toldailytopic: What have you learned from the Occupy Wall Street movement?


I AM everyone who is paying for it, it is OUR money not other peoples money....the rich do not pay their proper taxes.

Yet you're avoiding the gist of the topic: Government is too big, therefore everyone is paying too much in taxes. Granted, multinational corporations are given big tax breaks, in fact, healthcare for those that didn't have corporate like benefits became too expensive because of the government giving corporations tax breaks for things like HMO's.

Let the free market work it's magic.

Socialism comes from the church, you need to go back and study history about Wenceslas, read about John Wesley, read about the Salvation Army.

You need to read the Bible where God says "Thou Shalt Not Steal". Nowhere does God encourage the civil magistrate to take from the "haves" and give to the "have nots". Christianity encourages generousity to the needy through CHARITY, and charity is not some big bureaucratic government agency forceably taking from the taxpayer and giving to who or whatever they deem needs it.

Americans have been brainwashed long enough, it is time to open your eyes.

Yes they have, and it's time we see who is behind the "Occupy Wall Street" movement.

"Meet the Radical Group Handling ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Finances

Shortly after the Occupy Wall Street protests gained national attention, donations from supporters began pouring in. Lacking the infrastructure to manage the hundreds of thousands of dollars reportedly donated, the protest group enlisted the services of a non-profit organization called the Alliance for Global Justice.

The group takes a 7 percent commission of all donations it manages. According to its secretary, the Alliance for Global Justice is processing hundreds of times as many donations as it did prior to partnering with the Occupy protestors.

The AFGJ provides “grassroots” support for organizations that pursue “a socially, ecologically and economically just world,” according to its website. Among its initiatives are efforts to encourage American soldiers to desert and an anti-George Bush organization founded by members of the Revolutionary Communist Party.

The organization’s president, Katherine Hoyt, leads the Alliance’s Nicaragua Network program, which supports the country’s Marxist Sandinista political party – and was founded for the explicit purpose of overthrowing the country’s government. Hoyt previously worked for the Sandinista government, and has written numerous scholarly works lauding the group. The Sandinistas ruled from 1979 to 1990. Their leader, Daniel Ortega, was elected again in 2006.

The Nicaragua Network is one of the Alliance’s four “core” projects, but it also funds a variety of extreme leftist organizations and efforts. Courage to Resist, for instance, encourages American soldiers to “resist illegal war” through tactics that include “going AWOL” and “publicly refusing to fight.”

Another Alliance-backed project, The World Can’t Wait, was founded by members of the Revolutionary Communist Party to oppose the Bush administration. With Bush’s successor in office, its mission statement has shifted to “stop[ping] the fascist direction initiated by the Bush Regime.”

Given the radical nature of many of its projects, it is perhaps unsurprising that the Alliance receives money from a host of progressive individuals and organizations. Chief among them is George Soros’s Open Society Institute, which has given the group $100,000.

The AFGJ has also received tens of thousands of dollars from the Foundation for Deep Ecology, which holds “the emphasis upon economic growth as a panacea” to be “fundamentally incompatible with ecological or biological sustainability.” It is explicitly anti-economic growth, in other words.

Much hay has been made over organizations and individuals that have endorsed the Occupy protests. They include the American Nazi Party, the government of North Korea, the Islamic terrorist group Hezbollah, and Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Kohmeini. But the Occupy folks have no control over who endorses or voices support for them.

But in their decision to enlist the Alliance for Global Justice, the Occupy Wall Street leadership affirmed its support for the group and its principles. Those principles are radical, well outside the mainstream of American public opinion, and certainly not representative of the 99% of Americans for whom the protestors claim to speak.

Heritage’s Brian Darling, who spent the day at Zuccotti Park on Friday, said the affirmative support for such a radical group didn’t surprise him. “The Occupy Wall Street movement has embraced the far left like the Alliance for Global Justice,” he said. “I witnessed a sign supporting the movement from the Workers’ World Party and other far left wing groups.”

Critics note that the presence of radicals at a protest does not denote a protest movement’s endorsement. But the affirmative relationship between Occupy Wall Street and the Alliance for Global Justice does – it speaks directly to the political vision of the movement’s leaders."


Well-known member
And just to clarify.....OWS didn't choose a good way. :eek:

What would have been superior in your opinion?

I have learned that there are far more regulations on freedom of expression than I thought. And that police brutality isn't as rare as I thought.



New member
By literally spitting at the corporations that are in support of your social philosophies.
The corporations support the politicians who claim to support your culture war. The free-market, trickle-downers (corporations and those who love them) and the religious right (culture warriors like you) are allies in American politics. If you don't see that fact, you haven't been reading even TOL, let alone the news for 30 years.


New member
Yet you're avoiding the gist of the topic: Government is too big, therefore everyone is paying too much in taxes.
Americans as a whole pay less taxes than at any time since world war two. We pay less taxes than other countries, and get virtually nothing for what we DO pay.

It doesn't matter how big government is, as much as what it does, and for whom.
Let the free market work it's magic.
There is no magic in the free market. Only oppression and deprivation.

You need to read the Bible where God says "Thou Shalt Not Steal". Nowhere does God encourage the civil magistrate to take from the "haves" and give to the "have nots". Christianity encourages generosity to the needy through CHARITY, and charity is not some big bureaucratic government agency forceably taking from the taxpayer and giving to who or whatever they deem needs it.
Taxes are not theft. Charity does not do the job.
it's time we see who is behind the "Occupy Wall Street" movement.

"Meet the Radical Group Handling ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Finances
Sounds like a good group. Anyone opposed to Dubya are good guys in my book. GW Bush belongs in jail.


Sounds like a good group. Anyone opposed to Dubya are good guys in my book. GW Bush belongs in jail.

The link really had nothing to do with GW Bush, it was more about the communist base of the OWS movement.

After reading your post, you fit right in.


The corporations support the politicians who claim to support your culture war. The free-market, trickle-downers (corporations and those who love them) and the religious right (culture warriors like you) are allies in American politics. If you don't see that fact, you haven't been reading even TOL, let alone the news for 30 years.

America's pro-homosexual giants: 2010
Companies offering most support for 'gay,' lesbian, transgender workers

Pro-Life Group Lists Companies Backing Planned Parenthood

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Yet you're avoiding the gist of the topic: Government is too big, therefore everyone is paying too much in taxes. Granted, multinational corporations are given big tax breaks, in fact, healthcare for those that didn't have corporate like benefits became too expensive because of the government giving corporations tax breaks for things like HMO's.

Let the free market work it's magic.

You need to read the Bible where God says "Thou Shalt Not Steal". Nowhere does God encourage the civil magistrate to take from the "haves" and give to the "have nots". Christianity encourages generousity to the needy through CHARITY, and charity is not some big bureaucratic government agency forceably taking from the taxpayer and giving to who or whatever they deem needs it.

Yes they have, and it's time we see who is behind the "Occupy Wall Street" movement.

"Meet the Radical Group Handling ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Finances

Shortly after the Occupy Wall Street protests gained national attention, donations from supporters began pouring in. Lacking the infrastructure to manage the hundreds of thousands of dollars reportedly donated, the protest group enlisted the services of a non-profit organization called the Alliance for Global Justice.

The group takes a 7 percent commission of all donations it manages. According to its secretary, the Alliance for Global Justice is processing hundreds of times as many donations as it did prior to partnering with the Occupy protestors.

The AFGJ provides “grassroots” support for organizations that pursue “a socially, ecologically and economically just world,” according to its website. Among its initiatives are efforts to encourage American soldiers to desert and an anti-George Bush organization founded by members of the Revolutionary Communist Party.

The organization’s president, Katherine Hoyt, leads the Alliance’s Nicaragua Network program, which supports the country’s Marxist Sandinista political party – and was founded for the explicit purpose of overthrowing the country’s government. Hoyt previously worked for the Sandinista government, and has written numerous scholarly works lauding the group. The Sandinistas ruled from 1979 to 1990. Their leader, Daniel Ortega, was elected again in 2006.

The Nicaragua Network is one of the Alliance’s four “core” projects, but it also funds a variety of extreme leftist organizations and efforts. Courage to Resist, for instance, encourages American soldiers to “resist illegal war” through tactics that include “going AWOL” and “publicly refusing to fight.”

Another Alliance-backed project, The World Can’t Wait, was founded by members of the Revolutionary Communist Party to oppose the Bush administration. With Bush’s successor in office, its mission statement has shifted to “stop[ping] the fascist direction initiated by the Bush Regime.”

Given the radical nature of many of its projects, it is perhaps unsurprising that the Alliance receives money from a host of progressive individuals and organizations. Chief among them is George Soros’s Open Society Institute, which has given the group $100,000.

The AFGJ has also received tens of thousands of dollars from the Foundation for Deep Ecology, which holds “the emphasis upon economic growth as a panacea” to be “fundamentally incompatible with ecological or biological sustainability.” It is explicitly anti-economic growth, in other words.

Much hay has been made over organizations and individuals that have endorsed the Occupy protests. They include the American Nazi Party, the government of North Korea, the Islamic terrorist group Hezbollah, and Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Kohmeini. But the Occupy folks have no control over who endorses or voices support for them.

But in their decision to enlist the Alliance for Global Justice, the Occupy Wall Street leadership affirmed its support for the group and its principles. Those principles are radical, well outside the mainstream of American public opinion, and certainly not representative of the 99% of Americans for whom the protestors claim to speak.

Heritage’s Brian Darling, who spent the day at Zuccotti Park on Friday, said the affirmative support for such a radical group didn’t surprise him. “The Occupy Wall Street movement has embraced the far left like the Alliance for Global Justice,” he said. “I witnessed a sign supporting the movement from the Workers’ World Party and other far left wing groups.”

Critics note that the presence of radicals at a protest does not denote a protest movement’s endorsement. But the affirmative relationship between Occupy Wall Street and the Alliance for Global Justice does – it speaks directly to the political vision of the movement’s leaders."

Tory and Republican arguments STINK when you look at them more closely

When they say government in this argument they include teachers and nurses [in Britain] and everyone who is working to provide public services...small government simply means they are going to slash those services...But these services are what taxes ought to be spent on.

They have poured our taxes into the banks and the bankers last year awarded themselves a 50 percent payrise.

some other dude

New member
I think you confuse what they ought to be paying with what, through clever accountancy, they do actually pay. I think the 1 per cent is closest to what they actually pay.

According to government figures, the top 1% pay 36.7% of the taxes collected.

What do you say they ought to be paying?


New member
America's pro-homosexual giants: 2010
Companies offering most support for 'gay,' lesbian, transgender workers

Pro-Life Group Lists Companies Backing Planned Parenthood

These companies are willing to be fair to people on an individual basis, if your article is correct. I was referring to the fact that social conservatives support Republicans, whose policies directly benefit corporate greed more than those of Democrats. The Republicans opposed Dodd-Frank and call for its repeal. Newt Gingrich says Dodd and Frank should go to jail for reforming the financial practices that caused the great recession. That should tell you all you need to know about Republicans. They play upon your silly prejudices against gays, so that you will vote against your own interests and in favor of the wealthiest people of the country who put us out of work and send our jobs overseas.


New member
Tory and Republican arguments STINK when you look at them more closely

When they say government in this argument they include teachers and nurses [in Britain] and everyone who is working to provide public services...small government simply means they are going to slash those services...But these services are what taxes ought to be spent on.

They have poured our taxes into the banks and the bankers last year awarded themselves a 50 percent payrise.

That's right. When right-wingers make "government" smaller, they cut back the things that we want from each other. When government uses taxes in this way, they are not stealing, they are doing what we need them to do. A safety net is better for me than throwing people out on the street to starve, which is what the Republicans want. It is there for me when I need it, instead of me just being a victim of downturns in the business cycle.

The right-wingers use slogans like "taxes are theft" and "liberal socialists stealing from people who work to give to those who don't," in order to get them to vote for policies that screw themselves over, and screw up life everywhere, just so their corporate bosses are not inconvenienced a little bit. The bosses are the only ones who benefit from the trickle-down scam. It is the world's worst scam, all the worse because people like rocketman and bubba and other folks here find it so attractive. It's too bad our country is in the grip of such deception; it is the sole cause of our current economic and social/environmental problems.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Nobody thinks that they are stealing from ME when they take my money and use it for things I don't want them to.