toldailytopic: What is the main reason(s) you accept, or reject, God that exists?

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Hall of Fame
The non creationists have the same sort of problem. They don't know what what was before the big bang. Everything was just there but don't know why, or where the material came from.

I realize this ... and have never argued otherwise.


New member
I know there has been a huge debate over evidence between here and my last post, but there were a couple of things I wanted to address from earlier in the thread.

Great! then all the atheists can save thread space by not posting in this thread since we now know that all of you don't accept the existence of God because you see no evidence for God (evidence being undefined).

Thank you for not participating.
I was participating. Here's my response to the OP:
I reject the idea of the existence of deity because I see no reason to hold such a belief.

You don't hold a belief in leprechauns for the same reason.

Atheism is the religion of the superiority of Man which denies the existence of a Supreme Deity.
Atheism is not a religion. At all. It's not even a system of beliefs, a way of life, or an attitude. All "atheism" is is rejecting the idea of "theism." That's all. there's no claim being made with atheism. It's simply the rejection of a belief, and the word wouldn't exist if the topic of "theism" wasn't as big as it is. That's why there's no a-leprechaunism.

This is more of an excuse to avoid debate than an argument unto itself. It rests on the notion that a negative can't be proven, thus relieving atheists of the burden of supporting their beliefs. Personally, I think it's pretty weak.
It's not an excuse to avoid debate, and there's no relieving of the burden to support our beliefs. The biggest reason, as I've stated several times, is that atheism isn't a belief. It's the lack of a belief. We have a reason for not holding a belief in theism, and that reason is that we have no reason to hold such a belief. In other words, no evidence.

To support a nonbelief in leprechauns works the same way. According to your own logic, you have a pretty weak reason for not believing in leprechauns.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
I realize this ... and have never argued otherwise.

So what is more likely? That an incredibly complex system organized itself from nothing, or was organized by an outside entity?


Well-known member
What's your main reason for rejecting Him?
The MAIN reason would have to be that he doesn't exist. Not only has The One True God proven His Identity, but He came down to earth, in Person, to suffer and die on our behalf, to take our pentalty for sin: death. No false god has done such a thing; in fact, no false god has ever done ANYTHING, since they don't exist.


Hall of Fame
So what is more likely? That an incredibly complex system organized itself from nothing, or was organized by an outside entity?

Possibly the latter ... however, that doesn't answer the question of the origin of God. Supernatural events are beyond the human mind's comprehension, which is why some people (like myself) cannot or do not believe. The *proof* is not attainable.


Well-known member
So what is more likely? That an incredibly complex system organized itself from nothing, or was organized by an outside entity?

Just a quick comment to Nick and everyone:
If you mean by "an outside entity" - God ... then may I add that God is not 'an outside entity.' He did not create something out of nothing either.

IN HIM we live and exist... and OF HIM we consist. WITH OUT HIM all that is created could not exist. God is not just outside, but inside as well.

Christians should know that we receive everything from God. This not make us equal with God, because he is able to impart of himself unto created beings by measure.

Jesus Christ is the only mortal of which it was said that God gave unto him without measure.

To understand the logic of this is another reason to believe in a creator.

Even the evolutionists and Big Bang theorists cannot explain their own ideas of how something could come from nothing or how order might have come from chaos.
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