of Rights! Safety trumps freedom! (the elite's safety at that)

I voted Bush being worse. Obama is mediocre and largely ineffectual. He's swamped with lots of issues he can't solve, he's neither man enough or smart enough to fix'em.

But unlike Bush, Obama ain't an active force of evil.


New member
Indeed Obama got a bad start.

But he knew what he was signing up to. It doesn't excuse his incompetence. It's easy to be a non-entity President who does his pet reform and warms the Oval Office's chair after a halfway competent President has left office.

It's disastrous to try to do that after one of the worst presidencies ever. You've gotta fix the past administration's screw ups, and do it yesterday.

Obama was expected to fix Bush's crap. So far he ain't delivering, and I'm skeptical.


New member
Hall of Fame
I will say Bush simply because he came first and played a more active role in bringing about these problems. Obama is just continuing in his footsteps.


New member
Bush was worse. Bush was more aggressive in causing problems, and Obama is largely ineffectual. I'd take a benign president over a destructive one any day.

"The Democratic party is a party of no ideas.
The Republican party is a party of bad ideas.
So what happens when these two get together is, a Republican will jump up and yell 'I got a really bad idea!', and a Democrat will jump up and yell 'And I can make it [worse]!'"
-Lewis Black


New member
"The Democratic party is a party of no ideas.
The Republican party is a party of bad ideas.
So what happens when these two get together is, a Republican will jump up and yell 'I got a really bad idea!', and a Democrat will jump up and yell 'And I can make it [worse]!'"
-Lewis Black



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
they thought the parties were the same
it didn't matter who they voted for
they voted for the democrats


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Indeed Obama got a bad start.

But he knew what he was signing up to. It doesn't excuse his incompetence. It's easy to be a non-entity President who does his pet reform and warms the Oval Office's chair after a halfway competent President has left office.

It's disastrous to try to do that after one of the worst presidencies ever. You've gotta fix the past administration's screw ups, and do it yesterday.

Obama was expected to fix Bush's crap. So far he ain't delivering, and I'm skeptical.
Obama has cone a very good job of bringing his Left wing agenda to be. It's bad for the country, but he has done an exceptional job of being bad for the country!
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