toldailytopic: Who was/is worse for America Obama or Bush? An epic battle of fail.

toldailytopic: Who was/is worse for America Obama or Bush? An epic battle of fail.

  • Obama

    Votes: 18 38.3%
  • Bush

    Votes: 21 44.7%
  • They are equally horrible

    Votes: 8 17.0%

  • Total voters
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New member

We have no single payer health insurance. We didn't end DADT. We don't have across-the-country civil gay marriage. We didn't end the War on Drugs, get union card check, get the banks on a short leash or get the drinking age back to 16, where it belongs.

As a left winger, he's been an abject failure.

As a slightly left of centre Keynesian corporatist he has not done much better either. See how his spendulous is doing. Abject failure, but I'll take failure over active evil any day of the week.


Well-known member
If I hear that one more time...

Obama hasn't spent ENOUGH time fixing Bush's mistakes. :)

Nydhogg hit most of the main points.

Healthcare reform is an achievement but its not what it could have been. Hopefully reforms to the reform will come along later. Repealing it is an utterly moronic "solution" especially considering the current law is almost identical to republican alternatives during the Clinton era reform attempt. Yet now its a "government takeover" :kookoo:.


Well-known member
Obama hasn't spent ENOUGH time fixing Bush's mistakes. :)

Obama HAS spent ENOUGH time doing the same mistakes Bush made and then throw on his own mistakes. Well you have today.

Healthcare reform is an achievement but its not what it could have been. Hopefully reforms to the reform will come along later. Repealing it is an utterly moronic "solution".

Thank God it isn't what could have been. It's bad enough as it stands. REPEALING is the best thing.

The Barbarian

Repealing it is an utterly moronic "solution" especially considering the current law is almost identical to republican alternatives during the Clinton era reform attempt. Yet now its a "government takeover" .

True, but the GOP has lurched far to the right of the party it was during the Clinton years.


Well-known member
The bottom line is this. Bush was a Keynesian. Obama is a Keynesian. Same policies. And America is suffering big time. The ONLY saving grace under Bush was his tax cuts. They will expire and soon we will be straddled with a big time tax increase across the board. And I guess that means when Obama said those making less than 250,000 a year (that number jumped around a bit) will see NOT A DIME in tax increases, he was a lying fool.


New member
It is not even close. Bush was a liberal parading as a conservative. He was a traitor and liar to the naive conservatives that he befriended and supported him

Obama was the most liberal of all liberals according to his voting records. He has gone even further left in his policies. Government-state control of everything he could get his hands on. He is a traitor to America, and the Constitution.

Bush was a faithful Republicon who betrayed conservatives.
Obama is a faithful ultra liberal, who is betraying America.


New member
It is not even close. Bush was a liberal parading as a conservative. He was a traitor and liar to the naive conservatives that he befriended and supported him

Obama was the most liberal of all liberals according to his voting records. He has gone even further left in his policies. Government-state control of everything he could get his hands on. He is a traitor to America, and the Constitution.

Bush was a faithful Republicon who betrayed conservatives.
Obama is a faithful ultra liberal, who is betraying America.

Bush was... I dunno. Its almost like he, and those pulling his strings, were trying to wreck America. Almost like he and his neo con/dominionist/imperialist buddies looked into the future and said, "You know, more socialized programs are coming, so let's mess everything up as much as we can now so they can't get much going." I honestly believe that Obama is trying to fix things, but just hasn't done enough. I don't have the beef about the health care, and the bailout stuff was coming no matter who was in office.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame

We have no single payer health insurance. We didn't end DADT. We don't have across-the-country civil gay marriage. We didn't end the War on Drugs, get union card check, get the banks on a short leash or get the drinking age back to 16, where it belongs.

As a left winger, he's been an abject failure.

As a slightly left of centre Keynesian corporatist he has not done much better either. See how his spendulous is doing. Abject failure, but I'll take failure over active evil any day of the week.
Active evil is exactly what you have! and yes, single payer and sodomite Weddings are a done deal. ObamaCare will end up bankrupting private Medical insurance, and many, many more liberal judges are on their way!


New member
Well jeepers, this is a tough one!
President Bush took office with a recount hanging over his head, A vicious, liberal media intent on undermining anything he attempted to accomplish and the 9/11 happened.
No matter what he did or how he conducted himself the liberal media sought to crucify him. I believe Fox News was born as a response to the admitted manipulation of facts by major liberal newspersons.

And President Obama was ushered into office on a wave of public, national and even international adulation! He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for being Barak Hussein Obama! He has had a Congress, overwhelming Democratic so one would think he could do exactly as he promised the American people? He had/has the votes.

History shall tell the story of these two men.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
:think: The most politically corrupt administration since Grant or an incompetent bunch of whiners. That's a tough call, but why choose? :plain:


New member
Well dearie

Well dearie

:think: The most politically corrupt administration since Grant or an incompetent bunch of whiners. That's a tough call, but why choose? :plain:

We have what we have. When we go to the polls, again, will we do any better?
We are so polarized politically I don't know how we shall come together again.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
We have what we have. When we go to the polls, again, will we do any better?
We are so polarized politically I don't know how we shall come together again.

you don't come together with them again

you fight them every step of the way


New member
Obama is a communist. But he is more dangerous because of his endless lying and deceitfulness. If we wanted a black president, why couldn't we have picked Alan West, an honorable man? I would love to see Mr. West take Obama apart in a freewheeling debate. Before ten minutes had passed, Obama would be looking for an exit. It is disgusting to me that there are so many good black men and then Obama had to crawl out from under his rock!!
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