Where do you get off telling me what I presume? :AMR:
It's a gift.

lain: More seriously, there's no other way to read it and you don't actually differ on that part of it. You will and do, in fact, presume a correlation between the mod verdict and the descriptive terms related.
The number of reports made by a person is no determiner of whether the report is right or not. What determines right from wrong on TOL is the will of the mod.
No, it doesn't. I'll get to why below.
"Fairness" is only brought up when people don't like the decision made.
No, what's unfair also isn't right.
I don't generally spell things out unless asked. And you're a right hypocrite for bemoaning my not spelling things out when all you do is spell out non-sequitur.
Imagine if that was an argument, with support and a conclusion that flowed from it rationally...why don't we all imagine it together.

...If a reported post is acted on, the report was justified
No, though it raises the likelihood. Some things are obvious, like profanity or implied profanity. Other charges are much more subjective. If all the rules were like the rule relating to profanity I'd agree with you. Most of them aren't and the rule makers don't even pretend to be fair/equitable/right in enforcement of them. To the contrary, a bias is declared almost proudly. Now if the bias is in the foundation of a rule then it's one thing. Fairness or right within that relative context is spelled out and applies equally to everyone. But if the bias is in the application of the rule then fairness/right is nonsensical and what you can glean from a ruling is tainted.
If it was not acted on, it probably wasn't justified.
I'd call you naive, but you aren't so I'll just say, supra.
Looking at these ratios will give us an indication of which reporters are the best at judging what is against the rules and what is not.
Nah. You'd have to have a large sample. Someone could have reported once and had a mod agree. Great percentage, doesn't tell you much. And the sample should be across the range of complaints available, or you could only report spam bots and profanity and look like a world beater by your standard. In short, absent a number of accounted for variables it wouldn't tell you anything about the rightness or fairness of the outcome and the number that follows representing it.
And to go back a bit, the reason you got the Hitler line was because you tried a bumper sticker approach, "Diversity is divisive." That can be but needn't be true. I shouldn't have to spell that out to someone who has played a team sport. It's comprised, frequently, of a team with different backgrounds and personalities and understandings. But they come together within the framework of the game. TOL has rules and those rules and respect for the institution is a similar animal.