toldailytopic: What to do with pastors that stumble.

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Nathon Detroit

The TOPIC OF THE DAY for April 26th, 2010 09:05 AM

toldailytopic: What to do with pastors that stumble.

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Luke 17:1-4
1 Then He said to the disciples, “It is impossible that no offenses should come, but woe to him through whom they do come! 2 It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones. 3 Take heed to yourselves. If your brother sins against you, rebuke him; and if he repents, forgive him. 4 And if he sins against you seven times in a day, and seven times in a day returns to you, saying, ‘I repent,’ you shall forgive him.”


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Hall of Fame
Stumble in what way?

Did he lose his temper? Did he rob a bank? Commit adultery? Read an NIV? Trip on a curb?

Mr. 5020

New member
The thread topic is a bit vague. :think:

Perhaps we can start the dialog with a couple ideas...

What to do with pastors who commit adultery?

What to do with pastors who receive an accusation of indecency with a minor?

What to do with pastors who have some sort of hidden addiction?

I bring up those three topics because they have all occurred within the last few years to prominent non-Catholic clergymen in the area that I live in.
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Son of Jack

New member
I'm with sort of depends on what exactly happened.

If a pastor commits adultery or does something financially immoral with his own finances or those of the church, for example, then I believe that he should be removed from his position of authority because in both cases he has broken an important, dare I say it, a sacred trust. Thus he has rendered himself untrustworthy.

But, if he loses his temper or uses profane speech or something of the like, he should be publically repentant of his actions, seeking the forgiveness of those he has wronged.

:think: Maybe even then something more should be done...pastors are supposed to be held to very high standards (as are all Christians, come to think of it).


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The Berean

Well-known member
I'm with sort of depends on what exactly happened.

If a pastor commits adultery or does something financially immoral with his own finances or those of the church, for example, then I believe that he should be removed from his position of authority because in both cases he has broken an important, dare I say it, a sacred trust. Thus he has rendered himself untrustworthy.

But, if he loses his temper or uses profane speech or something of the like, he should be publically repentant of his actions, seeking the forgiveness of those he has wronged.

:think: Maybe even then something more should be done...pastors are supposed to be held to very high standards (as are all Christians, come to think of it).

A few years ago I saw a Franklin Graham TV interview. He shared a story about one of his more memorable moments as a child with is father, Billy, was when his father was attacked by some person while out in public. Billy Graham socked the guy in the face! :box: Up to that time Franklin viewed his father as this a reserved soft-spoken Christian man. But sometimes a man must defend his family. :chuckle:


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Hall of Fame
Help them up? :plain:

.....was that a metaphor? :think:

Stumble in what way?

Did he lose his temper? Did he rob a bank? Commit adultery? Read an NIV? Trip on a curb?

Like others have said, to me it depends on the situation, but I think I'd support restoration in the majority of cases. Even the examples listed so far I think I'd be open for reinstatement. If the pastor DID molest a child or something like that, I'd be okay with removing permanently. I think most churches have ways to prevent financial fraud. If not, then embezzlement or something like that could be grounds for termination. Adultery is a tough one.

And just to clarify, when I talk about restoration it would always involve a period of temporary removal from pastoral duties.


Well-known member
If it is criminal behavior, like child molestation, they should be reported to the police and imprisoned like any other criminal and be relieved of his or her position as a minister/pastor.
If it is a sin who only has a consequence in an ecclesiological context, he or she should be open about it. If they are repentant and humble, they should be forgiven. If they are unwilling, they should be advised to leave the job and pursue another occupation.
In other words, forgiveness whenever it is possible if genuine openness, humility and repentance is demonstrated.
In my church, such a question really is up to the parish council who can choose to report you to the bishop or "prost" (a middle position between minister and bishop).


New member
Well, I think the most obvious thing to do here would just be to look at the list of a qualifications given for the pastorate in 1st Timothy and if the pastors sin means he no longer fits those qualification, then he must be removed from his office.

In some instances, after a period of repentance and reconciliation, he may again be able to meet those qualifications and could be restored to his office. However, bear in mind that the final one of those qualifications is "he must have a good testimony among those who are outside". A pastor who has sinned in such a way that his restoration would result in the church appearing to be hypocritical or whose presence in the pulpit would otherwise damage the witness of the church to those on the outside cannot be placed back into office.


New member
Let the first one who is without sin,be the first to cast a stone!!!Where would we all be right now if God,hadn't had mercy,and been gracious toward's us,time's without number!!!


New member
What to do with Pastors that tumble?

What to do with Pastors that tumble?

You need to be more precise because that don't tell me what kind of stumble they are involved with. Can you enlighten me? :juggle:


Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Let the first one who is without sin,be the first to cast a stone!!!Where would we all be right now if God,hadn't had mercy,and been gracious toward's us,time's without number!!!

Great point! So give the fornicating pastor a free ride since everyone else is a filthy sinner too, huh?

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