In no particular order my choices would be..
Arthur Brain
Town Heretic
The heck with you too!
In no particular order my choices would be..
Arthur Brain
Town Heretic
It's Stan's sick humor. I am a lady.I would think, you would think it should be me fisrt, if not, maybe I am wasting my time here? Consider, all I do and any question that brings to mind as to when you think of, never seems to include me. As I said, why like to sue him? waste my time, if you have no appreciation for me.
Tell me this is that fat old man Stan, telling a horrible lie about you? He said clearly, you are a man, I need to know if you refute that and would like to see him very sorry, friends or not, I would do that for any woman, called a man-made product!
pick me!
pick me! :wave2:
I'm not sure I'd vote for anyone who has been involved in all the drama 'round here lately.lain: That disqualifies a lot of people.
I've had my problems with Inzl as mod, no doubt. But I was impressed with the way she wound up dealing with and facing things and moving forward after the hullabaloo. I got the sense she took it all to heart and that she thought about it a lot. It's so rare to see someone take a step back, and it seemed like she did. I'd say that whoever decided she ought to take some time off, whether that was her or someone else, might reconsider it.
I think Tambora would be good, and I she probably hits a lot of the things I figure Knight is looking for in a mod as far as religion & politics.
I agree with the folks who think Rusha would be good. She doesn't have the religion, and I know that's important to Knight. But she has respect for it. She's observant, and she's involved and present without being overbearing.
I think annabenedetti'd be good, but I don't think I'd want her to be a mod because I wouldn't want it to burn her out. Or vice-versa... We might all wake up one morning and find out that she'd set TOL on fire.lain: But probably the Catholicism is no-starter anyway.
I've said before, I think AMR would be good. I know the religion is an issue there.
Most of all, I'd like to see the tag team of TSF + TGL given a shot at the helm. But we'd need to install seat belts.
I'm not sure I'd vote for anyone who has been involved in all the drama 'round here lately.lain: That disqualifies a lot of people.
That would NOT include me, until I read what members really think here, so, excuse me!
what drama? :idunno:
That would NOT include me, until I read what members really think here, so, excuse me!
I'm not sure I'd vote for anyone who has been involved in all the drama 'round here lately.lain: That disqualifies a lot of people.
I would think, you would think it should be me fisrt, if not, maybe I am wasting my time here? Consider, all I do and any question that brings to mind as to when you think of, never seems to include me. As I said, why like to sue him? waste my time, if you have no appreciation for me.
Tell me this is that fat old man Stan, telling a horrible lie about you? He said clearly, you are a man, I need to know if you refute that and would like to see him very sorry, friends or not, I would do that for any woman, called a man-made product!
Good picks, but there is a problem; Nineveh has not been around in a long time. Poly was an Admin, I think she is tired of it, I do not know about crow.Nineveh
they ran a tight ship
I agree, Kat. You would definitely be an asset to the moderation team.
I thought of Kat also but didn't put her name down because of her health. If she's up for it, I think she'd be wonderful.
You would have my support!
Kat, I think you would be a great mod, IF you felt up to the task. I think it's more a matter of your friend's worrying about the stressfulness of the duties rather than your character to perform the tasks.
You have compassion and a backbone, what every mod needs.
AfterSomeone mentioned you earlier, but I think you'd slay too many dragons and the joint would look like a Baskin-Robbins in short order.
AMR is disqualified because the infraction notices would be longer than the posts objected to. :shocked:
I have news for you, with all the sick evil in the media about this, she should not take it, even if it was a joke. It would be the same as joking about me making unholy art!Uhh Ktoyou I thought he was trying to be funny. Perhaps it was in poor taste but I don't think he was serious.
It appears that he is making fun of someone using the term "MANNED up" when referring to a woman.
From the context and the smiley, it should be obvious that it was not intended to be slanderous.
I would not expect your vote, being such a moron.:dunce:Well obviously YOU don't have a sense of humor, so you don't get my vote, IF I even have one.
Go jump in a lake creep.I guess there's some truth to "Blind Rage", isn't there?
You might want to actually read the post just prior to the one you quoted here, and take a chill pill woman.
It's Stan's sick humor. I am a lady.
I would be willing to consider whether you would be a good moderator based on the qualities listed in this statement:
What makes a good forum moderator?
Personality plays a big part in whether or not a person is a good forum moderator. A good forum moderator needs to be calm and needs to be able to stand an argument without becoming heated. They need to have a good amount of common sense and they need to be able to handle having harsh words tossed at them. They cannot go easy on any one member and they must treat all members fairly. They need to understand their position and not take advantage of it or abuse their powers. Another good quality would be consideration. Good mods need to be considerate.
Please help me out and show me how your posts in this thread show that you fit the needed qualities.
So, you think Rusha would make a better mod than me? OK, I guess closer to Knight's religious beliefs. I'm just too odd right?
OK well that decides it...if she is that young that she thinks I am OLD, then she definitely does NOT qualify as a mod.
Hi K. In a weird way, yeah...lain: I love you too much as participant at TOL.
I think you'd be a great mod: you're smart and you're observant, fair, wise, and I know you care a lot about TOL. But I think you being a mod would change the way you interact at TOL.
I've always thought of you as a real free-agent here (and I figure in life as well), and I love that about you. My odd duck.
But also (the more practical reason), you have to be away for chunks of time sometimes. And I think the 24/7 part of takes a toll on folks. I don't want anything taking a toll on you.
But really, you live on a it's all relative (no, Pure, that isn't a concession).I'm not sure I'd vote for anyone who has been involved in all the drama 'round here lately.lain: That disqualifies a lot of people.
Good picks, but there is a problem; Nineveh has not been around in a long time. Poly was an Admin, I think she is tired of it, I do not know about crow.
I know, yet wonder, had I not posted, would you have thought about me?
I appreciate it, but what I said to Rusha applies here as well.
I do believe you, no doubt in my mind.
It would still have been a sign of caring to be mentioned.
I have news for you, with all the sick evil in the media about this, she should not take it, even if it was a joke. It would be the same as joking about me making unholy art!
Consider how foul that is? What is slanderous is a matter of law, yes, it is slander.
I would not expect your vote, being such a moron.:dunce:
Go jump in a lake creep.
Good to know! I do not see that kind of statement as ever funny; it is demeaning and does damage beyond what is apparent. You could sue g=him for raising that on a public forum, and as strange as it sounds, not ban him, rather take it to the real world.
I never was this agitated before and, if you do not know, I have always been fair. I do not expect much respect anymore.