I've never had a problem with anyone other than Just Tom on this site (and that was JT saying something disparaging about recently deceased family members of mine).
Some people may think I don't like them but I just have a tendency to forgo politeness, but I know I do so I try to make up for it sometimes
I like ktoyou, she's pretty much the best ever
I used to be cool with Town Heretic until he got all popular and decided to stop talking to me :noid:
I was cool with Real Sorcerer until he stopped posting
I like Greenrage even though he can make a fool of himself sometimes
I like Rusha, even when she was 'Satanist;

I like Granite but he has so many posts I can't even
I like Knight, he's a good sport to all the heathens who crawl over his site
I like kmoney, I think we would get along after a beer or two
I like Sozo and co., it's nice to see someone who doesn't mind being transparent
I like taikoo, she's cool and she likes Asia and knows stuff about Asia (I think)
I like freelight, he is more or less my favorite poster about matters of spirituality
I like Stripe, his YEC tears feed me
I like phersphone66 (yeah idk how to spell it), hsheit knows industrial music which owns
I like a lot of people but the list is too long anyway