John Wesley, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, St. Francis of Assisi, St. Clare, George Fox, William Booth...
toldailytopic: Who has influenced your theology? Who do you respect and why? Where do you differ with them if at all? |
For the record,
Despite his claims, Scott Hahn was ordained by two ruling elders of a small theonomic congregation which has dissolved and no presbytery was involved. He was never an ordained pastor in the OPC or the PCA, nor any of the so-called micro-denominations of Presbyterianism. It was just within that one small congregation where he was thus recognized as ordained. Anyone claiming Presbyterian ordination would have to show presbytery examination and subsequent assent and then entry on the rolls, which Hahn has none. Bottom line, Presbyterians are not congregationalists and there is more to claiming Presbyterian ordination than the laying on of hands of two elders. He is free to claim ordained ministership, but not Presbyterian ordination.
That said, no one can dispute his fine academic credentials.
Bob Enyart
and all the other MAD, OV, YEC, Theonomy and Activist people have had some influence, certainly, as well. Of course, I was already YEC when I joined, and anti-abortion, anti-homosexual legalization and pro death penalty. I just wasn't as vocal about the latter three.
What makes you think it's organized?Funny - MAD, YEC, Theonomy (and OSAS) are things I loath about organized Christianity - no wonder we don't see eye to eye very often! :think: